July 01, 2015 - measure is used to track the national rate of receipt of all four of these
recommended annual diabetes interventions … Measure
Most Recent
Disparity Disparity Change
Adults who received mental health treatment or counseling … Disparities:
■ Hispanic adults were less likely than White adults to receive mental health treatment or
counseling … depressive disorder when systems are in place to
ensure accurate diagnosis, psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral
April 28, 2023 - .........................................................................29
2d: Physical Activity Counseling … 2d: Physical Activity Counseling … Document Counseling / Assessment notes on Cerner
Section 3: Conducting
April 28, 2023 - .........................................................................29
2d: Physical Activity Counseling … 2d: Physical Activity Counseling … Document Counseling / Assessment notes on Cerner
Section 3: Conducting
April 28, 2023 - .........................................................................29
2d: Physical Activity Counseling … 2d: Physical Activity Counseling … Document Counseling / Assessment notes on Cerner
Section 3: Conducting
January 01, 2017 - semi-structured representation of the source
material was created to outline inclusion criteria, recommended interventions … The final section of CQL logic defines the interventions outlined in the CDS artifact. … knowledge artifacts, including aspects such as metadata and usage information, as well as
specific interventions
October 01, 2017 - semi-structured representation of the source
material was created to outline inclusion criteria, recommended interventions … The final section of CQL logic defines the interventions outlined in the CDS artifact. … knowledge artifacts, including aspects such as metadata and usage information, as well as
specific interventions
October 01, 2009 - problems or symptoms that can be controlled with medication, diet,
exercise, surgery, physical therapy, counseling … Treatment of chronic conditions requires patient monitoring and ongoing
assessment of treatment interventions … problems or symptoms that can be controlled with
medication, diet, exercise, surgery, physical therapy, counseling … Treatment of chronic
conditions requires patient monitoring and ongoing assessment of treatment interventions
August 27, 2009 - use e-prescribing, understand
what are the most effective practices and what are the most effective interventions … Another important element is developing the data infrastructure to support more robust safety
interventions … Pharmacists find the call backs
a major distraction that prevents them from doing the counseling of … filling prescriptions, and as e-prescribing systems become more
sophisticated the ability to deliver interventions … know that there are definitely pharmaceutical companies that interested in looking
at e-prescribing interventions
November 07, 2010 - hospital, community-based services, etc.) and needing to address various confidentiality
components of behavioral … During the past decade, there have been various interventions related to medication
reconciliation as … Many of these have focused on pharmacist-related interventions (Gillespie, Alassaad,
Henrohn, et al. … practice that includes at least one practicing psychiatrist,
child psychologist or child psychiatrist, behavioral … Role of pharmacist counseling in preventing
adverse drug events after hospitalization.
December 01, 2015 - New interventions for HCV (e.g., Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir;
Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir and Dasabuvir … Potentially high impact interventions were considered in the final
assessment of the currency of the … Horizon Scanning
We identified four interventions, Daclatasvir (Daklinza) for treatment of chronic … "adult (19 to 44 years)" or
"middle age (45 to 64 years)" or "all aged (65 and over)")) (1348)
11 Counseling … / or Sex Counseling/ or Health Education/ or
Patient Education as Topic/ or Psychotherapy/ or Behavior
December 01, 2015 - New interventions for HCV (e.g., Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir;
Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir and Dasabuvir … Potentially high impact interventions were considered in the final
assessment of the currency of the … Horizon Scanning
We identified four interventions, Daclatasvir (Daklinza) for treatment of chronic … "adult (19 to 44 years)" or
"middle age (45 to 64 years)" or "all aged (65 and over)")) (1348)
11 Counseling … / or Sex Counseling/ or Health Education/ or
Patient Education as Topic/ or Psychotherapy/ or Behavior
December 01, 2015 - New interventions for HCV (e.g., Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir;
Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir and Dasabuvir … Potentially high impact interventions were considered in the final
assessment of the currency of the … Horizon Scanning
We identified four interventions, Daclatasvir (Daklinza) for treatment of chronic … "adult (19 to 44 years)" or
"middle age (45 to 64 years)" or "all aged (65 and over)")) (1348)
11 Counseling … / or Sex Counseling/ or Health Education/ or
Patient Education as Topic/ or Psychotherapy/ or Behavior
December 01, 2015 - New interventions for HCV (e.g., Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir;
Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir and Dasabuvir … Potentially high impact interventions were considered in the final
assessment of the currency of the … Horizon Scanning
We identified four interventions, Daclatasvir (Daklinza) for treatment of chronic … "adult (19 to 44 years)" or
"middle age (45 to 64 years)" or "all aged (65 and over)")) (1348)
11 Counseling … / or Sex Counseling/ or Health Education/ or
Patient Education as Topic/ or Psychotherapy/ or Behavior
February 01, 2018 - mechanisms of the normal aging process and
cardiovascular disease, with the possibility of developing new interventions … This organization
was developed to promote and fund research that will lead to better management and
interventions … endpoints because of their clinical relevance or as catalysts to initiate
more in-depth clinical and behavioral … PGRs may also establish collaborations with organizations conducting clinical trials of new
interventions … researchers may not be sure
how to deliver these insights back to participants in studies without counseling
February 01, 2018 - mechanisms of the normal aging process and
cardiovascular disease, with the possibility of developing new interventions … This organization
was developed to promote and fund research that will lead to better management and
interventions … endpoints because of their clinical relevance or as catalysts to initiate
more in-depth clinical and behavioral … PGRs may also establish collaborations with organizations conducting clinical trials of new
interventions … researchers may not be sure
how to deliver these insights back to participants in studies without counseling
February 01, 2018 - mechanisms of the normal aging process and
cardiovascular disease, with the possibility of developing new interventions … This organization
was developed to promote and fund research that will lead to better management and
interventions … endpoints because of their clinical relevance or as catalysts to initiate
more in-depth clinical and behavioral … PGRs may also establish collaborations with organizations conducting clinical trials of new
interventions … researchers may not be sure
how to deliver these insights back to participants in studies without counseling
November 01, 2020 - management program targeting Blacks that combines home blood pressure monitoring with culturally appropriate counseling … measure is used to track the national rate of receipt of all four of these recommended annual diabetes interventions … depressive disorder when systems are in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral … tailored materials and techniques, primary care physicians and nurses engage patients in motivational counseling … Health educators provide additional support and counseling during monthly calls.
November 01, 2020 - management program targeting Blacks that combines home blood pressure monitoring with culturally appropriate counseling … measure is used to track the national rate of receipt of all four of these recommended annual diabetes interventions … depressive disorder when systems are in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral … tailored materials and techniques, primary care physicians and nurses engage patients in motivational counseling … Health educators provide additional support and counseling during monthly calls.
November 01, 2020 - management program targeting Blacks that combines home blood pressure monitoring with culturally appropriate counseling … measure is used to track the national rate of receipt of all four of these recommended annual diabetes interventions … depressive disorder when systems are in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral … tailored materials and techniques, primary care physicians and nurses engage patients in motivational counseling … Health educators provide additional support and counseling during monthly calls.
May 01, 2018 - measure is used to track the national rate of receipt of all four of these recommended annual diabetes interventions … Disparities:
Hispanic adults were less likely than White adults to receive mental health treatment or counseling … depressive disorder when systems are in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral