June 03, 2020 - September 24, 2008
Negligent care and malpractice claiming behavior in Utah and Colorado
August 04, 2021 - October 24, 2012
Negligent care and malpractice claiming behavior in Utah and Colorado
September 11, 2019 - May 30, 2018
Safety II behavior in a pediatric intensive care unit.
January 18, 2023 - January 30, 2005
Pediatric trainees' speaking up about unprofessional behavior and traditional
November 26, 2014 - Transformative learning in a professional development course aimed at addressing disruptive physician behavior
June 03, 2020 - July 15, 2015
Association of coworker reports about unprofessional behavior by surgeons
August 04, 2021 - January 25, 2023
Association of coworker reports about unprofessional behavior by surgeons
January 01, 2006 - A clinical decision support system for prevention of venous thromboembolism: effect on physician behavior
December 01, 2007 - The coach will go through their medications with them, identify problems, and model behavior for how … coach does not grab the phone out of the patient's hand and make phone calls, but rather models the behavior
December 01, 2007 - The coach will go through their medications with them, identify problems, and model behavior for how … coach does not grab the phone out of the patient's hand and make phone calls, but rather models the behavior
February 01, 2013 - , investigators found a two-fold difference in patients' comfort performing various safety-oriented behaviors … examining more closely the role of health care practitioners and organizations in enabling safety-oriented behaviors … medical decision making, may have a more potent impact on reducing adverse events than the more active behaviors
April 28, 2021 - involving an ethnical committee or specialists for clinical ethical consultations) may increase ethical behavior … The teaching hospital environment can produce clinician behaviors and mindsets that persist throughout
April 28, 2021 - authors review common mistakes made during the pandemic (such as broken trust or ignoring disruptive behaviors … authors review common mistakes made during the pandemic (such as broken trust or ignoring disruptive behaviors
May 16, 2022 - Interventions to promote speaking up behaviors should focus on engaging leaders across the institution … This study explored how residents’ networking with senior physicians influences advice-seeking behaviors
April 10, 2024 - We talked openly about our values and the competencies that we would need to build; the behaviors that … Using a modified A3 lean framework to identify ways to increase students' reporting of mistreatment behaviors
November 18, 2016 - history of probable injection drug use (which might be misinterpreted as a red flag for "drug-seeking behavior
April 04, 2018 - Due to some odd behavior and suspicion for substance abuse, a urine toxicology test was sent on admission … and not on combination opioid therapy) and should be weaned off opioids if they develop any aberrant behaviors
September 27, 2023 - with the development of delirium.( 18,19 ) Second, restraints may exacerbate underlying hyperactive behavior
August 01, 2018 - We know that simulation-based interventions can change
real-world behavior, both of trainees and experienced
July 08, 2022 - Historically, subjective patient data such as nonverbal behavior and self-reported pain scores, coupled