
Total Results: 1,342 records

Showing results for "behavior".

    January 01, 2024 - self-administered electronic patient-reported outcome assessment in HIV care: Relationship with health behaviors … self-administered electronic patient-reported outcome assessment in HIV care: Relationship with health behaviors … determinants in an HIV self-management intervention: Qualitative analysis guided by the theory of planned behavior … determinants in an HIV self-management intervention: Qualitative analysis guided by the theory of planned behavior
    November 19, 2008 - Knowledgebases) MGH OE BWH OE LMR Barriers to Physician Adherence to Practice Guidelines in Relation to Behavior … Findings • When used the SF improves the capture of structured data • Positive changes in clinician behavior
    January 01, 2011 - young adults, people who rent or move frequently, and individuals who demonstrate health-compromising behaviors … This project studied the potential of SMS to support the adoption and maintenance of healthy behavior … used text messaging to promote medication adherence and appointment attendance, reduce risk-taking behaviors … satisfaction and the impact of the intervention on targeted knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, intentions and behaviors … messaging is designed and customized for individual patients and patient populations, it can motivate behavior
    January 01, 2012 - Get Movie-ing—Machinima for Behavior Change. Pablo E. Paredes, Stephen Schueller & John F. Canny. … “Opinion Leader Effects, Individual Learning Behavior, and Healthcare Information Technology Adoption … Within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), researchers have increasingly used theories of behavior change … and models to design system features, and the impact of these systems on users’ health attitudes and behaviors … Theory- driven design strategies for technologies that support behavior change in everyday life. 2009
    January 01, 2013 - hesitancy(31) and the Health Belief Model, a theoretical framework used to describe various health behaviors … Parents and their vaccination behaviors were first identified using the 4 … We also conducted a survey study with parents across a range of vaccination behaviors to assess their … While omission bias may influence vaccine behaviors, our data shows that parents also fear the harm … (23) BabyCenter's "21st Century Mom™ Report" Reveals Insights Into the Behaviors and Attitudes
    January 01, 2023 - Interviews provide a means of eliciting information from a group of individuals regarding their opinions, behavior
    January 01, 2012 - EHR when diagnosing and treating patients with diabetes and what may motivate their documentation behavior … AHRQ GRANTS FOR HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH DISSERTATION PROGRAM (R36) documentation behaviors … while clinicians were not specifically asked about organizational influences on their documentation behavior
    June 07, 2000 - A clinical decision support system for prevention of venous thromboembolism: effect on physician behavior
    January 01, 2010 - and an existing clinical patient education system—the Virtual Patient Advocate (VPA)—to deliver the behavior … preconception risks, 2) culturally appropriate health promotion messages, and 3) an individualized behavior … Project Objectives: Design a new VPA for a Web-based behavior change and patient activation system
    January 01, 2011 - Created prior to 2011 Sharing Electronic Behavior Health Records: A
    January 01, 2010 - warning indicating antidepressant medication increases the risk of suicidal thoughts or 4 behaviors … the benefits of antidepressants appeared to be much greater than the risk for suicidal ideation and behavior … Recent and unusual changes in mood and behavior would also be assessed. … focus on potential side effects of antidepressant use, the principal risk of suicidal ideation and behavior … “Since the last doctor visit or phone check up, have you noticed any new problem behaviors, changes
    January 01, 2008 - Opportunity to incorporate CNA behavior observations into RN behavior documentation to increase accuracy … • Progress Year 3: All facilities used the Restorative module, ADL documentation, and Behaviors … • Information about resident behaviors is easy to find (% completely agree increased from 9% to … many issues related to lack of accuracy and inconsistencies in CNA documentation (e.g., incontinence, behaviors … of reports helped staff development identify the need to focus inservices, e.g., how to document behaviors
    March 01, 2007 - Purpose of Study:  assess the extent of effectiveness of internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (CBT
    March 01, 2009 - usual­care group (p<.001).14 Asynchronous alerts have been shown to influence positive provider behavior … Baseline prealert ordering behavior could be compared to ordering behavior once alerts are implemented … The effect of automated alerts on provider ordering behavior in an outpatient setting.
    January 01, 2012 - Healthy Teens TXT ME: Information Technology to Change Teen Health Risk Behaviors - Final Report … 1 TXT ME; IT to change teen health risk behaviors Ardis L. … Evaluation will include short term outcomes related to message design and health behavior outcomes. … Thus a potential cascade of changing multiple health behaviors is possible when teens begin to increase … Other types of interventions will be needed to motivate teens with no interest in changing behavior.
    January 01, 2009 - into the role of expertise in incorporating EMRs into clinical practice in general and communicative behavior … into the role of expertise in incorporating EMRs into clinical practice in general and communicative behavior
    January 01, 2003 - Authors concluded that reminders are more effective than feedback in influencing physician behavior related
    January 01, 2021 - Finally, they were asked which of these communication behaviors they would most like to improve. … to improve, and/or sleep given the highest rating among the behaviors to improve. … to improve in the next 6 months, and/or mood given the highest rating among the behaviors to improve … Translating behavior change techniques to new delivery mediums. … Applying the Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy to mobile health applications: a protocol.
    January 01, 2019 - of EHR within the Emergency Department (ED) workflow with specific emphasis on information seeking behaviors … We could speculate that the multi-patient visit behavior is related to a less positive perception. … combining statistical and computational techniques used for sequence analysis to predict physician behaviors … Simulation of clinical behaviors, specifically time spent at various locations and their impact on time … They provide a simple and efficient mechanism to understand and characterize human interaction behaviors
    January 01, 2010 - and an existing clinical patient education system—the Virtual Patient Advocate (VPA)—to deliver the behavior … preconception risks, 2) culturally appropriate health promotion messages, and 3) an individualized behavior … Project Objectives: •   Design a new VPA for a Web-based behavior change and patient activation system

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