October 01, 2014 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-session and multiple-session interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-session and multiple-session interventions … to minimal interventions, self-help, or no counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke AY … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-session and multiple-session interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-session and multiple-session interventions
April 01, 2021 - with nontraditional risk factors
• Screening for atrial fibrillation with electrocardiography
• Behavioral … counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
disease … prevention in adults with cardiovascular risk factors
• Behavioral counseling interventions to promote … https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/recommendation/healthy-diet-and-physical-activity-counseling-adults-with-high-risk-of-cvd … healthful-diet-and-physical-activity-for-cardiovascular-disease-prevention-in-adults-without-known-risk-factors-behavioral-counseling
January 01, 1996 - Print
Final Recommendation Statement
Skin Cancer: Screening and Behavioral … by the following:
Skin Cancer Prevention: Behavioral … and staying in the shade, after the intervention. 80 , 81 Whether the results of such educational interventions … Community or worksite educational interventions may increase the use of these sun protection measures … Behavioral community intervention to reduce the risk of skin cancer.
February 01, 2010 - and behavioral interventions. … , physical activity,
and behavioral counseling components. … Relevant recommendations
from the USPSTF
Recommendations on other pediatric and behavioral counseling … Multicomponent behavioral in-
terventions and interventions that
combined behavioral and pharmaco-
logic … Effectiveness of Treatment
Behavioral Interventions
Thirteen behavioral intervention trials
December 01, 2019 - KQ 1
What is the effectiveness of weight-management behavioral interventions (e.g., behavioral counseling … KQ 2
What is the effectiveness of diabetes-management behavioral interventions (e.g., behavioral counseling … a
KQs 1–4:
Patient-focused behavioral interventions (e.g., behavioral counseling, patient education … interventions (e.g., behavioral counseling, health education), peer or family support interventions, … interventions (e.g., behavioral counseling, health education), peer or family support interventions,
July 01, 2005 - Arrow 4: Do interventions lead to improved intermediate outcomes, including behavioral, physiologic or … Arrow 5: Do interventions (behavioral counseling, pharmacotherapy, surgery) lead to improved health outcomes … What are common behavioral and health system elements of efficacious interventions?
b. … Arrow 5: Do interventions (behavioral counseling, pharmacotherapy, surgery) lead to improved health outcomes … What are common behavioral and health system elements of efficacious interventions?
October 20, 2016 - Additionally, the figure illustrates how interventions to reduce drug use may have an impact on behavioral … Do counseling interventions to reduce drug use, with or without referral, reduce drug use or improve … Do counseling interventions to reduce drug use, with or without referral, reduce morbidity or mortality … Counseling designed to reduce drug use, with or without referral
Counseling interventions can … Public comments on the draft research plan for "Primary Care Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions
May 26, 2020 - counseling interventions
to prevent illicit drug use, including nonmedical use of prescription drugs … to prevent tobacco use in children and adolescents
• Screening and behavioral counseling interventions … counseling interventions to prevent illicit drug use. … Screening and
behavioral counseling interventions to reduce
unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and … Effect of
computer-based substance use screening and brief
behavioral counseling vs usual care for youths
August 01, 2018 - USPSTF Recommendation: Tobacco Smoking Cessation in Adults
Resource title: Behavioral Counseling … and Pharmacotherapy Interventions for Tobacco Cessation in Adults: A Review of Reviews for the U.S. … Services Task Force
Resource description: This comprehensive report synthesizes evidence on the use of behavioral … counseling and medication treatments to help adults quit smoking.
November 01, 2019 - by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling … harms of services to prevent disease in people without signs or symptoms, including screening tests, behavioral … counseling, and preventive medications. … Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Adolescents and Adults: Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions … effectiveness of screening for alcohol use in adolescents
Improve the delivery of alcohol use screening and counseling
December 01, 2011 - "I" statements for behavioral intervention and counseling topics were ranked separately from those for … High-Priority Evidence Gaps for Behavioral Interventions
Below are three areas from the fields of behavioral … together with behavioral interventions to promote sustained weight loss in obese adults. … Continued development and testing of counseling and behavioral interventions with better and longer followup … In 2004, the USPSTF found convincing evidence that screening and behavioral counseling for adults including
April 28, 2010 - How do behavioral counseling interventions, with or without referral, compare with usual
care for improving … Interventions:
Office-based screening for alcohol misuse followed by behavioral counseling … Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care
to Reduce Risky/Harmful Alcohol Use. … Behavioral counseling interventions in primary
care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults: … Screening and behavioral counseling interventions in
primary care to reduce alcohol misuse: recommendation
April 28, 2010 - How do behavioral counseling interventions, with or without referral, compare with usual
care for improving … Interventions:
Office-based screening for alcohol misuse followed by behavioral counseling … Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care
to Reduce Risky/Harmful Alcohol Use. … Behavioral counseling interventions in primary
care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults: … Screening and behavioral counseling interventions in
primary care to reduce alcohol misuse: recommendation
January 01, 2007 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone
counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-
session and multiple-session interventions … to
minimal interventions, self-help, or no
counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke … Meta-analysis (2008):
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence
rates for counseling interventions
January 01, 2007 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone
counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-
session and multiple-session interventions … to
minimal interventions, self-help, or no
counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke … Meta-analysis (2008):
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence
rates for counseling interventions
January 01, 2007 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone
counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-
session and multiple-session interventions … to
minimal interventions, self-help, or no
counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke … Meta-analysis (2008):
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence
rates for counseling interventions
January 01, 2007 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone
counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-
session and multiple-session interventions … to
minimal interventions, self-help, or no
counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke … Meta-analysis (2008):
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence
rates for counseling interventions
January 01, 2007 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone
counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-
session and multiple-session interventions … to
minimal interventions, self-help, or no
counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke … Meta-analysis (2008):
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence
rates for counseling interventions
January 01, 2007 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone
counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-
session and multiple-session interventions … to
minimal interventions, self-help, or no
counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke … Meta-analysis (2008):
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence
rates for counseling interventions
January 01, 2007 - Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone counseling for smoking cessation:
effects of single-session and multiple-session
interventions … Telephone
counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-
session and multiple-session interventions … to
minimal interventions, self-help, or no
counseling (n = 9 studies)
Abdullah AS, Mak YW, Loke … Meta-analysis (2008):
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence
rates for counseling interventions