June 01, 2012 - i
CER-Update # 5:
Comparative Effectiveness of Management Strategies
for Renal Artery Stenosis … Revascularization versus medical therapy for renal-artery
stenosis. … The management of renal artery atherosclerosis for
renal salvage: does stenting help? … Primary stenting for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis.
[Review] [35 refs]. … Renal artery stenting slows the rate of renal function
June 01, 2012 - i
CER-Update # 5:
Comparative Effectiveness of Management Strategies
for Renal Artery Stenosis … Revascularization versus medical therapy for renal-artery
stenosis. … The management of renal artery atherosclerosis for
renal salvage: does stenting help? … Primary stenting for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis.
[Review] [35 refs]. … Renal artery stenting slows the rate of renal function
February 01, 2013 - Intravascular Diagnostic Procedures and
Imaging Techniques Versus Angiography
Alone in Coronary Artery … Stenting:
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Executive Summary
Coronary artery disease … (CAD) involves
narrowing (stenosis) of one or more of
the epicardial coronary arteries. … While angiography is the
standard technique for the anatomic imaging of coronary
arteries, it only … to evaluate physiological stenosis, especially in nonleft
main disease lesions and small coronary arteries
February 01, 2013 - Intravascular Diagnostic Procedures and
Imaging Techniques Versus Angiography
Alone in Coronary Artery … Stenting:
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Executive Summary
Coronary artery disease … (CAD) involves
narrowing (stenosis) of one or more of
the epicardial coronary arteries. … While angiography is the
standard technique for the anatomic imaging of coronary
arteries, it only … to evaluate physiological stenosis, especially in nonleft
main disease lesions and small coronary arteries
August 31, 2020 - What is carotid artery stenosis? … Carotid artery stenosis is the narrowing of the arteries that
run along the sides of the neck and supply … Most of the time, a stoke happens when there is an
abrupt, or sudden, blockage of arteries leading to … in the carotid arteries in people without any signs or symptoms of stroke. … stenosis
The narrowing of the arteries
July 01, 2014 - Carotid artery stenosis is the narrowing of the arteries that run along each
side of the neck. … These arteries provide blood flow to the brain. … Over time,
plaque (a fatty, waxy substance) can build up and harden the arteries,
limiting the flow … using ultrasound, a painless test that uses sound waves to create a picture of the carotid
arteries … Surgery may be done to remove the blockage and increase blood flow through the arteries.
May 01, 2013 - artery disease (PAD) refers
to chronic narrowing or atherosclerosis
of the lower extremities1 and … cryoplasty,
drug-coated, cutting, and standard angioplasty balloons
are available for use in peripheral arteries … stents are available, but
drug-eluting stents are not currently approved for treating
peripheral arteries … Project Title: Treatment Strategies for Patients With Peripheral
Artery Disease. … Treatment Strategies
for Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease.
May 01, 2013 - artery disease (PAD) refers
to chronic narrowing or atherosclerosis
of the lower extremities1 and … cryoplasty,
drug-coated, cutting, and standard angioplasty balloons
are available for use in peripheral arteries … stents are available, but
drug-eluting stents are not currently approved for treating
peripheral arteries … Project Title: Treatment Strategies for Patients With Peripheral
Artery Disease. … Treatment Strategies
for Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease.
January 15, 2015 - inflammatory cells, smooth muscle cells, and connective tissue) builds up within the walls of
damaged arteries … Plaque formation can result in the partial or complete blockage of coronary
arteries and as a result … BP = blood pressure; CABG = coronary artery bypass graft; CAD = coronary artery disease; DM = diabetes … and then an X-ray and computer are used to create 3D (three-
dimensional) pictures of the heart and arteries … CCTA is able to
image blockages and narrowing of the arteries without the use of a catheter.
January 15, 2015 - inflammatory cells, smooth muscle cells, and connective tissue) builds up within the walls of
damaged arteries … Plaque formation can result in the partial or complete blockage of coronary
arteries and as a result … BP = blood pressure; CABG = coronary artery bypass graft; CAD = coronary artery disease; DM = diabetes … and then an X-ray and computer are used to create 3D (three-
dimensional) pictures of the heart and arteries … CCTA is able to
image blockages and narrowing of the arteries without the use of a catheter.
January 29, 2021 - anesthesia intravenously. 18,19 Ischemic complications from arterial catheters can be prevented by choosing arteries … The hand and foot have excellent collateral blood flow and the radial and dorsalis pedis arteries therefore … are the most commonly cannulated arteries for invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring. 20 The Allen … test, in which both radial and ulnar arteries are occluded by manual pressure, and the operator checks … Cannulate arteries with good collateral blood supply The radial and dorsalis pedis arteries are most
January 15, 2015 - Noninvasive Testing for Coronary Artery Disease
January 29, 2014
Topic Initiated … January 15, 2015
Research Protocol
Noninvasive Testing for Coronary Artery … March 29, 2016
Systematic Review
Noninvasive Testing for Coronary Artery
January 01, 2024 - Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Rural EMS STEMI patients - why the delay
March 29, 2016 - U
Health Topics
Coronary Artery … Disease
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. … CAD happens when the arteries that supply blood to heart muscle become hardened and narrowed. … As it grows, less blood can flow through the arteries. … Systematic Review Archived February 7, 2013
Treatment Strategies for Women With Coronary Artery