
Total Results: 3,962 records

Showing results for "behavioral counseling interventions".

    December 28, 2023 - FAC010 ' = 'FAC010 : Other aftercare encounter' 'FAC011 ' = 'FAC011 : Counseling … sexual behavior or orientation' 'FAC012 ' = 'FAC012 : Other specified encounters and counseling … ideation/attempt/intentional self-harm' 'MBD013 ' = 'MBD013 : Miscellaneous mental and behavioral … Congenital Malformations, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities' 'MBD001-MBD999' = 'MBDnnn: Mental, Behavioral … Coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG)' 'CAR004 ' = 'CAR004 : Percutaneous coronary interventions
    December 01, 2013 - Screening tests for behavioral and psychosocial problems: Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale … Child Behavioral Checklist. The Carey Temperament Scales. Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory. … Behavioral Issues Infants <1500g have an increased risk of behavioral, social, and emotional problems … Behavioral: peer conflict; aggressiveness; hyperactivity; less adaptability, activity, attention, and … Early intervention programs provide, at no cost to families: Family education and counseling, home
    December 01, 2013 - Screening tests for behavioral and psychosocial problems: Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale … Child Behavioral Checklist. The Carey Temperament Scales. Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory. … Behavioral Issues Infants <1500g have an increased risk of behavioral, social, and emotional problems … Behavioral: peer conflict; aggressiveness; hyperactivity; less adaptability, activity, attention, and … Early intervention programs provide, at no cost to families: Family education and counseling, home
    October 01, 2007 - Frequently, we are frustrated by the fact that many other providers have made the same mistake or behavioral … Our message: "anyone who finds himself/herself in the position of judging the behavioral choices of other … Reckless behavior —behavioral choice to consciously disregard a substantial and unjustifiable risk. … How can we help people perceive the risk that exists so they will make the right behavioral choice?" … patient identifier once or twice because he or she is too busy, but then keeps omitting it despite counseling
    February 14, 2024 - January 30, 2005 Interventions to improve team effectiveness: a systematic review. … September 7, 2016 Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care: a systematic … December 8, 2010 Effect of medication reconciliation with and without patient counseling … on the number of pharmaceutical interventions among patients discharged from the hospital. … September 18, 2019 What interventions could reduce diagnostic error in emergency departments
    January 01, 2008 - Low usage of CDS limited the effectiveness of the interventions. … The set of interventions, the study design, and the outcome measures employed resulted into a robust … the pediatric setting included: 1) reminders for checking weights and providing dietary and exercise counseling … Throughout our controlled trial of guideline reminders for lipid screening and nutritional counseling … Synchronous reminders were minimally effective for promoting nutritional counseling visits, but not
    January 01, 2019 - Processing Therapy (CPT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), specific cognitive behavioral … present many challenges: (a) some multicomponent interventions are referred to by the same name (e.g … ., cognitive behavioral therapy or trauma-focused therapy), yet often times include different combinations … What nonpharmacologic interventions have been studied for the treatment of PTSD (since 1980)? … , Interventions, Comparators, Outcomes, Timing, Settings, Study Designs).
    March 01, 2020 - They provide culturally appropriate health education and information and informal counseling and social … liability differ among U.S. programs, states, or territories requiring CHW certification to deliver interventions … Do these results differ when only asthma interventions or programs are analyzed? … Do these results differ when only asthma interventions or programs are analyzed? … May provide information on available resources, provide social support and informal counseling, advocate
    January 01, 2024 - evidence-based guidelines to decrease variability in clinical practice patterns and to provide appropriate counseling
    January 01, 2021 - Development and initial validation of a measure of parents' preferences for behavioral counseling in … Effect of a culturally adapted behavioral intervention for Latino adults on weight loss over 2 years:
    January 01, 2023 - developed methodologic evaluation tool, (3) to categorize and describe the various distance medicine interventions … Friedman R et al. 1996 "A telecommunications system for monitoring and counseling patients with hypertension … …evaluates "the effect of automated telephone patient monitoring and counseling on patient adherence … management report and data set characteristics and its potential utility as a physician educational and behavioral … …suggests "policy interventions that can promote opportunities for and lower barriers to using EMRs for
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … or behavior 6 change counseling … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral
    September 01, 2015 - Similarly, you can help central leadership adapt and modify interventions so they are effective at each … Interventions that work with more affluent, health literate, or cultural majority populations may not … MAs do not have time to do medication reconciliation or behavior 6 change counseling; those functions … They meet with patients with chronic conditions, doing patient education and smoking cessation counselingBehavioral health integration Clinica has integrated behavioral health into primary care, with one behavioral