January 01, 1996 - The safety of cholesterol-lowering interventions is especially important in children and young persons … To be effective, dietary interventions require regular follow-up and reinforcement. … Decisions about interventions for high cholesterol should be based on at least two measures of cholesterol … Cholesterol reduction through low-intensity interventions: results from the Minnesota Heart Health Program … Impact of cholesterol screening with brief non-physician counseling.
June 03, 2003 - Nonpharmacologic interventions for dementia include behavioral training, caregiver education, and supportive … : support groups, individual or family counseling, skills training, or education. … of these interventions. … a screening program would require additional time for diagnostic interviews and patient and family counseling … Efficacy and safety of neuroleptics in behavioral disorders associated with dementia.
October 11, 2022 - Sixteen RCTs (n = 3034) reported on suicide risk
interventions. … orative care with enhanced usual care.36 Six studies focused on
CBT,28-30,32,37,38 and 3 focused on counseling … All included studies examined psychotherapy, counseling, sup-
port, or a combination with variable intensity … which
for ethical reasons must be active comparators, such as standard psy-
chotherapy, individual counseling … Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Learning
Network. Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II).
March 01, 2004 - Co-victimization of
African-American children who witness violence:
effects on cognitive, emotional and behavioral … year
prospective study of the long-term effects of early
child physical maltreatment on psychological,
behavioral … Washington,
D.C.: Commission on Behavioral and Social
Sciences and Education National Research Council … or 15 or 16
18. 9 and 17
19. pc.fs. or prevent$.mp. or intervention.mp. or
20. exp counseling … and english language)
19. prevention/ or prevent$.mp. or
intervention.mp. or assessment.mp.
20. exp counseling
January 01, 2014 - The USPSTF has made recommendations on counseling to prevent tobacco use and screening for and counseling … January 2014 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 160 • Number 1 57
and provide tobacco cessation interventions … The USPSTF also recommends
screening and behavioral counseling interventions in pri-
mary care settings … Counseling and interventions to prevent
tobacco use and tobacco-caused disease in adults and pregnant … Screening and behavioral
counseling interventions in primary care to reduce alcohol misuse: U.S.
August 08, 2005 - Interventions
Smoking cessation and physical activity training also increase maximal walking distance … Counseling for smoking cessation, however, should be offered to all patients who smoke, regardless of … found improved ambulation in the intervention group; however, the study did not address the impact of interventions … (Professor of Medicine and Chief of Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine, University of Massachusetts
November 27, 2018 - Harms of Interventions
The USPSTF found inadequate evidence to assess the harms of preventive interventions … professional or paraprofessional (eg, peer educator or community health worker) providing periodic counseling … The main outcomes were reduced exposure to maltreatment; improved behavioral, emotional, mental, or physical … included internalizing (depression or anxiety) and externalizing (disruptive, aggressive, or delinquent) behavioral … serving as director of a Health Resources and Services Administration center on training in integrated behavioral
February 03, 2014 - Although it is possible that other behavioral or biological factors might modify the effects of antioxidant … We considered only primary prevention interventions in generally healthy people and excluded secondary … AHRQ series paper 4: assessing harms when comparing medical interventions: AHRQ and the Effective Health-care … Conducting quantitative synthesis when comparing medical interventions: AHRQ and the Effective Health
August 01, 2013 - Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment:
U.S. … Interventions
Although the evidence is insufficient to recommend
specific preventive interventions in … provided in home visitation programs of-
ten include parent education on normal child develop-
ment, counseling … Behavioral Interventions and
Counseling to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: Systematic Review to Update … The impact of early alleged maltreatment on
behavioral trajectories.
August 23, 2022 - for tobacco smoking cessation, 26 behavioral counseling to promote a healthy diet and physical activity … for CVD prevention in adults (with and without cardiovascular risk factors), 27 , 28 and behavioral … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention … Behavioral weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults: US
March 08, 2004 - Asymptomatic individuals with HCV infection identified through screening may benefit from interventions … designed to reduce liver injury from other causes, such as counseling to avoid alcohol misuse and immunization … However, there is limited evidence of the effectiveness of these interventions. … immunization against hepatitis A and B and counseling to reduce damage from alcoholism and to decrease … Studies are needed on the benefit of other interventions, such as counseling to prevent alcohol misuse
March 15, 2022 - Evidence on other interventions was limited. … Eligible treatments included psychological interventions
(eg, cognitive behavioral) delivered in a group … No trials of psychological interventions reported
on potential harms of interventions, including whether … Imipramine and diet counseling with psychological
support in the treatment of obese binge eaters:
a randomized … Enhanced cognitive
behavioral therapy for eating disorders adapted for
a group setting.
June 01, 2022 - • Screening for anxiety in children and adolescents
• Primary care–based interventions for illicit … Treatment or Interventions
Treatment options for MDD in children and adolescents include
pharmacotherapy … Psychological interventions are likely to
have minimal harms.1,2 The use of selective serotonin reuptake … Primary
care–based interventions to prevent illicit drug use
in children, adolescents, and young adults … Screening
and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce
unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and
April 05, 2016 - Interventions to prevent the initia-
tion of tobacco use are an effective way to prevent exposure to … Current smokers should receive smoking cessa-
tion counseling and be offered behavioral and pharmacological … The USPSTF also
recommends that clinicians provide interventions, including edu-
cation or brief counseling … The USPSTF also recommends that clinicians provide interventions, including
education or brief counseling … Adding spirometry,
carbon monoxide, and pulmonary symptom results
to smoking cessation counseling: a
February 01, 2016 - Several individual fair- and good-
quality studies of fluoxetine, combined fluoxetine and cognitive
behavioral … Diagnosis
and treatment of behavioral health disorders in pediatric practice. … Cognitive-behavioral treatment of adolescent depression: efficacy of
acute group treatment and booster … MeSH] OR (family support[TIAB]) OR
(parent*[TIAB] AND education[TIAB]) OR Parents/education[MeSH] OR Counseling … [MeSH] OR Directive Counseling[MeSH] OR
counsel*[TIAB] OR Problem Solving[MeSH] OR (problem solving[TIAB
February 03, 2003 - persons, dietary change, increased physical activity, and smoking cessation are important behavioral … No study has found that counseling is more effective in changing long-term behavior for diabetic persons … than for nondiabetic persons or that effective behavioral change programs for diabetic persons should … -based study, for example, the intensive behavioral and social program included a case manager with frequent … enrollment at an exercise facility. 121
Although these trials convincingly demonstrate that intensive behavioral
June 11, 2019 - The USPSTF recommends providing intensive behavioral counseling for all sexually active adolescents and … The CDC provides guidance on counseling, referral to care, treatment, and prevention of HIV transmission … would allow for earlier and expanded detection of HIV infection, thus resulting in earlier medical and behavioral … interventions and treatment. … Behavioral counseling interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections: U.S.
October 01, 2017 - A recent USPSTF review found that counseling to improve diet or exercise changed health behaviors and … incorrectly predicted end of life preferences one third of the time (sometimes surrogates recommended interventions … the patient did not want, and sometimes the surrogate recommended withholding patient preferred interventions … Comparative effectiveness studies need to help prioritize screening relative to lifestyle counseling, … Behavioral counseling to promote physical activity and a healthful diet to prevent cardiovascular disease
March 01, 2021 - A recent USPSTF review found that counseling to improve diet or exercise changed health behaviors and … incorrectly predicted end of life preferences one third of the time (sometimes surrogates recommended interventions … the patient did not want, and sometimes the surrogate recommended withholding patient preferred interventions … Comparative effectiveness studies need to help prioritize screening relative to lifestyle counseling, … Behavioral counseling to promote physical activity and a healthful diet to prevent cardiovascular disease
April 05, 2021 - to prevent the onset of a targeted condition (e.g., aspirin for the prevention of colorectal cancer, counseling … Interventions that are part of the treatment and management of persons with clinical disease are usually … The specific questions are depicted graphically by linkages that relate interventions and outcomes. … result logically from the action (e.g., early detection of disease for screening, behavior change for counseling … They are pathologic, physiological, psychological, social, or behavioral measures and other study endpoints