March 04, 2021 - Theories and Models of Behavior Change Behavior change theories and models from the social and behavioral … to behavior, but clinical intervention targeting any behavior change can be described with reference … with new behaviors and to tackle environmental and physiological barriers to change. … Risk behaviors and health: Contrasting individual and population perspectives. … Treating Addictive Behaviors , 2nd ed. New York: Plenum Press; 1998:337-351.
November 01, 2013 - Does Changing Individual Health Behavior Improve Health Outcomes? … "Sustained Health Behavior Change" is linked by a dotted line to the next immediate box to its right, … What are the adverse effects of health behavior change? … health care behaviors, improved function, decreased use of health care resources? … Is sustained health behavior change directly related to reduced morbidity and/or mortality?
February 20, 2020 - behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve behavioral outcomes (e.g., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior) in adults without … BMI ≥25.0 kg/m 2 ])
Studies limited to:
Children and adolescents
Parents (if intended behavior
February 20, 2020 - behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve behavioral outcomes (e.g., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior) in adults without … BMI ≥25.0 kg/m 2 ])
Studies limited to:
Children and adolescents
Parents (if intended behavior
February 20, 2020 - behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve behavioral outcomes (e.g., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior) in adults without … BMI ≥25.0 kg/m 2 ])
Studies limited to:
Children and adolescents
Parents (if intended behavior
November 01, 2013 - Six Most Commonly Cited Behavior Change Models, Theories, and Constructs - Focus and Key Concepts … to action
Cues to action
Theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behavior … People are rational beings whose intention to perform a behavior strongly relates to its actual … is explained by dynamic interaction among personal factors, environmental influences, and behavior. … marketing
The application of commercial marketing technologies to increase the practice of healthy behaviors
March 21, 2007 - - Assess conviction and
confidence regarding
target behaviors.
- Select or develop HRA
survey … -Add behaviors to the
problem list for
patient. … - Prompt staff to collect
or update key
behaviors status at
each visit. … - Share data on BRFSS
items or other
behaviors with other
organizations. … - Make screening on all
4 health behaviors a
vital sign; and require
reporting on all
June 04, 2020 - behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve intermediate behavioral outcomes (e.g., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior) in … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior
June 04, 2020 - behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve intermediate behavioral outcomes (e.g., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior) in … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior
June 04, 2020 - behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve intermediate behavioral outcomes (e.g., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior) in … behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior
January 01, 2025 - Cancer
Cardiovascular Disorders (Heart and Vascular Diseases)
Development and Behavior … Maltreatment: Primary Care Interventions
Adolescent, Pediatric
Development and Behavior … and Language Delay and Disorders in Children: Screening
Development and Behavior … Prevent Neural Tube Defects: Preventive Medication
Adolescent, Adult
Development and Behavior … Depression and Suicide Risk in Adults: Screening
Adult, Senior
B, I
Development and Behavior
January 01, 2025 - Cancer
Cardiovascular Disorders (Heart and Vascular Diseases)
Development and Behavior … Maltreatment: Primary Care Interventions
Adolescent, Pediatric
Development and Behavior … and Language Delay and Disorders in Children: Screening
Development and Behavior … Prevent Neural Tube Defects: Preventive Medication
Adolescent, Adult
Development and Behavior … Depression and Suicide Risk in Adults: Screening
Adult, Senior
B, I
Development and Behavior
January 01, 2010 - successful behavior change: 39,45,49
Impact of Health Behavior Change Programs
Highly efficacious, … , changes in
other health
behaviors, and
improvements in
functioning)? … Risk behaviors and health: Contrasting
individual and population perspectives. … Treating Addictive Behaviors. 2nd ed.
New York: Plenum Press; 1998:337-351.
94. … Treating Addictive Behaviors. New York: Plenum
Press; 1998:317-336.
November 01, 2013 - Can Interventions in the Clinical Setting Influence People to Change Their Behavior? … Change" and "Ongoing or Sustained Behavior Change," all on the same line. … This arrow leads to a final box on the line "Ongoing or Sustained Behavior Change." … , changes in other health behaviors, improvements in functioning)? … respond to appropriate behavioral counseling interventions and successfully change targeted health behaviors
May 14, 2015 - illustrates how behavioral counseling to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve associated health behaviors in adults? … the relationship between behavioral outcomes (i.e., healthful diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior … refers to behavior characterized by minimal energy expenditure while in a sitting or reclining posture … a larger multicomponent intervention on healthful diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary behavior
May 14, 2015 - illustrates how behavioral counseling to improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior … improve associated health behaviors in adults? … the relationship between behavioral outcomes (i.e., healthful diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior … refers to behavior characterized by minimal energy expenditure while in a sitting or reclining posture … a larger multicomponent intervention on healthful diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary behavior
November 02, 2023 - weight loss improve intermediate behavioral outcomes (e.g., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior … years, including studies among:
Adults who are unselected based on BMI, CVD risk factors, or behavior … as part of a larger multicomponent intervention on diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary behavior … Interventions include but are not limited to behavior modification, cognitive behavioral therapy, or … health behavior change counseling and coaching including assessment with feedback, advice, and collaborative
January 14, 2020 - interest include practice redesign of health care delivery, chronic disease care and prevention, health behavior … Margaret Berger professor of medicine and population health and the director of the Center for Healthful Behavior … Change and the Division of Health and Behavior in the Department of Population Health at the NYU Grossman
June 20, 2013 - , adaptive behavior, educational placement/achievement, and quality of life for the child and family … , cognitive and intellectual functioning, language and communication skill development, challenging behavior … , adaptive behavior, educational placement/achievement, and quality of life for the child and family? … ; adaptive behavior; educational placement/achievement; quality of life for child and family assessed … , adaptive behavior, educational placement/achievement, and quality of life for child and family
January 16, 2025 - Category
Studies targeting sexual behavior change to prevent STIs … Studies aimed solely at targeting behavior change to prevent unintended pregnancy or to change behaviors … associated with risky sexual behavior (e.g., substance use disorders, interpersonal violence) … interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy)
Waiting room, multimedia, or other health system–based behavior … change interventions
Telemedicine or technology-based behavior change interventions (e.g., text messages