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Showing results for "behavioral counseling interventions".

    July 30, 2020 - KQs 3–6: Primary care–relevant behavioral counseling or pharmacotherapy interventions for glycemic … Behavioral counseling interventions can be provided alone or as part of a larger multicomponent intervention … including but not limited to clinicians, nurses, exercise specialists, dietitians, nutritionists, and behavioralCounseling interventions aimed at depression Prenatal or postnatal dietary counseling Counseling … ) Comparative effectiveness (head-to-head) trials of medications or behavioral counseling without another
    July 30, 2020 - KQs 3–6: Primary care–relevant behavioral counseling or pharmacotherapy interventions for glycemic … Behavioral counseling interventions can be provided alone or as part of a larger multicomponent intervention … including but not limited to clinicians, nurses, exercise specialists, dietitians, nutritionists, and behavioralCounseling interventions aimed at depression Prenatal or postnatal dietary counseling Counseling … ) Comparative effectiveness (head-to-head) trials of medications or behavioral counseling without another
    June 18, 2024 - interventions. … “Fortunately, there are a variety of effective intensive behavioral interventions available that can … Comprehensive, intensive behavioral interventions may include education about healthy eating habits, … counseling on behavioral change techniques, such as goal setting and problem-solving, and supervised … professionals provide support in identifying which counseling interventions are available, accessible
    April 04, 2019 - Offer or refer patients with abnormal blood glucose to intensive behavioral counseling interventions … Treatment and Interventions Effective behavioral interventions combine counseling on a healthful diet … There is insufficient evidence that medications have the same benefits as behavioral interventions. … Harms The overall benefit of screening for IFG, IGT, and diabetes and implementing intensive lifestyle interventions … Other Relevant USPSTF Recommendations The USPSTF recommends screening and appropriate interventions
    August 15, 2013 - Behavioral Counseling Interventions Behavioral counseling interventions, such as face-to-face … The type and intensity of effective behavioral interventions substantially varies. … to Change Behavior The USPSTF found adequate evidence that behavioral counseling interventions, such … Harms of Interventions to Change Behavior The USPSTF found no evidence on the harms of behavioral interventionsInterventions to Prevent Tobacco Use The type and intensity of effective behavioral interventions substantially
    December 01, 2018 - A meta-analysis of effective primary care based interventions showed that behavioral interventions have … Elements present in behavioral interventions often include a reduced calorie diet, increased physical … activity and behavioral therapy. 13 The USPSTF found that the most effective interventions were comprehensive … The higher-intensity behavioral interventions included multiple behavioral management activities, such … There were no direct harms concerns with behavioral interventions.
    January 15, 2010 - Offer or refer for intensive counseling and behavioral interventions. … , physical activity, and behavioral counseling components. … Relevant USPSTF Recommendations Recommendations on other pediatric and behavioral counseling topics … Multicomponent behavioral interventions and interventions that combined behavioral and pharmacologic … Interventions were deemed comprehensive if they included all of the following elements: (1) counseling
    June 08, 2020 - Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement and Draft Evidence Review: Behavioral Counseling to … Services Task Force seeks comments on a draft recommendation statement and draft evidence review on behavioralcounseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease … The Task Force recommends counseling for cardiovascular disease prevention in adults who have at least
    November 13, 2018 - counseling interventions to reduce alcohol misuse (I statement). … … For evaluating counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use (KQ4 and KQ5), trials of behavioral … Screening and behavioral counseling interventions in primary care to reduce alcohol misuse: U.S. … Behavioral counseling after screening for alcohol misuse in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    May 18, 2023 - Do primary care–relevant behavioral or pharmacotherapy weight loss and weight loss maintenance interventions … in combination: Behavioral-based interventions (e.g., behavior modification, cognitive behavioral … therapy, or health-behavior change counseling and coaching) Pharmacologic interventions approved by … (alone or in combination with behavioral-based interventions) vs. placebo or no medication (alone or … in combination with behavioral-based interventions) Head-to-head comparisons of different weight management
    November 12, 2020 - Interventions KQs 3–6: Primary care–relevant behavioral counseling or pharmacotherapy interventionsBehavioral counseling interventions can be provided alone or as part of a larger multicomponent intervention … including but not limited to clinicians, nurses, exercise specialists, dietitians, nutritionists, and behavioralCounseling interventions aimed at depression Prenatal or postnatal dietary counseling Counseling … Comparative effectiveness (head-to-head) trials of medications or behavioral counseling without another
    November 24, 2020 - OBJECTIVE To review the benefits and harms of behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet and … STUDY SELECTION English-language randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of behavioral counseling interventionsBehavioral counseling interventions involved a median of 6 contact hours and 12 sessions over the course … Behavioral counseling interventions were associated with small, statistically significant reductions … CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Medium- and high-contact multisession behavioral counseling interventions to
    January 19, 2021 - support and counseling approaches, and the combination of pharmacotherapy plus behavioral support—all … Behavioral counseling and pharmacotherapy interventions for tobacco cessation in adults, including pregnant … Behavioral Counseling and Pharmacotherapy Interventions for Tobacco Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant … interventions, telephone counseling, mobile phone–based interventions, tailored and interactive internet-based … counseling interventions or behavioral counseling alone for tobacco cessation.
    June 01, 2014 - Children Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Screening 1 X       Alcohol Misuse Screening and Behavioral … and Interventions 36 X X X   Tobacco Use in Children and Adolescents, Primary Care Interventions … body mass index of 30 kg/m 2 or higher should be offered or referred to intensive, multicomponent behavioralinterventions. 30 Screen children aged 6 years and older for obesity; offer or refer for intensive … counseling and behavioral interventions. 31 Women aged 65 years and older and women under age 65
    January 01, 2010 - Counseling to Promote Physical Activity 63 Behavioral Counseling to Promote Physical Activity 64 … Behavioral Counseling to Promote Physical Activity counseling intervention was not clearly defined,19,21,24 … Previous reviews7,8 found that Behavioral Counseling to Promote Physical Activity 70 interventions … Evaluating primary care behavioral counseling interventions: an evidence-based approach. … Behavioral Counseling to Promote Physical Activity AHRQ Pub. No. 03-512B August 2002
    February 05, 2019 - persons Recommendation Provide or refer persons at increased risk of perinatal depression to counselinginterventions. … approach, based on the populations included in the systematic evidence review, would be to provide counselingInterventions Studies on counseling interventions to prevent perinatal depression mainly included cognitive … behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy.
    January 12, 2010 - Offer or refer for intensive counseling and behavioral interventions. … Interventions Refer patients to comprehensive moderate- to high-intensity programs that include … dietary, physical activity, and behavioral counseling components. … Relevant recommendations from the USPSTF Recommendations on other pediatric and behavioral counseling
    February 11, 2014 - Virus Infection in Nonpregnant Adolescents and Adults 2014-02-11 Final Research Plan: BehavioralCounseling and Pharmacotherapy Interventions for Tobacco Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant Women … Preventive Services Task Force Issues Final Research Plan for Behavioral Counseling and Pharmacotherapy … Interventions for Tobacco Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant Women 2014-02-06 2014 … Counseling and Pharmacotherapy Interventions for Tobacco Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant Women
    April 06, 2004 - Purpose: To systematically review evidence for the efficacy of brief behavioral counseling interventions … Conclusions: Behavioral counseling interventions for risky/ harmful alcohol use among adult primary … KQ 6 addressed harms associated with behavioral counseling interventions. … Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Risky/Harmful Alcohol Use. … Evaluating primary care behavioral counseling interventions: an evidence-based approach.
    January 07, 2021 - 2020-12-15 Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement and Draft Evidence Review: BehavioralCounseling Interventions for Healthy Weight and Weight Gain in Pregnancy 2020-12-08 USPSTF … 10th Annual Report to Congress on Evidence Gaps 2020-12-03 Final Recommendation Statement: BehavioralCounseling to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle in Adults With Cardiovascular Risk Factors 2020-11-24 … Counseling Interventions to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections 2020-08-18 Final Research