January 16, 2024 - Behavioral counseling interventions
consist of 26 or more hours with a health professional and include … interventions. … • Intensive behavioral interventions are effective in helping children achieve a healthy weight, … Behavioral counseling interventions can help improve BMI and quality of life for children and teens with … The Task Force found that the harms of behavioral interventions are small.
August 18, 2020 - Email
Final Evidence Review
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Behavioral … Counseling
August 18, 2020
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government … Evidence Review (PDF)
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Panel 1
Behavioral … Counseling Interventions to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Evidence Review for
June 17, 2021 - Oral Health: Screening, Referral, Behavioral Counseling, and Preventive Interventions
An Update for
September 22, 2014 - Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended high-intensity behavioral counseling interventions … Is there direct evidence that behavioral counseling interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviors and … Do behavioral counseling interventions to prevent STIs reduce risky sexual behaviors or increase protective … counseling interventions to prevent STIs? … What adverse effects are associated with primary care behavioral counseling interventions to prevent
December 01, 2021 - or referring adults with cardiovascular disease risk factors to behavioral counseling interventions … B
November 2020 *
Healthy Weight and Weight Gain In Pregnancy: Behavioral Counseling Interventions … B
February 2004 *
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Behavioral Counseling: sexually active … B
August 2020 *
Skin Cancer Prevention: Behavioral Counseling: young adults, adolescents … counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use.
August 01, 2019 - Alcohol Misuse Screening and Behavioral Counseling.
Screening for Depression. … Interventions to Promote Breastfeeding. … Successful Implementation of Clinical Preventive Service: Alcohol Misuse Screening and Behavioral Counseling … counseling. … - 23:29
This online presentation focuses on interventions to promote breastfeeding.
August 06, 2015 - How effective are preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions in reducing future symptomatic … How effective are preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions in reducing neonatal … What are the harms of preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions for reducing future … What are the harms of preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions for reducing neonatal … counseling interventions, including the following: patient education or counseling; partner notification
August 06, 2015 - How effective are preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions in reducing future symptomatic … How effective are preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions in reducing neonatal … What are the harms of preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions for reducing future … What are the harms of preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions for reducing neonatal … counseling interventions, including the following: patient education or counseling; partner notification
July 11, 2017 - Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/ … Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/ … Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/ … Evaluating feasible and referable behavioral counseling interventions. … Undetected
KQ3: Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet,
July 11, 2017 - Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/ … Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/ … Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/ … Evaluating feasible and referable behavioral counseling interventions. … Undetected
KQ3: Do primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet,
October 01, 2015 - Behavioral
Behavioral interventions alone (in-
person behavioral support and … interventions (including in-person behavioral
support and counseling, telephone counseling, and
self-help … Ef-
fective behavioral interventions include in-person be-
havioral support and counseling, telephone … Effective behavioral interventions pro-
vided more intensive counseling than minimal advice
and other … The USPSTF found con-
vincing evidence that behavioral interventions (such as
behavioral counseling,
March 01, 2013 - The USPSTF recommends screening and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce alcohol misuse by … for obesity and offer intensive counseling and behavioral interventions to promote sustained weight … 6 years and older for obesity and offer them or refer them to comprehensive, intensive behavioral interventions … Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) counseling
The USPSTF recommends high-intensity behavioral counseling … Tobacco use counseling and interventions—non-pregnant adults
The USPSTF recommends that clinicians
February 12, 2019 - Interventions
The USPSTF found convincing evidence that counseling interventions, such as cognitive … counseling interventions as no greater than small, based on the nature of the interventions and the … Counseling Interventions
Studies on counseling interventions to prevent perinatal depression mainly … Interventions reviewed included counseling, health system interventions, physical activity, education … , supportive interventions, and other behavioral interventions, such as infant sleep training and expressive
May 13, 2014 - Preventive Services Task Force Issues Draft Recommendation Statement on Behavioral Counseling to Prevent … Cardiovascular Disease in At-Risk Adults
Finds evidence of benefit in behavioral counseling for … counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease … counseling interventions, with the goal of improving diet and
increasing physical activity, can help … “While the interventions themselves vary, the effective counseling services
include education, goal
December 07, 2010 - Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet
December 07, 2010 - Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet
December 02, 2021 - How effective are antiviral medications and behavioral counseling interventions in reducing future symptomatic … What are the harms of antiviral medications and behavioral counseling interventions for reducing future … (e.g., condoms), or combinations of these components; behavioral counseling interventions for seronegative … The USPSTF plans to review behavioral counseling interventions, as listed in the Analytic Framework. … Additionally, the USPSTF has a separate recommendation on “Behavioral Counseling Interventions to Prevent
December 15, 2010 - Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet
December 15, 2010 - Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet … Do primary care-relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet
April 15, 2009 - Relevant Recommendations from the USPSTF
Recommendations on other behavioral counseling topics … Recognition of Behavior
The "5-A" behavioral counseling framework provides a useful strategy for engaging … evidence that smoking cessation interventions, including brief behavioral counseling sessions (<10 minutes … Counseling Interventions
Various primary care clinicians may deliver effective interventions. … Counseling and Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use and Tobacco-Caused Disease in Adults and Pregnant