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Showing results for "behavioral counseling interventions".

    October 01, 2013 - Measure 17: Referral rate for intensive counseling from a community program A-21.
    October 01, 2013 - Measure 17: Referral rate for intensive counseling from a community program A-21.
    October 01, 2013 - Measure 17: Referral rate for intensive counseling from a community program A-21.
    October 01, 2013 - Measure 17: Referral rate for intensive counseling from a community program A-21.
    January 01, 2010 - To test the impact of these interventions on clinician behavior using a randomized controlled trial … Two trials that used education-type interventions among Canadian clinicians practicing in ambulatory … We decided to offer the interventions in both CD format (using Articulate e-learning software) and the … that having medication-related triggers on the computer at the time of the visit would aid them in counseling … electronic medical records reportedly leads to more information exchange, more education, and more counseling
    December 01, 2019 - findings underscore the need for attention to depressive disorders and the implementation of effective interventions … diagnose mental health problems, including lack of time during the visit to provide mental health counseling … 86 percent expressing concern with prescribing medications and 90 percent expressing concern with counseling … symptoms as a first 12 step, followed by psychosocial, psychological, and pharmacologic interventions … Based on the 2006 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2009.
    January 01, 2017 - We also note that comparative effectiveness includes both the benefits and harms of interventions. … Analytic Framework The analytic frameworks illustrate the population, interventions, and outcomes … Subject Headings [MeSH] and Emtree headings) to focus specifically on tonsillectomy and harms of interventions … Assessing the Risk of Bias of Individual Studies in Systematic Reviews of Health Care Interventions. … Grading the strength of a body of evidence when assessing health care interventions: an EPC update.
    January 01, 2017 - We also note that comparative effectiveness includes both the benefits and harms of interventions. … Analytic Framework The analytic frameworks illustrate the population, interventions, and outcomes … Subject Headings [MeSH] and Emtree headings) to focus specifically on tonsillectomy and harms of interventions … Assessing the Risk of Bias of Individual Studies in Systematic Reviews of Health Care Interventions. … Grading the strength of a body of evidence when assessing health care interventions: an EPC update.
    June 07, 2016 - Grade: A Risk Assessment Screening Tests Treatment and Interventions Balance of Benefits and Harms … as well as screening for HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia in sexually active adolescents and adults and behavioralcounseling interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections. … well as screening for HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia in sexually active adults and adolescents and behavioralcounseling interven- tions to prevent sexually transmitted infections (available at
    January 01, 2007 - Intensive dietary counseling and follow-up can result in improvements in lipids, but these results … trial TC HDL LDL TG Quality rating DISC Collaborative Research Group, 1995171 Family oriented behavioral … Diet supplements (psyllium, oat, sterol margarine) and counseling were marginally effective in both … , and adverse effects of interventions. … Overrestriction of dietary fat intake before formal nutritional counseling in children with hyperlipidemia
    August 01, 2012 - Interventions. … interventions occurred (KQ 5). … stroke 179 Good Depression education; antidepressant medications and/or 13 sessions of cognitive behavioral … care interventions; we found no study with any other types of practice-based interventions that met … A randomized trial of telephonic counseling plus walking for depressed diabetes patients.
    August 01, 2012 - Interventions. … interventions occurred (KQ 5). … stroke 179 Good Depression education; antidepressant medications and/or 13 sessions of cognitive behavioral … care interventions; we found no study with any other types of practice-based interventions that met … A randomized trial of telephonic counseling plus walking for depressed diabetes patients.
    January 01, 2023 - Patient workload Demands-capacity ratio for illness-related and unrelated cognitive, physical, and social-behavioral … therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, lung cancer screening, pneumonia vaccination, smoking cessation counseling … Patient education and counseling, 102(5), 817–841. 3. … Patient education and counseling, 100(3), 425-435. 2. Goldwag J, Marsicovetere P, Scalia P, et al. … Patient education and counseling, 100(3), 425-435. 2.
    August 26, 2020 - American Psychological Association Introduction Could you explain a little more about how “cognitive behavioral … reviews, we were unable to include more information about intervention details like use of cognitive behavioral … Mobile and web-based aps for counseling and education and how to make appointments? … was a mix of the communications channel (mobile, telehealth), the content of the communications (counseling … RN case manager based in the hospital may be different from a certified case manager specialist in behavioral
    August 26, 2020 - American Psychological Association Introduction Could you explain a little more about how “cognitive behavioral … reviews, we were unable to include more information about intervention details like use of cognitive behavioral … Mobile and web-based aps for counseling and education and how to make appointments? … was a mix of the communications channel (mobile, telehealth), the content of the communications (counseling … RN case manager based in the hospital may be different from a certified case manager specialist in behavioral
    March 01, 2014 - MI represents a coherent and evidence-based approach to behavior change counseling that is rooted in … Although MI developed several decades ago from the world of substance abuse and addiction counseling … Motivational Interviewing is a particular type of counseling style, generally seen as more patient- … It demonstrates counseling a diabetic patient to improve their A1c levels by using an Action Plan. … While this may seem counter-intuitive, many behavioral change psychologists recommend this approach
    March 01, 2014 - MI represents a coherent and evidence-based approach to behavior change counseling that is rooted in … Although MI developed several decades ago from the world of substance abuse and addiction counseling … Motivational Interviewing is a particular type of counseling style, generally seen as more patient- … It demonstrates counseling a diabetic patient to improve their A1c levels by using an Action Plan. … While this may seem counter-intuitive, many behavioral change psychologists recommend this approach
    May 01, 2020 - medication, formulation [extended release], dosage of medication, duration) Psychosocial adjuncts (e.g. counseling … , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy [CBT], peer support, 12-step programs, mindfulness therapy) Contingency … Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed
    February 18, 2020 - for high blood pressure, screening for abnormal blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetes mellitus, interventions … for tobacco smoking cessation, behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity … counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for CVD prevention in adults,35 and screening … Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
    January 01, 2012 - Interventions and Programs Potential High Impact Interventions Report Prepared for: Agency for … AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System Potential High Impact Interventions: Crosscutting Interventions … , rehabilitative interventions, behavioral health interventions, and public health and health promotion … provider, staffing levels might change, because a staff member might need to spend additional time counseling … to ED patients: (1) a brief motivational interview addressing psychosocial needs, substance abuse counseling