February 02, 2017 - SNAC Submission Form. Section 2: Detailed Measure Specifications, Attachment 2: Chart Abstratcion Algorithm
SNAC Submission Form Measure 2: ADHD Behavior Therapy
Section 2: Detailed Measure Specifications
Attachment 2: Chart Abstraction…
November 01, 2018 - month when used for—
Chronic low back pain: Exercise, psychological
therapies (primarily cognitive behavioral … Fibromyalgia: Exercise, cognitive behavioral
therapy, myofascial release massage, tai chi,
September 01, 2022 - Excellence in Primary Care Research
About the National Center
Research Initiatives
December 01, 2021 - Funding of PBRNs
PBRN Centers
PBRN Profiles
PBRN Conference
Integrating Behavioral
September 01, 2021 - the USPSTF and can be searched by specific patient characteristics, such as age, sex, and selected behavioral
September 08, 2015 - • North Carolina formed a workgroup on school-age and adolescent behavioral and risk-factor screening … For instance, one
North Carolina practice implemented
behavioral and risk-factor screening for
school-age … percentage of
children in Medicaid and CHIP who
received standardized screenings for
developmental, behavioral … Enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP
2010 2011 2013 Change
Standardized screenings for developmental, behavioral … 3 years and older 52% 55% 58% 6%
4 years and older 37% 40% 43% 6%
Standardized behavioral
September 08, 2015 - Background
Caregivers of CSHCN, including
children with chronic conditions or
complex behavioral and … • Maryland is working to integrate peer support services for caregivers of
children with complex behavioral … peer support training curriculum and certification
process for caregivers of children with complex behavioral … Coverage of behavioral
health services for children, youth, and
young adults with significant mental … Care management entities provide
wraparound services for children and youth
with complex behavioral
March 01, 2017 - Human error is a product of both system design and behavioral choices.
January 17, 2017 - report
Health and behavior assessment (e.g., health-focused clinical interview, behavioral
February 02, 2017 - Section 8: Feasibility, Attachment 1: Preliminary Results: Performance Rates
SNAC Submission Form ADHD Measure 2: Behavior Therapy
Section 8: Feasibility
Attachment 1: Preliminary Results: Performance Rates
8B. Eligible Populations and…
October 01, 2013 - initiatives such as medical homes, 2) health information technology (IT) development, 3) efforts to integrate behavioral … Maryland, for example, is working to improve quality and reduce the costs of care for youth with serious behavioral … In May 2013, the CHIPRA Crisis Response and Redesign Workgroup produced a report that used behavioral … State’s existing multipayer PCMH pilot and target Medicaid beneficiaries with multiple chronic and behavioral
February 01, 2012 - Care Clinicians should evaluate children 4 -18 years of age for ADHD who
presents with academic or behavioral … In areas where evidence-based behavioral treatments are not available, the
clinician needs to weigh … Services Research
DuPaul, George School Psychologist Lehigh University
Earls, Marian Developmental-Behavioral … Ross, Clarke Parent American Association on Health and Disability
Sandler, Adrian Developmental-Behavioral … Laurel Consumer Representative Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Wolraich, Mark* Developmental-Behavioral
August 01, 2017 - For example, CIGNA put in place a
program to collect cultural and linguistic information from behavioral … To
make this program work, CIGNA actively recruits behavioral health practitioners that
reflect the … This program led to a significant increase in the number of behavioral health
practitioners with cultural … the percentage of minority
members expressing satisfaction
with access to urgent and routine
February 01, 2012 - Care Clinicians should evaluate children 4 -18 years of age for ADHD who
presents with academic or behavioral … In areas where evidence-based behavioral treatments are not available, the
clinician needs to weigh … Ross, Clarke Parent American Association on Health and Disability
Sandler, Adrian Developmental-Behavioral … Laurel Consumer Representative Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Wolraich, Mark* Developmental-Behavioral … Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - $4,500
Work Group Member: Nominated for National Quality
Forum Behavioral
March 15, 2016 - Nursing Home
Ambulatory Care Surveys
Clinician & Group (CG-CAHPS)
Health Plan
Surgical Care
ECHO® (Behavioral
June 01, 2012 - ADHD Chart Review Elements
ADHD Chart Abstraction Tool Template (with example data)
Patient ID Race Ethnicity Gender Payer Preferred Language Age Patient diagnosed between Dec 2011 and June 2012 (Yes-1/No -2) Evidence of ADHD diagnostic clinical exam by physician in the chart (Yes - 1/No - 2) Evidence in the chart…
October 01, 2015 - Behavioral factors, such as staff motivation and external demand for measures. … have one billing code to cover multiple types of services (for example, developmental screening and behavioral … Successful development of CMEs to serve youth with serious behavioral and emotional disorders required … Successful development of CMEs to serve youth with serious behavioral and emotional disorders required … For example, demonstration staff in Maryland used behavioral health claims data to identify gaps in the
February 02, 2017 - ADHD Summary of Public Comments
SNAC Submission Form ADHD Measure 2: Behavior Therapy
Section 6: Scientific Soundness
Attachment 2: Summary of Public Comments
Attention Deficit Hyperactivi…
September 01, 2015 - Evaluating Primary Care Behavioral
Counseling Interventions: an Evidence-based Approach
What … Efficacious self-management encompasses ability to monitor the condition and
to effect cogitive, behavioral … List specific goals In behavioral terms
2. List barriers and strategies to address barrle
3. … Efficacy of other methods Whitlock et al Evaluating primary care
behavioral counseling interventions
October 01, 2015 - coordinating care across health care settings (e.g., specialty care, hospitals, emergency and urgent care, behavioral … clinic staff); providing chronic, acute, and preventive care services to patients; and integrating behavioral