January 01, 2010 - Diet in Adults: A Summary of the Evidence
Diseases associated with unhealthy dietary behavior … between the patient and primary care physician or
related healthcare staff to assist patients in adopting
behaviors … Among 9 study arms classified as high intensity,
5 (55%) produced large changes in dietary behavior, … The specific health effects of
these dietary behavior changes are not clear, but
epidemiological data … Improving
dietary behavior: the effectiveness of tailored
messages in primary care settings.
January 01, 2010 - Behavioral Interventions to Promote Breastfeeding - Recommendations and Rationale
Summary of
The USPSTF recommends structured
breastfeeding education and behavioral counseling
programs to promote breastfeeding. B
The USPSTF found fair evidence that programs
combining breastfeeding ed…
February 01, 2013 - These 3 trials also included intervention com-
ponents for parents and addressed additional behaviors … be-
yond tobacco use, including alcohol and other substance
use (23, 36) and unsafe sexual behaviors … Behavior-Based Cessation Interventions
We included 3 behavior-based smoking cessation trials
(16, 25 … combined interventions that exclusively focused on ciga-
rette smoking with those that targeted multiple behaviors … (for example, alcohol and other substance use or sexual
May 17, 2021 - Margaret Berger professor of medicine and population health and
the director of the Center for Healthful Behavior … Change and the Division of Health and Behavior in the
Department of Population Health at the NYU Grossman
December 08, 2020 - Benefits of Counseling Interventions to Change Behavior
Sixty-four randomized, controlled trials and … MD, -0.63 kg [95% CI, -1.44 to -0.01]; I 2 =65.5%). 1
Harms of Counseling Interventions to Change Behavior … USPSTF Rationale
Effectiveness of counseling to change behavior
July 26, 2022 - , or a combination of these behaviors. … Benefits on Health Behaviors
Key Question 3. … Sixteen trials (n = 5867) reported measures of sedentary behavior, independent of physical activity. … No two studies had the same goals, behavior change messages, modes of delivery, or delivery schedule. … Effect of a cardiovascular prevention program on health behavior and BMI in highly educated adults: a
January 01, 2010 - Therefore, risk factors
based on an individual’s risky behavior are generally con-
sidered modifiable … Is there direct evidence that primary care counseling
to reduce risky sexual behavior can reduce STI … Do sexual behavior changes lead to a reduced inci-
dence of STI or related morbidity and mortality? … Key question 5 (Do sexual behavior changes lead to a reduced incidence of STI, or related morbidity and … Factors that influence adolescent reports of counseling by physicians on
risky behavior.
March 01, 2014 - It can lead to risky behavior while “high,” including driving under the influence, unsafe sex, and violence … anxiety, damage to the doctor-patient relationship, and unintended increases in drug use or
other risky behavior … Click Here to Learn
More About Drug Use
Drugs, Brains, and
Behavior: The Science
of Addiction
April 02, 2019 - All persons, regardless of their CVD risk status, can gain health benefits from healthy eating
behaviors … categorized as low intensity included print- or web-based materials with tailored feedback and tools for behavior
February 01, 2024 - screening for unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and adults reduce alcohol use or improve other risky behaviors … counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use reduce alcohol use or improve other risky behaviors … Studies in which the only aim is targeting another behavior (e.g., drug or tobacco use) such that … pregnant KQs 1–3: Studies whose participants are not selected on the basis of alcohol use or a related behavior … relationship
Attitudes, knowledge, and beliefs related to alcohol use
Intention to change behavior
August 18, 2020 - have sex with men ( https://www.thecommunityguide.org/findings/hiv-interventions-reduce-sexual-risk-behaviors-or-increase-protective-behaviors-prevent … One trial found a significant effect on self-reported sexual behavior in adolescents aged 11 to 14 years … Effects on sexual risk behavior and STD rate of brief HIV/STD prevention interventions for African American … A parent-based intervention to reduce sexual risk behavior in early adolescence: building alliances between … The majority engaged in STI risk behaviors (such as unprotected intercourse or multiple sex partners)
August 18, 2020 - For all KQs, included studies were required to target sexual behavior change to prevent STIs. … Studies that focused solely on behavior change to prevent unintended pregnancy or change behaviors such … as drug and alcohol use associated with risky sexual behavior were not included. … Do behavioral counseling interventions decrease risky sexual behaviors or increase protective behaviors … Reducing sexual risk behavior in adolescent girls.
September 22, 2014 - We included trials evaluating counseling interventions targeting risky sexual behaviors to prevent STIs … or multiple partners) and maximize protective behaviors (for example, condom use). … Measures of behavior change were very heterogeneous. … increase protective sexual behaviors reduce STI and/or related morbidity and mortality? … sexual behaviors?
April 25, 2022 - Health at NYU
Grossman School of Medicine, where he serves as the director of the Center for Healthful Behavior … Change, Division
of Health and Behavior in the Department of Population Health.
May 18, 2023 - maintenance, including the following, alone or in combination:
Behavioral-based interventions (e.g., behavior … modification, cognitive behavioral therapy, or health-behavior change counseling and coaching)
July 11, 2017 - categorized as low intensity included print- or web-based materials with tailored feedback and tools for behavior … The evidence review also examined interventions to reduce sedentary behavior, as well as the harms of … Health Behavior Outcomes
The USPSTF reviewed 86 trials, involving more than 115,000 persons, that reported … The USPSTF found 4 trials that reported on measures of sedentary behavior. 3 Although there were some … USPSTF recognizes that the evidence base for these interventions varies, and although the evidence for behavior
June 01, 2024 - providing information
about healthy eating, physical activity, and reading food labels; and incorporating behavior … change techniques such
as problem solving, monitoring diet and activity behaviors, and goal setting
October 15, 2008 - women in STI clinics and general contraception use in male adolescents and decrease nonsexual risky behavior … Do sexual behavior changes lead to a reduced incidence of STI or related morbidity and mortality? … , condom use, substance use behavior
Kyung-Hee C
Education Program to Promote Female … Factors that influence adolescent reports of counseling by physicians on risky behavior. … Effect of HIV antibody testing and AIDS education on communication about HIV risk and sexual behavior
July 11, 2017 - categorized as low intensity included print- or
web-based materials with tailored feedback and tools for behavior … The evidence review also examined interventions to reduce
sedentary behavior, as well as the harms of … Health Behavior Outcomes
The USPSTF reviewed 86 trials, involving more than 115 000 per-
sons, that reported … The USPSTF found 4 trials that reported on measures of sed-
entary behavior.3 Although there were some … USPSTF recognizes that
the evidence base for these interventions varies, and although the
evidence for behavior
July 11, 2017 - improve associated health behaviors in adults? … Only 4 trials reported measures of sedentary behavior independent of physical activity behavior. … consensus for the reporting of behavior change interventions. … improve associated health behaviors in adults? … Insufficient evidence for sedentary behaviors.