August 01, 2017 - Instead of letting fear drive the actions and behaviors after harm, it is the mindset of courage and
September 01, 2015 - chills, sweats
Allergic/Immunologic: denies urticaria, hay fever, frequent UTIs; denies HIV high risk behaviors … chills, sweats
Allergic/Immunologic: denies urticaria, hay fever, frequent UTIs; denies HIV high risk behaviors … chills, sweats
Allergic/Immunologic: denies urticaria, hay fever, frequent UTIs; denies HIV high risk behaviors … chills, sweats
Allergic/Immunologic: denies urticaria, hay fever, frequent UTIs; denies HIV high risk behaviors … chills, sweats
Allergic/Immunologic: denies urticaria, hay fever, frequent UTIs; denies HIV high risk behaviors
January 01, 2010 - Teamwork outcomes include:
Significant improvement in communication and supportive behavior
March 01, 2012 - Idaho State at a Glance
March 01, 2012 - South Carolina State at a Glance
March 01, 2012 - Utah State at a Glance
September 08, 2015 - Engaging Stakeholders to Improve the Quality of Children's Health Care
The National Evaluation of the
CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
Engaging Stakeholders
to Improve the Quality of
Children’s Health Care
Ellen Albritton, Margo Edmunds, Veronica Thomas, Dana Petersen, Grace Ferry,
Cindy Brach, and …
January 01, 2014 - Developmental Screening and Follow-Up: Follow-Up Referral Tracking
Developmental Screening and Follow-up:
Follow-up Referral Tracking
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Measure Name
Follow-up Referral Tracking
1.B. Measure Number
1.C. Measure Description
Please provide a non-technical descripti…
February 23, 2012 - A mother's untreated
depression can also negatively impact older children's mental health and
behavior … Opportunity
A study looking at practitioner behavior related to managing overweight
September 08, 2015 - Evaluation Highlight No. 6: How are CHIPRA Quality Demonstration States Working Together to Improve the Quality of Health Care for Children?
The CHIPRA Quality
Demonstration Grant Program
In February 2010, the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded 10 grants,
funding 18 States, to improve the qual…
January 01, 2020 - White Paper - Redefining Primary Care for the 21st Century
White Paper
Redefining Primary Care for the 21st Century
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Contract No. 290-2010-00004-I/ 290-32009-T
September 01, 2015 - The approach is based on
the effective communication/behavior change/marketing approach that is used … the focus of the clinician’s medical practice, and the
goal of successfully changing attitudes and behaviors … The benefit motivates people to change their opinions or behaviors.
March 01, 2016 - Our
credo is the behavior we all aspire to
and the boundaries are the behaviors
we aspire to [avoid … our performance
evaluation, it really gets hardwired that
these are our values and these are the
behaviors … Center/Group Health
Research Institute
“[The team] should be modeling
among themselves the same behavior
May 01, 2008 - Varenicline Monitor for changes in mood, Nausea 0.5 mg once daily for days 5-7 3 months, Prescription only
April 01, 2015 - Transformation to the Patient-Centered Medical Home in CareOregon Clinics
Transformation to the Patient-Centered Medical Home in CareOregon
Principal Investigator: Richard T. Meenan, PhD, MPH, MBA
Institution: Center for Health Research–Kaiser Permanente
AHRQ Grant Number: R18 HS019146
Overview o…
April 01, 2015 - Transforming Primary Care Practice
Transforming Primary Care Practice
Principal Investigator: David L. Driscoll, PhD, MPH, MA
Institution: University of Alaska, Anchorage
AHRQ Grant Number: R18 HS019154
Overview of Transformation Efforts
In 1998, Southcentral Foundation (SCF) assumed responsibility for
September 21, 2015 - and track performance
– Help providers identify QI priorities and design QI activities
– Encourage behavior
November 01, 2012 - o Create a safe environment for team members to report unsafe practices and
unprofessional team behaviors
January 20, 2006 - Execution
Having expertise in these skill areas is essential, as coaches should be able to model the behavior … They are leaders because they have the opportunity to influence the behavior of others—even when not … ‹#›
TeamSTEPPS | Office-Based Care
Coaches should model the behaviors
July 01, 2012 - Summary of the Design Plan for the National Evaluation of the CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
Summary of the Design Plan for the National Evaluation of the
CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Rockville, MD 20850
Contract No. …