May 19, 2013 - However, the framework could be expanded to also include
the behavior of health care systems. … but also the behavior of a health care system. … Demonstration of a correlation
between a change in provider behavior and clinical outcomes validates … Establishing a chain of causality between an intervention
to change provider behavior with a guideline … We sought to include process behaviors
suggested as “standard of care” by various
national and/or international
March 31, 2010 - behavioral outcomes
related to energy balance (e.g., dietary intake, physical
activity, sedentary behaviors … )
• Dietary intake (energy, nutrients, foods)
• Food access
• Physical activity
• Sedentary behavior … We described the interventions based on their focus:
(a) the targeted behavior outcomes (e.g., dietary … intake or
physical activity, sedentary behaviors such as recreational
screentime [the time spent in … These
studies were designed to prevent weight gain, reducing
screen-based sedentary behavior time,
August 18, 2011 - studies focusing on the factors that cause medication nonadherence have shown that it is a complex behavior … to improve health outcomes requires both a functioning health care system and appropriate individual behaviors … on the taxonomy proposed by de Bruin and colleagues47): Knowledge-based (general information about behavior-related … evaluate studies for their approach to accounting or controlling for variations in past nonadherent behavior
September 01, 2018 - are often in the pre-contemplative
stage of change, as described in the Transtheoretical Model of behavior … techniques;
knowledge of
intervention and
resources; use
of EHR tools
Changes in
behavior … counseling approach that uses a patient-centered, guiding (rather than directing) style
to elicit behavior … The
transtheoretical model of health behavior
August 27, 2012 - Evidence exists that motor behaviors are qualitatively and
quantitatively different in individuals with
January 01, 2017 - Programas conductuales para ayudar a controlar la diabetes tipo 1: Revisión de las investigaciones para niños, adolescentes, y adultos
Programas conductuales para ayudar
a controlar la diabetes tipo 1:
¿Qué es la diabetes tipo 1?
La diabetes (lla…
August 01, 2020 - contingency and the salience of the reward.69 In the studies that
reported improved retention, the behavior … rewarded was adherence to prescribed MAT
medication dosages, whereas, in the studies without effects, the behavior … Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal
of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive
Behaviors. … Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal
of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive
Behaviors. … Addictive Behaviors.
2012;37(5):686-9. doi:
November 14, 2017 - Current Page Topic Timeline May. 24, 2016 Topic Initiated Aug. 31, 2016 Research Protocol Nov. 14, 2017 Systematic Review Diagnostic Accuracy of Screening and Treatment of Post–Acute Coronary Syndrome Depression: A Systematic Review
Systematic Review November 14, 2017 Download Main Document PDF 1.3 MB
January 01, 2012 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0423
Document Completion Date: 06-14-12
Management of Vertigo and Tinnitus Symptoms
Nomination Summary Document
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Management of tinnitus symptoms was found to be addressed by an in-process AHRQ Effective Heal…
September 13, 2012 - especially vulnerable population as “jails and prisons have cultures that often lead to maladaptive behaviors … aggressive and present unique management challenges within the jail or prison setting. 1,16 Maladaptive behaviors … Managing these behaviors often places additional demands on custodial staff who may feel underprepared … to deal with such difficult behaviors. … Dialectical behavior therapy: current status, recent developments, and future directions.
September 13, 2012 - especially vulnerable population as “jails and prisons have cultures that often lead to maladaptive
behaviors … aggressive and
present unique management challenges within the jail or prison setting.1,16 Maladaptive
behaviors … Managing these behaviors often places additional demands on custodial staff who may feel
underprepared … to deal with such difficult behaviors. … Dialectical behavior
therapy: current status, recent developments,
and future directions.
April 01, 2016 - However, we identified a Tier 3
study comparing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to
cognitive behavior
January 27, 2012 - periods may yield misleading conclusions about
treatment efficacy due to fluctuations in drinking behavior … Research
3 Relatively few studies reported information about suicide,
suicidal ideation, or self-harmful behaviors … could be conducted to determine whether
precautions about suicide, suicidal thoughts, or self-harmful
December 01, 2010 - seizures, tardive dyskinesia, cardiomyopathies and cardiac arrhythmias,
agranulocytosis, suicide-related behaviors … , tardive
dyskinesia, cardiomyopathies and cardiac
arrhythmias, agranulocytosis, suicide-
related behaviors … seizures, tardive dyskinesia, cardiomyopathies and cardiac
arrhythmias, agranulocytosis, suicide-related behaviors … Leukopenia, Neutropenia, Agranulocytosis
Not approved for behavior problems in
older adults with … Not approved for behavior problems in
older adults with dementia.
February 10, 2016 - Treatment of OSDB may improve behavior,
attention, quality of life, neurocognitive functioning
November 15, 2016 - Perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors
November 01, 2016 - Perforation of the stomach or intestines,
which can be fatal
Antidepressants �� Suicidal thoughts and behaviors
August 18, 2011 - studies focusing on the factors that cause medication nonadherence have shown that it is
a complex behavior … improve health outcomes requires
both a functioning health care system and appropriate individual behaviors … Knowledge-based (general information about behavior-related health consequences,
use of individualized … evaluate studies for their approach to accounting or
controlling for variations in past nonadherent behavior
December 01, 2010 - Disorder
Bipolar disorder is characterized by severe fluctuations in mood, activity, thought, and behavior … seizures, tardive dyskinesia, cardiomyopathies and cardiac arrhythmias, agranulocytosis, suicide-related behaviors … seizures, tardive dyskinesia, cardiomyopathies and cardiac arrhythmias, agranulocytosis, suicide-related behaviors … Leukopenia, Neutropenia, Agranulocytosis
Not approved for behavior problems in older adults … Not approved for behavior problems in older adults with dementia.