April 01, 2008 - standardized electronic prior authorization (ePA) on the prescriber’s workflow, changes in
prescribing behaviors … assessing the potential impact of a standardized electronic prior
authorization on workflow, prescribing behaviors … This type of prescribing
behavior was also found in the other pilot sites.
September 01, 2023 - qualitative measures to
determine if and to what extent messaging reaches the right audiences, influences
behavior … from a wider spectrum of
information, was not sufficient to meet their needs and change their search behavior
April 01, 2008 - standardized electronic prior authorization (ePA) on the prescriber’s workflow, changes in
prescribing behaviors … assessing the potential impact of a standardized electronic prior
authorization on workflow, prescribing behaviors … This type of prescribing
behavior was also found in the other pilot sites.
April 01, 2008 - standardized electronic prior authorization (ePA) on the prescriber’s workflow, changes in
prescribing behaviors … assessing the potential impact of a standardized electronic prior
authorization on workflow, prescribing behaviors … This type of prescribing
behavior was also found in the other pilot sites.
January 01, 2008 - the HIT use may result in changes in either physiologic outcomes,
e.g., lipid levels, or in patient behavior
December 01, 2005 - This is a quick way to help change ordering behavior without
overwhelming the user.
December 01, 2005 - This is a quick way to help change ordering behavior without overwhelming the user.
January 01, 2024 - requirements that allow the user to satisfy a business objective or
Function: specification of behavior
December 01, 2005 - This is a quick way to help change ordering behavior without
overwhelming the user.
January 01, 2018 - Computers in Human
Behavior. 2007;23(3):1200-321.
October 23, 2012 - disseminating and implementing the
results of Agency activities that have the goal
of changing audience behavior … Advocate (VPA), a
computerized, animated character that
emulates the face-to-face conversational
February 20, 2014 - not have protocols/ tools
that would allow them to use CDS-derived
information to change patient behaviors
January 01, 2013 - era of stakeholder engaged teams seeking to improve knowledge
regarding health care decisions and behaviors
September 01, 2011 - health information, sharing
health information with health care providers, and tracking health-related behaviors … about Internal
Processes of Designers
Design Process Structure
Design Methods
Mechanisms of Choice
Behavior … Flickr: a first look at user
behaviors in the context of photography as serious leisure. … and robust
distributed information
processing systems which
exploit the efficiencies of
organized behavior … It does not
try to get users to change their
behaviors. It tries to meet their
existing needs.
March 28, 2007 - Also, communication science, and
also information that comes from organizational behavior.
January 01, 2021 - adaptive settings that
are marked by dynamic interactions between the individual, team, and system-level behaviors … most critical role of governance focuses on the work of
boundary setting that fosters health system behavior
January 01, 2016 - decision gates that use information values to select workflow paths;
Boundary events that coordinate behaviors … Boundary events that coordinate behaviors throughout workflows.
January 01, 2021 - which persistent on self-report six months later suggesting this form of training not only modifies
January 01, 2018 - The schema dictates how the behavior and semantics of the search
process and requires a balance flexibility
June 05, 2006 - Slide 1
Socio-Technical Approach to Planning and Assessing Redesign l June 5, 2006 l *
AHRQ 2006 Annual Conference on Patient Safety and Health IT
Socio-Technical Approach to Planning and Assessing Redesign
Huron Hospital CPOE Implementation
June 5, 2006
Greg Kall, CPHIMS
Regional Vice President, Information Te…