March 07, 2021 - I trust my Kaiser provider’s advice on
my child’s behavior and development.
d. … I trust my alternative medicine provider’s
advice on my child’s behavior and
January 01, 2020 - The enhanced tool will be evaluated to observe behavior change among patients and providers with the
January 01, 2023 - programs (PDMPs) into electronic health record systems and its impact on PDMP use and provider prescribing behavior
March 01, 2013 - His research is focused on technology-based models of health delivery and use behavior
change as a tool … provides researchers with a readymade
laboratory to study important issues such as health seeking behaviors … Jethwani, what is your favorite application or device that has had an impact on
changing behavior? … His research is focused on technology-based models of health delivery and use
of behavior change as … Jethwani, what is your favorite application or device that has had an impact on changing behavior?
January 01, 2018 - Human Factors Design
Human Factors Design is the study of human behavior, the environment, and technology
June 14, 2021 - Managing Change: An Overview
As increasingly powerful informatics systems are designed, developed, and implemented, they inevitably affect larger, more heterogeneous groups of people and more organizational areas. In turn, the major challenges to system success are often more behavioral than technical. Success…
January 01, 2012 - Despite the proven efficacy of reducing cardiovascular risk through
self-management behaviors, dissemination … will allow them to enter and track their own measurements
and observations of their BP and health behaviors … innovation that
will allow tracking of both individual and aggregate changes in participants’ BP and health behavior
January 01, 2024 - Predictive Modeling for Social Needs in Emergency Department Settings
Project Description
Research Story
Using predictive modeling and clinical decision support tools to identify people with unmet social needs has the potential to increase referrals to …
January 01, 2024 - self-administered electronic patient-reported outcome assessment in HIV care: Relationship with health behaviors … self-administered electronic patient-reported outcome assessment in HIV care: Relationship with health behaviors
June 09, 2020 - Xiong, Glen
Asynchronous telepsychiatry interviewer training recommendations: A model for interdisciplinary, integrated behavioral health care.
Parish MB, Gonzalez A, Hilty D, Chan S, Xiong G, Scher L, Liu D, Sciolla A, Shore J, McCarron R, Kahn D, Iosif AM, Yellowlee…
January 01, 2023 - The use of SEE-Diabetes, a user-centered shared decision making module, may improve self-care behaviors … The modules will allow patients and providers to jointly select individual self-care behaviors that matter
January 01, 2023 - information through PHR use will increase patient activation and consequently improve patient health behaviors … the project were to:
Develop, through patient and provider focus groups, measures of patient MTM behaviors … a trial in a primary care Practice-based Research Network, the 6- and 12-month patient-reported MTM behaviors … Followup questionnaires measured change from baseline medication use, behaviors, quality, and adherence … Compared with low/non-users, frequent users reported significantly improved medication management behaviors
January 01, 2011 - COCOM is a phenomenological description of behavior from Cognitive Systems
Engineering. … Behaviors, thoughts, actions,
etc. of the providers during the pre-visit planning and visit were coded … It does not
predict mechanisms of behavior only that certain behaviors will result in a more orderly … If we can identify
behaviors that predict better decision making and can design software to facilitate … at a lower cognitive load, we can both speed the design of effective software and use
behaviors as
January 01, 2017 - research questions and applications including perception and visualization, human
decision making and behavior … Jodie Plumert, PhD - Virtual Environments as Laboratories for Studying Human Behavior
Jodie Plumert … Plumert spoke on Virtual Environments as Laboratories for Studying Human Behavior. … All while studying human
behavior, perception and neuroscience to better understand human perception
January 01, 2023 - pediatric primary care settings, which found an increased rate of clinician counseling for endorsed behaviors … , but no significant change in reported risk behaviors or patient satisfaction.
January 01, 2001 - once the child is stable,
an office visit every 3 to 6 months allows for assessment of learning and behavior
January 01, 2023 - self-explanatory graphical user interface, allowing the patient to enter their own information on two health behaviors … The program asked questions about risk factors and frequency of symptoms related to these health behaviors … , provided feedback about how changing the health behaviors would improve these risk factors and symptoms
January 01, 2023 - pediatric primary care settings, which found an increased rate of clinician counseling for endorsed behaviors … , but no significant change in reported risk behaviors or patient satisfaction.
January 01, 2020 - research
The team developed and evaluated natural language processing algorithms to identify ASD behaviors … This study addressed a gap in EHR use in mental health, where behaviors that meet DSM criteria are frequently … Given that children with ASD demonstrate drastically variable behaviors that qualify for the same DSM
January 01, 2017 - Characterize and understand the patterns and reasons for these override behaviors and
4 … We specifically assessed alert design and user behavior and its impact on alert
acceptance in EHRs. … To determine whether employing human factors principles can have an impact on physician
behavior in … The interventions studied were impact of alert design, user behavior and a
qualitative assessment of … percentage of providers who report reading, finding these alerts relevant, or
changing prescribing behaviors