January 01, 2012 - January 2012. http://www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/reports/final.cfm. … mailto:info@ahrq.gov
Preface … delirium; fall prevention design such as nonskid floor
surfaces, extra handrails, more aisle lighting, bedside … Patient care would shift from the
ED setting to the primary care setting. … delirium; fall prevention measures such as nonskid
floor surfaces, handrails, aisle lighting, and bedside
January 01, 2012 - Those reports are sent to various experts with clinical, health systems, health administration, and/or … June 2012. http://www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/reports/final.cfm. … fall prevention design such as nonskid
floor surfaces, extra handrails, more aisle lighting, and bedside … First, this intervention will shift care from the ED to a home care setting. … delirium; fall prevention measures such as
nonskid floor surfaces, handrails, aisle lighting, and bedside
January 01, 2012 - Those reports are sent to various experts with clinical, health systems, health administration, and/or … December 2012. http://www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/reports/final.cfm. … mailto:info@ahrq.gov
The … fall-prevention design such as nonskid
floor surfaces, extra handrails, more aisle lighting, and bedside … delirium; fall prevention measures such as
nonskid floor surfaces, handrails, aisle lighting, and bedside
September 01, 2012 - www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/reports/final.cfm. … The reports undergo
peer review prior to their release as a final report. … Methods
Research Report (Prepared by the Southern
California Evidence-based Practice Center under … A turning point or shift in perspectives, implying a home coming in relation to inner
aspects was discussed … , and report their objectives are being met.
December 01, 2011 - Has there been a shift or tipping point causing wider diffusion of an existent but underused
approach … Is this something that represents a systems shift in health care delivery? If so, select.
6. … These include the Healthcare
Horizon Scanning System Status report, the Potential High Impact report … , Target technology reports, and
Existing Technology reports. … of previously
presented trials, late-breaking science,
new analyses or substudies, major
January 14, 2024 - The timeline selected for this report
aligns with a major shift in documentation burdens occurring with … Lastly, Patel et al.58 assessed the number of logins per shift,
number of charts reviewed per shift, … The timeline selected for this report aligns with a major shift
in documentation burdens occurring with … A mobile
application to support bedside nurse
documentation and care: a time and motion
study. … How
Do Residents Spend Their Shift Time?
December 01, 2013 - Those reports are sent to various experts with clinical, health systems, health administration, and/or … delirium; fall-prevention design provides
nonskid floor surfaces, extra handrails, more aisle lighting, bedside … The focus could shift from securing patient understanding
and ‘buy-in’ to a focus on family … delirium; fall prevention measures such as
nonskid floor surfaces, handrails, aisle lighting, and bedside … Widespread implementation would result in an
initial, positive shift in patient management, experts
June 01, 2013 - Those reports are sent to various experts with clinical, health systems, health administration, and/or … June 2013. http://www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/reports/final.cfm. … fall-
prevention design such as nonskid floor surfaces, extra handrails, more aisle lighting, and
bedside … care from
the ED to a home-care setting, shift some responsibility for patient care from emergency … delirium; fall prevention measures such as
nonskid floor surfaces, handrails, aisle lighting, and bedside
August 01, 2013 - Has there been a shift or tipping point in an existing, but not previously diffused behavioral health … Would adoption or implementation of this intervention potentially shift/change/disrupt
any of the following … In that report, topics are rolled up to the “class” level. … of previously
presented trials, late-breaking science,
new analyses or substudies, major
bench-to-bedside … that can be treated; amount of care that needs to be delivered; amount of care
that can be avoided; shift
December 01, 2014 - Those reports are sent to various experts with clinical, health systems, health administration, and/or … This report is generated twice a year. … The topics that emerged as having potentially high
impact are care-delivery innovations that might shift … Fall-prevention design provides nonskid floor
surfaces, extra handrails, more aisle lighting, bedside … administration of propofol by such teams during routine endoscopy
cases, which could represent a significant shift
December 10, 2013 - migration, anorexia, nausea, tenderness in RLQ, rebound pain, elevated temperature, leukocytosis, and shift … guarding)
Laboratory tests (e.g., white blood cell count, C-reactive protein concentration, left shift … text); (b) to obtain missing data on key subgroups of interest when not available in the published reports … The grading will be outcome specific, such that a given study that reports its primary outcome well but … Surgeon-performed ultrasound at the bedside for the detection of appendicitis and gallstones: systematic
December 09, 2013 - migration, anorexia, nausea, tenderness in RLQ, rebound pain,
elevated temperature, leukocytosis, and shift … guarding)
o Laboratory tests (e.g., white blood cell count, C-reactive protein
concentration, left shift … The grading will be
outcome specific, such that a given study that reports its primary outcome well … Surgeon-performed ultrasound at the
bedside for the detection of appendicitis and gallstones: systematic … Available at: http://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/index.cfm/search-for-guides-reviews-
June 01, 2014 - This report is generated twice a year. … that emerged as having a potential high
impact are care-delivery innovations that might shift … Fall-prevention design provides nonskid floor
surfaces, extra handrails, more aisle lighting, bedside … administration of propofol by such teams during routine endoscopy
cases, which could represent a significant shift … Widespread implementation would result in an initial,
positive shift in patient management, experts
September 01, 2015 - Has there been a shift or tipping point in an existing, but not previously diffused behavioral health … Would adoption or implementation of this intervention potentially shift/change/disrupt any of the
following … High-Impact Report Preparation
Six weeks prior to delivering the June and December reports, the Horizon … of previously
presented trials, late-breaking science,
new analyses or substudies, major
bench-to-bedside … that can be treated; amount of care that needs to be delivered; amount of care
that can be avoided; shift
September 01, 2015 - Has there been a shift or tipping point in an existing, but not previously diffused behavioral health … Would adoption or implementation of this intervention potentially shift/change/disrupt any of the
following … High-Impact Report Preparation
Six weeks prior to delivering the June and December reports, the Horizon … of previously
presented trials, late-breaking science,
new analyses or substudies, major
bench-to-bedside … that can be treated; amount of care that needs to be delivered; amount of care
that can be avoided; shift
October 01, 2013 - findings; imported text from earlier notes
on the patient; and linkages to laboratory results,
radiology reports … These changes could be either a singular event
or a gradual shift in the data and can be triggered … Some disadvantages are that these data
streams are often specialized (e.g., bedside
prescribing), and … Validating billing
data for RBC transfusions: a brief report. … Annual Report FY 2010.
Available at: www.lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/lhc/docs/
December 15, 2015 - My personal
experience in SW OH is very poor and it does effect my
bedside behavior in medical decisionmaking … So how do we shift the research
paradigm to start asking different questions? … #state-hie-reports
Case Study Report: The State HIE Program Four Years
Later: Key Findings on Grantees … A
comprehensive discussion on the complexity of studying
exchange and helping to guide a paradigm shift … Access to such
systems can be implemented as a lookup at providers’
initiative or as a summary report
June 21, 2021 - the final submission of the report. … We will prioritize reports of U.S. national or regional studies over local reports or data from
other … A paradigm shift to address
racial inequities in perinatal healthcare. … Domestic Violence Reports. … The EPC considers all peer review comments on
the draft report in preparing the final report.
September 20, 2021 - the final submission of the report. … We will prioritize reports of U.S. national or regional studies over local reports or data from other … A paradigm shift to address racial inequities in perinatal healthcare. … Domestic Violence Reports . Accessed April 20, 2021.
US Department of Health and Human Services. … The EPC considers all peer review comments on the draft report in preparing the final report.
November 19, 2020 - Comments on draft reports and the authors’ responses to the comments are posted for public
viewing on … As a clinician this is what
we see at the bedside, but I think this assertion is
important enough to … In addition, the article reports on oxygen saturation,
but I don't see any reporting on carbon dioxide … Study reports were limited, particularly of adverse
events, and many did not report concurrent therapies … There has
been a shift away from using the term "advanced" to
"incurable" given staging depends significantly