
Total Results: 1,333 records

Showing results for "behaviors".

    January 07, 2021 - harms and procedure-related adverse events KQs 1, 2, 4: Non-skin location Risk reduction behaviors … (e.g., skin self-examination, sun protective behaviors) or measures of doctor-patient relationship quality
    July 26, 2022 - , or a combination of these behaviors. … Benefits on Health Behaviors Key Question 3. … Sixteen trials (n = 5867) reported measures of sedentary behavior, independent of physical activity. … No two studies had the same goals, behavior change messages, modes of delivery, or delivery schedule. … Effect of a cardiovascular prevention program on health behavior and BMI in highly educated adults: a
    January 01, 2010 - Therefore, risk factors based on an individual’s risky behavior are generally con- sidered modifiable … Is there direct evidence that primary care counseling to reduce risky sexual behavior can reduce STI … Do sexual behavior changes lead to a reduced inci- dence of STI or related morbidity and mortality? … Key question 5 (Do sexual behavior changes lead to a reduced incidence of STI, or related morbidity and … Factors that influence adolescent reports of counseling by physicians on risky behavior.
    October 15, 2008 - women in STI clinics and general contraception use in male adolescents and decrease nonsexual risky behavior … Do sexual behavior changes lead to a reduced incidence of STI or related morbidity and mortality? … , condom use, substance use behavior Completed Kyung-Hee C Education Program to Promote Female … Factors that influence adolescent reports of counseling by physicians on risky behavior. … Effect of HIV antibody testing and AIDS education on communication about HIV risk and sexual behavior
    December 01, 2017 - recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling about healthy behaviors … evidence and makes recommendations about the effectiveness of screening tests, counseling about healthful behaviors
    January 21, 2020 - their teen patients about whether they are sexually active and ask their adult patients about sexual behaviors … “Behavioral counseling interventions can help prevent STIs and increase safer sexual behaviors,” says
    August 26, 2014 - counselor who provides education, helps patients set goals, shares tools to help promote healthy behaviors … cardiovascular disease, everyone can experience the health benefits of improved nutrition, healthy eating behaviors
    July 11, 2017 - categorized as low intensity included print- or web-based materials with tailored feedback and tools for behavior … The evidence review also examined interventions to reduce sedentary behavior, as well as the harms of … Health Behavior Outcomes The USPSTF reviewed 86 trials, involving more than 115,000 persons, that reported … The USPSTF found 4 trials that reported on measures of sedentary behavior. 3 Although there were some … USPSTF recognizes that the evidence base for these interventions varies, and although the evidence for behavior
    March 25, 2021 - harms and procedure-related adverse events KQs 1, 2, 4: Non-skin location Risk reduction behaviors … (e.g., skin self-examination, sun protective behaviors) or measures of doctor-patient relationship quality
    June 01, 2003 - found insufficient evidence to determine whether clinician counseling is effective in changing patient behaviors … for children, but there is little evidence to determine the effects of counseling on other preventive behaviors … counseling have examined intermediate outcomes such as knowledge and attitudes rather than changes in behavior … or of specific skin protection behaviors. … However, no studies have evaluated the effects of sun protection behaviors on these outcomes.
    August 26, 2014 - Such interventions focus on behavior change; include didactic education plus other components, such as … Interventions generally focused on behavior change, and all included didactic education plus additional … to health behaviors 6 . … Three of these trials reported only health behavior outcomes and not intermediate health outcomes. … Bridging primary care practices and communities to promote healthy behaviors.
    October 06, 2003 - found insufficient evidence to determine whether clinician counseling is effective in changing patient behaviors … for children, but there is little evidence to determine the effects of counseling on other preventive behaviors … counseling have examined intermediate outcomes such as knowledge and attitudes rather than changes in behavior … or of specific skin protection behaviors. … However, no studies have evaluated the effects of sun protection behaviors on these outcomes.
    August 01, 2014 - CVD risk factors are behaviors or conditions that increase the risk of developing heart disease or having … education, helps people set goals, shares tools to help promote healthy diet and physical activity behaviors … These behavior changes can help people reduce their risk for CVD and diabetes (also a risk factor for … usually involve education, goal setting, and regular conversations to help you stay on track with new behaviors
    August 01, 2014 - CVD risk factors are behaviors or conditions that increase the risk of developing heart disease or having … education, helps people set goals, shares tools to help promote healthy diet and physical activity behaviors … These behavior changes can help people reduce their risk for CVD and diabetes (also a risk factor for … usually involve education, goal setting, and regular conversations to help you stay on track with new behaviors
    July 30, 2020 - Do interventions for (or does knowledge of) prediabetes change BMI, weight, or healthy behaviors?       … Do interventions for (or does knowledge of) T2DM change BMI, weight, or healthy behaviors? 4.  … as part of a larger multicomponent intervention on diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary behavior … , and swimming Resistance training designed to improve physical strength Reduction of sedentary behaviors
    July 30, 2020 - Do interventions for (or does knowledge of) prediabetes change BMI, weight, or healthy behaviors?       … Do interventions for (or does knowledge of) T2DM change BMI, weight, or healthy behaviors? 4.  … as part of a larger multicomponent intervention on diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary behavior … , and swimming Resistance training designed to improve physical strength Reduction of sedentary behaviors
    July 01, 2017 - condition remains stable or varies markedly over time according to parameters such as age, particular behaviors
    , assess, assist, and arrange) is a tool to assist clinicians in asking patients about their health behaviors … and, if patients are found to be at risk, advising them to modify their behavior, assessing their interest … Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) focuses on drinking patterns and alcohol-related behaviors
    January 01, 1996 - varies over time (i.e., "stages of behavior change" 93 ). … Evidence for the effects of HIV antibody counseling and testing on risk behaviors. … AIDS and behavior: an integrated approach. 76. Booth RE, Watters JK. … School-based programs to reduce sexual risk behaviors: a review of effectiveness. … In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors.
    April 01, 2019 - Quality Chasm Resources Available to Help Close the Quality Gap The Challenge of Supporting Healthy Behaviors … used to guide behavioral counseling is the 5As model, which involves five steps: (1) assess health behavior … model offers a framework that is evidence-based and moves nurses beyond health education alone, health behavior … health or community-based organizations will build a patient-centered approach by supporting health behavior … Putting it together: Finding success in behavior change through integration of services. 

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