October 05, 2015 - treatment decisions are then often
based on the presence of psychiatric symptoms including aggressive behaviors … include reduced physical risk to the
patient, other patients, and staff; quick reduction of aggressive behaviors … If a patient becomes agitated (exemplified by behaviors
such as pacing, yelling, verbal threats, or … In this case, we
conceptualize “de-escalate” as including preventing aggressive behaviors and reducing … Accordingly, our two primary comparative outcome benefits are (1) a decrease in
aggressive behaviors
January 01, 2013 - TND-555-09-03-2013
Topic Number(s): 0472
Document Completion Date: 02-13-2013
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
The topic, Behavioral Health Programs for Gestational, Type 1 DM and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, will
go forward for refinement as an update to or expansion of an exis…
January 01, 2013 - Topic 0545 Behav Health Int for Dementia NSD FINAL SJ
Behavioral Health Interventions for Depression,
Anxiety, and Agitation in persons with Dementia
Nomination Summary Document
April 09, 2009 - functional behavioral analysis versus functional behavioral analysis alone for reducing such challenging behaviors … effectiveness of two different models of early behavioral intervention (for example, traditional applied behavior … early intervention programs) for reducing autism symptoms and improving language, cognition, and social behavior
September 01, 2012 - Most
studies assessed the use of medications to address challenging behaviors (i.e., defiance,
aggression … Evidence remains insufficient
regarding what works for managing challenging behaviors in adolescents … This is particularly important
because autism symptoms and problem behaviors improve over adolescence … Without a control group, it will be impossible to determine
whether improvements in problem behaviors … Change in autism symptoms and
maladaptive behaviors in adolescents and
adults with an autism spectrum
January 01, 2009 - Similarly, the
desire to avoid regret has been found to be an important determinant of a range of health
behaviors … prevent disease progression.42,43
Testing may also influence people’s engagement in other health behaviors … , such as
following a healthy diet, participating in exercise, and smoking behavior. … One study examined the unintended effects of
colorectal cancer screening on health behaviors and found … Psychological distress and surveillance
behaviors of women with a family history
of breast cancer.
January 01, 2009 - Similarly, the
desire to avoid regret has been found to be an important determinant of a range of health
behaviors … prevent disease progression.42,43
Testing may also influence people’s engagement in other health behaviors … , such as
following a healthy diet, participating in exercise, and smoking behavior. … One study examined the unintended effects of
colorectal cancer screening on health behaviors and found … Psychological distress and surveillance
behaviors of women with a family history
of breast cancer.
October 29, 2018 - Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Adolescent community reinforcement approach (ACRA)
Dialectical behavior … relationships
Harmful consequences associated with SUD
Mental health outcomes
Suicidal ideation and behavior … Variants of this approach include cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and the adolescent … edition (DSM-5), An SUD diagnosis is made if an individual exhibits at least two of 11 maladaptive behaviors … and symptoms across four domains (social problems, loss of control, risk behaviors, and physiological
August 06, 2014 - It is true that because behavior occurs only at the
level of the individual, most behavior analytic … and more than one target
behavior. … many ABA procedures – singly and in various
combinations -- for building skills and reducing problem
behaviors … that many
ABA interventions are very effective for changing the core
symptoms of ASD and reducing behaviors … associated with anxiety and fear,
aggression, and self-injurious behaviors.
May 01, 2012 - both for oppositional behaviors and for ADHD symptoms, with no adverse events
reported. … 2
Clinically significant ADHD is often associated with concurrent oppositional and aggressive
behaviors … training interventions for preschoolers as an effective intervention both for
oppositional behaviors … Key
There is no standardization of diagnostic tools and measurements for outcomes beyond
behaviors … 7 5
EG27 There is no standardization of diagnostic tools and measurements for
outcomes beyond behaviors
November 15, 2011 - interventions with foster or adoptive parents in improving child mental health, reducing child problem behaviors … (such as delinquency and other types of maladaptive behavior), and preventing negative life outcomes … germane to this topic (i.e., intervention studies focused on improving caregiver sensitivity, nurturing behaviors … child, appropriate emotional support for the child, and management of sexually inappropriate child behavior … outcomes, including severe emotional and behavioral disturbance, substance abuse, high-risk sexual behaviors
October 02, 2018 - Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
o Adolescent community reinforcement approach (ACRA)
o Dialectical behavior … relationships
Harmful consequences associated with SUD
o Mental health outcomes
Suicidal ideation and behavior … Variants of this approach include cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior
therapy, and the adolescent … applies principles of
operant and social learning within the family context to promote prosocial behaviors … and
symptoms across four domains (social problems, loss of control, risk behaviors, and
May 01, 2020 - CER 225: Evidence Summary Interventions for Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents: A Systematic Review
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 225
Interventions for Substance Use Disorders in
Adolescents: A Systematic Review
Evidence Summary
Main Points
Adolescents, 12 to 20 years of age, with problematic a…
October 01, 2011 - noncompliant behaviors, temper tantrums,
and aggression that overshadow symptoms
Health … These behaviors may be given the more
general label of disruptive behavior disorder (DBD),
which includes … adolescence, clinically
significant ADHD is often associated with concurrent
oppositional and aggressive behaviors … Preschoolers treated for ADHD most often
have cooccurring noncompliant behaviors, temper, and
aggression … ADHD behaviors.
September 28, 2015 - behaviors important for managing diabetes. … care) but that still met our operational definition
of behavioral programs by focusing on multiple
behaviors … The 45% referred to glycemic targets rather than
behaviors, but we agree that these figures may
appear … We have added
reference to behavior change techniques (taxonomy
of Michie et al. … plus support”) as well as other programs
incorporating interactive components that target
multiple behaviors
October 17, 2012 - KQ 3: What are the efficacy and harms of Meditation Programs on health-related behaviors
affected by … With respect to KQ3, we have re-added evaluation of eating behavior on the
recommendations of the TEP … Eating behavior
will be measured by food diaries. … psychiatric)
• Negative & Positive Affect, AE (KQ1)
• Attention, AE (KQ2)
• Stress-related health behaviors … Health-related behaviors affected by stress
a. Substance use
i. Alcohol abuse
May 26, 2015 - education programs) on the basis of strong evidence of effectiveness in improving one or more health behaviors … policies with individualized content focused on a specific occupational hazard and one or more health behaviors … structure, work organization (e.g., removing working conditions that serve as obstacles to healthy behavior … blood pressure; cholesterol; incidence of diabetes; frequency of physical activity; healthy eating behavior … A comprehensive worksite cancer prevention intervention: behavior change results from a randomized controlled
December 02, 2020 - there is a need to better understand what patients need in order to change their lifestyle and daily behaviors
October 20, 2011 - Does becoming aware of positive HCV infection status decrease high-risk behaviors? … immunizations of patients with HCV infection at improving intermediate outcomes, including change in high-risk behaviors … based on clinical or demographic characteristics, such as: Intravenous drug use
High-risk sexual behaviors … treatment decisions (KQs 4a, 4b, and 5) Blood tests
Imaging techniques
Counseling against risky behaviors