September 09, 2019 - Parents or caregivers who are concerned about teen drug use or who see physical or behavioral
evidence … Page/Name/grade-definitions
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling … is senior vice president of research, dean of academic affairs, and head of a new center
focused on behavioral … She is also a professor of behavioral medicine at the Zucker School of
Medicine at Hofstra University
March 08, 2004 - " (unlimited access to counselor in the clinic); or "outreach" (counseling plus a "mentor mother" in … adverse effects of screening or interventions. … We found no studies of interventions in the elderly. … Co-victimization of African-American children who witness violence: effects on cognitive, emotional and behavioral … year prospective study of the long-term effects of early child physical maltreatment on psychological, behavioral
January 08, 2024 - Task Force Issues Draft Recommendation Statement on Interventions to Prevent Falls in Older Adults … Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) today posted a
draft recommendation statement on interventions … The Task
Force recommends exercise interventions to prevent falls in adults 65 years or older who are … These interventions may include things
like cognitive behavioral therapy, nutrition therapy, education … nationwide by making evidence-based recommendations
about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
November 01, 2013 - Many people
don’t get the tests or counseling they need. … Others get tests or counseling they don’t need or
that may be harmful to them. … Task Force recommendations can help you learn about screening tests, counseling services,
and preventive … and Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use and Tobacco-Caused Disease in Adults and Pregnant Women
( … April 2009)
Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse
October 11, 2022 - There are multiple treatment options available, including medications, counseling, a combination of these … Screening for depression and suicide risk in children and adolescents
Primary care-based interventions … Treatment or Interventions
Treatment for anxiety disorders can include psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy … Pharmacologic interventions may result in adverse events, while psychological interventions are likely … Screening and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and
March 01, 2004 - ”
(unlimited access to counselor in the clinic); or
“outreach” (counseling plus a “mentor mother” in … adverse effects of screening or
interventions. … We found no
studies of interventions in the elderly. … Co-victimization of
African-American children who witness violence:
effects on cognitive, emotional and behavioral … year prospective study
of the long-term effects of early child physical
maltreatment on psychological, behavioral
May 08, 2012 - Women assigned to the intervention group received prenatal behavioral counseling for 2 to 8 sessions … Although trials were heterogeneous, results were largely consistent for indicating that counseling interventions … Kiely et al, 2010 18 ¶
Counseling interventions during pregnancy and postpartum vs. usual care
1044 … El-Mohandes et al, 2008 57 ¶
Counseling interventions during pregnancy and postpartum vs. usual care … El-Mohandes et al, 2011 17 ¶
Counseling interventions during pregnancy and postpartum vs. usual care
December 11, 2012 - Preventive Services Task Force New Draft Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use Among Youth … Preventive Services Task Force Issues Draft
Recommendation on Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use … Evidence shows that education and brief counseling in primary care settings can prevent
children and … care professional
Telephone counseling with a clinician
Print materials, such as activity guides … Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
June 09, 2020 - Eligible psychosocial interventions used 1 or more of the following techniques: cognitive behavioral … The intensity of counseling ranged from “minimal” (not described) to “standard” counseling for 45 to … Effect of computer-based substance use screening and behavioral counseling vs. usual care for youths … A randomized controlled trial of brief cognitive-behavioral interventions for cannabis use disorder. … that used cognitive behavioral therapy or motivational interventions, but treatment intensity varied
July 10, 2018 - vs risk factor assessment counseling alone. … The effects of coronary artery calcium screening on behavioral modification, risk perception, and medication … Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention … Impact of electron beam tomography, with or without case management, on motivation, behavioral change
September 15, 2005 - Interventions such as prophylactic surgery, chemoprevention, or intensive screening have known harms. … therefore examined the chain of evidence for accuracy of risk assessment tools, efficacy of preventive interventions … , and the harms of screening and interventions. … clinic, or referral to a geneticist on the basis of the patient's respective risk categories. 34
The interventions … although 10 fair- to good-quality randomized, controlled trials reported psychological and behavioral
August 09, 2016 - harms of screening and treatment of lipid disorders in children and teens and on the impact these
interventions … does recommend screening for obesity
in children 6 years and older and referring them to intensive behavioral … counseling on weight
management,” says former Task Force member Douglas K. … Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
October 08, 2020 - Development Index (as defined by the United Nations Development Programme)
Inpatient settings
Interventions … antagonists, or combinations of these treatments); nonpharmacologic therapy (including case management, behavioral … counseling, and exercise therapy)
KQ 1: Testing used for disease monitoring or management, pulmonary … clarification of the scope of the reaffirmation review, particularly regarding the included populations and interventions
October 08, 2020 - Development Index (as defined by the United Nations Development Programme)
Inpatient settings
Interventions … antagonists, or combinations of these treatments); nonpharmacologic therapy (including case management, behavioral … counseling, and exercise therapy)
KQ 1: Testing used for disease monitoring or management, pulmonary … clarification of the scope of the reaffirmation review, particularly regarding the included populations and interventions
December 15, 2006 - KQ 5: Do interventions (i.e. counseling families to reduce lead exposure, nutritional interventions, … KQ 5: Do interventions (i.e. counseling families to reduce lead exposure, nutritional interventions, … *Interventions include counseling families to reduce lead exposure, nutritional interventions, residential … KQ5: Do interventions (i.e., counseling families to reduce lead exposure, nutritional interventions, … KQ 5: Do interventions (i.e., counseling families to reduce lead exposure, nutritional interventions,
October 15, 2008 - archived
Final Evidence Summary
Breastfeeding: Counseling
October 15, 2008
Recommendations … counseling) were more effective than usual care in increasing the short-term breastfeeding rate. … Preventive Services Task Force to support its 2003 recommendation on counseling to promote breastfeeding … or behavioral intervention initiated from a clinician's practice (office or hospital) to improve the … Counseling to promote breastfeeding. In: Guide to Clinical Preventive Services 3rd ed.
March 15, 2013 - In nonpregnant adolescents and adults with chronic HBV infection, how effective is education or behavioral … change counseling in reducing transmission and improving health outcomes? … KQs 5–9
Nonpregnant adults and adolescents with chronic HBV infection
Interventions … KQs 4, 9
KQs 5–8
Education or behavior change counseling … exclusion criteria, analytic framework, and key questions related to populations, risk factors, settings, interventions
January 01, 2015 - recommendation statements on topics ranging from screening for autism spectrum disorder in young
children to behavioral … counseling interventions to prevent STIs. … Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
August 31, 2020 - recommendations that can help clinicians and patients
prevent stroke through preventive medications, behavioral … counseling, and other interventions. … Page/Name/grade-definitions
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
February 02, 2021 - recommendations that can help clinicians and patients
prevent stroke through preventive medications, behavioral … counseling, and other interventions. … Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling