April 15, 2004 - Ten surveys of physicians' knowledge and behavior about fluoride supplementation provided fair evidence … Of these, 10 surveys 15-24 were of physicians' knowledge and behavior about fluoride supplementation … Improving oral health behaviors, principally oral hygiene behaviors, could be accomplished by a variety … Has limited effect on behavior change when used alone. … (NR)
Behavior change is effected by active involvement, repetition, and continued support.
April 15, 2004 - Ten surveys of physicians' knowledge and behavior about fluoride supplementation provided fair evidence … Of these, 10 surveys 15-24 were of physicians' knowledge and behavior about fluoride supplementation … Improving oral health behaviors, principally oral hygiene behaviors, could be accomplished by a variety … Has limited effect on behavior change when used alone. … (NR)
Behavior change is effected by active involvement, repetition, and continued support.
November 01, 2015 - recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling about healthy behaviors … evidence and makes recommendations about the effectiveness of screening tests, counseling about healthful behaviors … Preventive Services
Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse
Obesity and Cardiovascular Health
August 30, 2018 - illicit and nonmedical drug use is a primary study aim, with or without addressing other substances or behaviors … (e.g., addressing drug use and alcohol and tobacco use, addressing drug use and risky sexual behaviors … Addiction Severity Index, or Severity of Dependence Scale)
Composite substance use outcome
Other risky behaviors … (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, or other drug use; risky sexual behaviors)
KQ 3 (Harms):
Serious … hyperactivity disorder)
Attitudes, knowledge, or beliefs related to drug use
Intention to change behavior
May 15, 2013 - The figure also depicts how these interventions may also influence behaviors such as preventing drug … )
Targeting another behavior is only aim (e.g., alcohol misuse, tobacco use); that is, change … Goal is to provide education or advice, increase motivation to avoid substance use, or to teach behavior … (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, other drug use; risky sexual behaviors)
Nonfatal overdoses … attempt
Attitudes, knowledge, beliefs related to drug use
Intention to change behavior
July 05, 2005 - HIV transmission risk behavior among men and women living with HIV in 4 cities in the United States. … AIDS and Behavior 1998;2:53-60.
85. Koenig LJ, Moore J. … Highly active antiretroviral therapy and sexual risk behavior: a meta-analytic review. … The effects of HIV counseling and testing on risk-related practices and help-seeking behavior. … Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antibody status and changes in risk behavior among drug users.
July 05, 2005 - HIV transmission risk behavior among men and women living with HIV in 4 cities in the United States. … AIDS and Behavior 1998;2:53-60.
85. Koenig LJ, Moore J. … Highly active antiretroviral therapy and sexual risk behavior: a meta-analytic review. … The effects of HIV counseling and testing on risk-related practices and help-seeking behavior. … Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antibody status and changes in risk behavior among drug users.
February 07, 2019 - such as labeling, anxiety, false-positive results, false-negative results/reassurance, change in risk behaviors … high-risk groups (such as persons who are younger, men who have sex with men, persons with high-risk sexual behavior … such as labeling, false-negative results, false-positive results, change in risk perception or risk behaviors
March 01, 2022 - interventions may vary in availability and feasibility in clinical settings.
• Adoption of healthy behavior … interventions may vary in availability
and feasibility in clinical settings.
• Adoption of healthy behavior … Benefits of Counseling to Change Behavior and Outcomes
The USPSTF included 113 randomized clinical trials … were generally very small and
of unclear clinical significance.1,38
Harms of Counseling to Change Behavior … • Future research should design and test interventions to reduce sed-
entary behavior.
June 20, 2019 - HIV transmission risk behavior among men and women living with HIV in
4 cities in the United States. … AIDS and Behavior. 1998;2:53-60.
85. Koenig LJ, Moore J. … Highly active antiretroviral therapy and
sexual risk behavior: a meta-analytic review. … Effects of HIV
counseling and testing on sexual risk behavior: a meta-analytic review of pub-
lished … The effects of
HIV counseling and testing on risk-related practices and help-seeking behavior.
January 01, 2022 - Where More Research Is Needed Related to Promoting Healthy Behaviors Across
the Lifespan
In this report … Empowering people through behavioral counseling to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors can be a way to … Design and test interventions to reduce sedentary behavior. … • Design and test interventions to reduce sedentary behavior. … • Design and test interventions to reduce sedentary behavior.
July 11, 2017 - categorized as low intensity included print- or
web-based materials with tailored feedback and tools for behavior … The evidence review also examined interventions to reduce
sedentary behavior, as well as the harms of … Health Behavior Outcomes
The USPSTF reviewed 86 trials, involving more than 115 000 per-
sons, that reported … The USPSTF found 4 trials that reported on measures of sed-
entary behavior.3 Although there were some … USPSTF recognizes that
the evidence base for these interventions varies, and although the
evidence for behavior
February 03, 2014 - interventions may influence intermediate health outcomes associated with CVD (KQ 2) or associated health behaviors … behavioral counseling interventions for healthy diet and/or physical activity change associated health behaviors … Aspects of physical activity that are out of scope include:
Sedentary behaviors … more CVD risk factors
Studies limited to:
Children and adolescents
Parents (if intended behavior … e.g., local or State public/health policy)
Interventions focused exclusively on reducing sedentary behaviors
November 01, 2018 - recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling about healthy behaviors … evidence and makes recommendations about the effectiveness of screening tests, counseling about healthful behaviors
December 01, 2016 - recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling about healthy behaviors … evidence and makes recommendations about the effectiveness of screening tests, counseling about healthful behaviors
December 01, 2013 - recommendations about clinical preventive services, including screening tests, counseling about healthy behaviors … evidence and makes recommendations about the effectiveness of screening tests, counseling about healthful behaviors
December 26, 2018 - Behaviors that increase someone’s risk include having a new sex partner whose
HIV status is unknown. … Behaviors that can put someone at high risk include having a sex partner who is living with HIV, having … People who take PrEP should
continue to use condoms and practice other behaviors to reduce the risk
August 18, 2020 - For all KQs, included studies were required to target sexual behavior change to prevent STIs. … Studies that focused solely on behavior change to prevent unintended pregnancy or change behaviors such … as drug and alcohol use associated with risky sexual behavior were not included. … Do behavioral counseling interventions decrease risky sexual behaviors or increase protective behaviors … Reducing sexual risk behavior in adolescent girls.
May 15, 2013 - interventions may influence intermediate health outcomes associated with CVD (KQ 2) or associated health behaviors … behavioral counseling interventions for healthy diet and/or physical activity change associated health behaviors … are out of scope include:
Sedentary behaviors … Studies limited to:
Children and adolescents
Parents (if intended behavior … local or State public/health policy)
Interventions focused exclusively on reducing sedentary behaviors
June 11, 2019 - Behaviors that increase someone’s risk include having a new sex partner whose HIV status is
unknown. … Behaviors that can put someone at high risk include having a sex partner who is living with HIV, having … People who take PrEP should continue to use condoms and practice
other behaviors to reduce their risk