April 06, 2004 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Alcohol Misuse: Screening and Counseling
April 06, 2004
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. governmen…
May 23, 2019 - Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care To
Reduce Alcohol Misuse: Recommendation Statement
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force*
This statement summarizes the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) recommendations on behavioral counseling interven-
tions to reduce alcohol misuse in prima…
January 01, 1996 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Problem Drinking: Screening, 1996
January 01, 1996
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They…
February 03, 2003 - Share to Facebook
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Evidence Summary
Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2) in Adults: Screening, 2003
February 03, 2003
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. Th…
May 23, 2019 - Screening Adults for Type 2 Diabetes: A Review of the Evidence for
the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Russell Harris, MD, MPH; Katrina Donahue, MD, MPH; Saif S. Rathore, MPH; Paul Frame, MD; Steven H. Woolf, MD, MPH;
and Kathleen N. Lohr, PhD
Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with a
heavy burden …
May 15, 2013 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Alcohol Misuse: Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care
May 15, 2013
Recommendations made by the USP…
August 01, 2013 - Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care
to Reduce Alcohol Misuse: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Recommendation Statement
Virginia A. Moyer, MD, MPH, on behalf of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force*
Description: Update of the 2004 U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force (USPSTF) recomme…
February 01, 2022 - DRAFT - Screening for Syphilis Infection in Nonpregnant Adolescents and Adults: A Targeted Evidence Update
Evidence Synthesis
Number 218
Screening for Syphilis Infection in Nonpregnant
Adolescents and Adults: A Targeted Evidence Update
for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Prepared for:
Agency …
September 01, 2022 - Screening for Syphilis Infection in Nonpregnant Adults and Adolescents: A Targeted Evidence Update for the USPSTF
Evidence Synthesis
Number 218
Screening for Syphilis Infection in Nonpregnant
Adults and Adolescents: A Targeted Evidence Update
for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Prepared for:
November 13, 2018 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Adolescents and Adults: Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions
November 13, 2018
Recommendations made by t…
May 02, 2023 - Share to Facebook
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Evidence Summary
Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Adults: Screening
May 02, 2023
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not …
August 02, 2018 - Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions to Reduce Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Adolescents and Adults: USPSTF Recommendation Statement
Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions
to Reduce Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Adolescents and Adults
US Preventive Services Task Force
Recommendation Statement
US Prevent…
October 22, 2013 - Share to Facebook
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Evidence Summary
Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: Screening
October 22, 2013
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They sho…
November 01, 2013 - Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: A Systematic Review for the USPSTF
Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: A Systematic
Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Jennifer S. Lin, MD, MCR; Elizabeth O’Connor, PhD; Rebecca C. Rossom, MD, MCR; Leslie A. Perdue, MPH; and
August 01, 2022 - Screening for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Adults: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force
Screening for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Adults
Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review
for the US Preventive Services Task Force
Daniel E. Jonas, MD, MPH; Sean R.…