
Total Results: 897 records

Showing results for "behavioral counseling interventions".

    March 01, 2014 - The USPSTF has made recommendations on counseling and interventions to prevent tobacco use and tobacco-caused … Screening with LDCT should be viewed as an adjunct to tobacco cessation interventions. … Quit lines provide telephone-based behavioral counseling and support to tobacco users who want to quit … interventions. … The registry should also compile data on incidental findings and the testing and interventions that occur
    April 26, 2022 - other recommendations on CVD pre- vention, including statin use to prevent CVD,15 smoking cessation,16 counselingInterventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant persons: US Preventive Services … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention … Behavioral weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults: US
    April 01, 2001 - Other strategies to prevent skin cancer, such as counseling to reduce risky health behaviors and performance … Guidelines for preventive interventions in primary health care: cardiovascular disease and cancer.
    December 17, 2024 - previous year according to 2020 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Behavioral … Benefits of Interventions The USPSTF found 19 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that reported on fracture … as the 2018 recommendation. 22 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends counselingInterventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults: US Preventive Services Task Force … Interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults: US Preventive Services Task Force
    June 20, 2023 - The questions are depicted by linkages that relate interventions and outcomes. … pharmacologi- cal interventions. … Most of the primary studies of anxiety interventions were con- ducted outside the US. … Randomized pilot trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance-based behavioral therapy in the … Effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders on quality of life: a meta-analysis.
    January 01, 2025 - effects is a potential strat- egy to reduce risk of breast cancer.3 The USPSTF recommends be- havioral counselinginterventions to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for the prevention of cardiovascular … The USPSTF recommends behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet and physical activity … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet Clinical Review & Education US Preventive Services … regimens on heart disease risk factors in postmenopausal women: the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions
    June 11, 2019 - combined with daily PrEP. 21 , 39 In all trials, all patients received HIV risk reduction and adherence counseling … engage in riskier behaviors may be more adherent to PrEP, 14 , 50 , 54 which could offset any adverse behavioral … in adolescents; to understand effects of PrEP on quality of life; to understand effects of PrEP on behavioral … Hosek SG, Siberry G, Bell M, et al; Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions (ATN). … The questions are depicted by linkages that relate interventions and outcomes.
    June 11, 2019 - combined with daily PrEP. 21 , 39 In all trials, all patients received HIV risk reduction and adherence counseling … engage in riskier behaviors may be more adherent to PrEP, 14 , 50 , 54 which could offset any adverse behavioral … in adolescents; to understand effects of PrEP on quality of life; to understand effects of PrEP on behavioral … Hosek SG, Siberry G, Bell M, et al; Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions (ATN). … The questions are depicted by linkages that relate interventions and outcomes.
    January 25, 2022 - cardiovascular disease and stroke, including screening for high blood pressure, 18 use of statins, 19 counseling … on smoking cessation, 20 and counseling to promote a healthy diet and physical activity. 21 Return … Interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant persons: US Preventive Services … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular … Comparative effectiveness of interventions for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: a network meta-analysis
    June 07, 2016 - Grade: A Risk Assessment Screening Tests Treatment and Interventions Balance of Benefits and Harms … as well as screening for HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia in sexually active adolescents and adults and behavioralcounseling interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections. … well as screening for HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia in sexually active adults and adolescents and behavioralcounseling interven- tions to prevent sexually transmitted infections (available at
    January 01, 2007 - Intensive dietary counseling and follow-up can result in improvements in lipids, but these results … trial TC HDL LDL TG Quality rating DISC Collaborative Research Group, 1995171 Family oriented behavioral … Diet supplements (psyllium, oat, sterol margarine) and counseling were marginally effective in both … , and adverse effects of interventions. … Overrestriction of dietary fat intake before formal nutritional counseling in children with hyperlipidemia
    February 15, 2001 - Other strategies to prevent skin cancer, such as counseling to reduce risky health behaviors and perfor … Guidelines for preventive interventions in primary health care: cardiovascular disease and cancer.
    February 18, 2020 - for high blood pressure, screening for abnormal blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetes mellitus, interventions … for tobacco smoking cessation, behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity … counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for CVD prevention in adults,35 and screening … Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
    February 15, 2013 - The efficacy of a clinic-based behavioral nutrition intervention emphasizing a DASH-type diet for adolescents … Hg Mean DBP 80.5 mm Hg Group A: DASH-type diet modified for adolescent population + counseling … Group B: Counseling alone NR Mean difference at follow-up, SBP: Group … Mean SBP 115.0 mm Hg Mean DBP 60.1 mm Hg Group A: Low-sodium diet (<75 mmol/day) + counseling … Group B: High-sodium diet (>150 mmol/day) + counseling NR No significant differences
    December 07, 2021 - Recommendation Statement Prevention of Dental Caries in Children Younger Than 5 Years: Screening and Interventions … As such, the USPSTF limited its review of the evidence of preventive interventions for dental caries … referral from primary care vs no referral. 1 , 22 The USPSTF found limited evidence on educational or counselinginterventions. … Research is needed to identify effective oral health educational and counseling interventions for parents
    October 25, 2016 - Individual-level interventions included individual or group counseling provided by professionals, peer … Effects of Interventions on Breastfeeding Key Question 2. … Primary care interventions to promote breastfeeding: U.S. … A randomized trial assessing the efficacy of peer counseling on exclusive breastfeeding in a predominantly … Telephone peer counseling of breastfeeding among WIC participants: a randomized controlled trial.
    May 01, 2002 - Effective treatments, including pharmacologic and behavioral or counseling interventions, are available … The screening interventions differed in intensity. … access to nurse-led Screening for Depression in Adults 136 medication follow-up or to cognitive-behavioral … Most interventions, including screening and feedback, improved recognition and treatment; about half … Interventions to improve provider diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in primary care.
    March 01, 2013 - The efficacy of a clinic- based behavioral nutrition intervention emphasizing a DASH-type diet for adoles … : DASH-type diet modified for NR Mean difference at follow-up, SBP: (fair) adolescent population + counseling … Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical 63% male Group B: Counseling alone Group A versus Group B: … range11–14y) Group A: Low-sodium diet (,75 mmol/ NR No significant differences in SBP or (fair) day) + counseling … B: High-sodium diet (.150 not reported Adelaide, Australia Mean DBP 60.1 mm Hg mmol/day) diet + counseling
    July 13, 2021 - recommended that clini- cians offer or refer patients with abnormal blood glucose levels to intensive behavioralcounseling interventions to promote a health- ful diet and physical activity (B recommendation). … a Eligible interventions included pharmacotherapy and primary care–relevant behavioral counseling focused … Diabetes prevention and weight loss with a fully automated behavioral intervention by email, web, … Enhanced fitness: a randomized controlled trial of the effects of home-based physical activity counseling
    November 01, 2013 - Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. … Effectiveness of cognitive/behavioral small group intervention for reduction of depression and stress … Cognitive-behavioral intervention for homebound caregivers of persons with dementia. … Problem-solving counseling for caregivers of the cognitively impaired: effective for whom? … Continuum of care for Alzheimer’s disease: a nurse education and counseling program.

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