August 06, 2018 - closely monitor for worsening of depression, agitation or
withdrawal, and increased suicidal thoughts or behaviors … AND
(therap*[Title/Abstract] OR treatment*[Title/Abstract] OR
intervention*[Title/Abstract])) OR “Behavior … Therapy”[MeSH] OR
(behavior*[Title/Abstract] AND (therap*[Title/Abstract] OR
treatment*[Title/Abstract … Therapy"] or (behavior*:ti,ab and (therap*:ti,ab or
treatment*:ti,ab or intervention*:ti,ab)) or CBT … Therapy” OR (behavior* AND (therap* OR
treatment* OR intervention*)) OR CBT OR (interpersonal
November 17, 2014 - reductions in selfharm including suicide and suicide attempts reductions in agitation or aggressive behaviors
January 01, 2024 - Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2021;57. doi:
5. … comprised staff training on trauma, which usually
included modules on understanding patient/client behaviors … planning/documentation, determining
program mission and shadow mission or underlying thoughts and behaviors … small sample size, relied solely on staff-reported subjective measures for
incidents of aggressive behaviors … patients/clients, we excluded
studies that did not measure effects on patient/client experience of care, behaviors
May 26, 2017 - We considered that studies to be sensory-
focused if they explicitly targeted behaviors
associated with … ARE adaptive skills and
support the conclusion that sensory integration treatment improved
adaptive behaviors … In this study the Vineland Adaptive Behavior scale
did not show differences but this was noted as due … that there is low strength of evidence that sensory integration
treatment did not improve adaptive behaviors … challenges and motor skills as well as improvements
in individual goals of adaptive skills and functional behaviors
April 01, 2020 - Paroxetine may be associated with a
higher risk of suicidal ideation or behaviors. … Evidence
to judge the risk of suicidal ideation or behavior for
SSRIs other than paroxetine is insufficient … , although the risks of suicidal
ideation or behavior were higher with SSRIs. … As noted
above, paroxetine had a higher risk of suicidal
ideation or behaviors in adolescents with … Efficacy of
augmentation of cognitive behavior therapy with weight-
adjusted d-cycloserine vs placebo
April 01, 2020 - Paroxetine may be associated with a
higher risk of suicidal ideation or behaviors. … Evidence
to judge the risk of suicidal ideation or behavior for
SSRIs other than paroxetine is insufficient … , although the risks of suicidal
ideation or behavior were higher with SSRIs. … As noted
above, paroxetine had a higher risk of suicidal
ideation or behaviors in adolescents with … Efficacy of
augmentation of cognitive behavior therapy with weight-
adjusted d-cycloserine vs placebo
September 01, 2016 - insufficient to permit conclusions
about differences in serious adverse events, such as suicidal
ideas and behavior … To Treat MDD
Drug(s) FDA Black Box Warning
All SGAs �� Increased risks of suicidal thinking and
behavior … should be monitored
appropriately and observed closely for
clinical worsening, suicidal thinking and
behavior … , or unusual changes in behavior.
May 22, 2008 - Treatment of Dementia Among Community-Dwelling and Institutionalized Medicare Beneficiaries
Research Report Archived May 22, 2008 Download Main Document PDF 372.1 KB
Note : This report is greater than 5 years old. Findings may be used for research purposes but should not be considered current.
April 28, 2010 - Alcohol-Related Disorders‖ [MeSH] OR ―Alcohol Drinking‖ [MeSH] OR
―Alcoholism‖ [MeSH] OR ―drinking behavior
June 01, 2012 - cognitive, and behavioral effects:
Results of testing may lead to lifestyle changes, depression, or risky behavior … other hand, an individual might become depressed by the results and engage in less self-care or riskier behavior … This could have a range of effects on behavior including efforts to alter prognosis (e.g., smoking cessation
June 01, 2012 - cognitive, and behavioral effects:
Results of testing may lead to lifestyle changes, depression, or risky behavior … other hand, an individual might become depressed by the results and engage in less self-care or riskier behavior … This could have a range of effects on behavior including efforts to alter prognosis (e.g., smoking cessation
March 01, 2021 - outcome measures selected for this project were response,
remission, recurrence, suicide ideation and behavior
July 10, 2012 - The comment
suggests a lack of understanding of how
interventions and behavior change are
assessed … rather than to changes in drinking
behaviors.” … rather
than to changes in drinking behaviors.” … Alcohol abusers in
primary care: readiness to change behavior.
Am J Med 1998 Oct; 105(4):302-6? … in behavior changes.
February 22, 2019 - Immune function (e.g., inflammation or
Sleep problems
Weight loss due to stress
Health behaviors … support
the primary caregiver
• Cognitive reframing (changing caregivers’ maladaptive behaviors … Common Outcome Measures
Test Name Domain Data Source Reference
General behavior scales … &
global BPSD Reisberg et al. 1987
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)
General behavior scales &
global … Health or behavior
restrictions? Mobility or language restrictions? Dementia
severity range?
August 23, 2013 - theoretical CBT-consistent
framework (e.g., learning and or/cognitive theories of affect
regulation and behavior … A randomized controlled trial of Internet-delivered
cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment
December 01, 2023 - Teaching trauma-related insight improves
attitudes and behaviors toward challenging
clients. … Child-
teacher relationship training exclusively in
the classroom: Impact on teacher attitudes
and behaviors … approach that
acknowledges and addresses the broad
impact of both recent and lifetime trauma on
health behaviors … individualized
interventions97, 99; increases child engagement, decreases the
frequency of challenging behaviors … suspension83
Nurse-Led Model
of Trauma-
Informed Care
(The Four E’s)
Nurses discern the origin of inmate behaviors
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0183
Document Completion Date: 1-12-10
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Nonsurgical and surgical treatment of chronic pelvic pain will go forward for refinement as a systematic
review. The scope of this topic, including populations, inter…