December 01, 2017 - Criteria for selecting key areas for delivery system research. … Four key areas and research questions.
ARRA grantees. … (IOM)
Slide 7
Criteria for selecting key areas for delivery system research (2)
Focuses on areas … See the reasons given for selecting these areas. … Key areas likely to change over time.
December 01, 2017 - Criteria for selecting key areas for delivery system research. … Four key areas and research questions.
ARRA grantees. … (IOM)
Slide 7
Criteria for selecting key areas for delivery system research (2)
Focuses on areas … See the reasons given for selecting these areas. … Key areas likely to change over time.
December 01, 2017 - Criteria for selecting key areas for delivery system research. … Four key areas and research questions.
ARRA grantees. … (IOM)
Slide 7
Criteria for selecting key areas for delivery system research (2)
Focuses on areas … See the reasons given for selecting these areas. … Key areas likely to change over time.
October 01, 2014 - Details on characteristics of the Johns Hopkins University program and its self-identified areas of research … prepared to train students as interdisciplinary Ph.D. health services researchers within several broad areas … lack of access to health services (low income persons, uninsured children, residents of underserved areas … The 3 areas of pre-doctoral training build from a common core of course work that emphasizes statistical … The three areas of pre-doctoral training outlined above build from a common core of course work that
March 22, 2023 - Reducing risks in complex care transitions in rural areas:
a grounded theory. … Reducing risks in complex care transitions in rural areas: a
grounded theory. … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/reducing-risks-complex-care-transitions-rural-areas-grounded-theory
Improving … nursing concerns regarding transitions of care from inpatient to home healthcare settings in
rural areas … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/reducing-risks-complex-care-transitions-rural-areas-grounded-theory
National View
Priority Populations
Residents of Rural Areas
National Residents of … Rural Areas Quality Measures Compared to Achievable Benchmarks
The quality measures specific to Residents … of Rural Areas are compared to achievable benchmarks, which are derived from the top-performing States … Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NHPI)
Non-Hispanic White
Older Adults
Residents of Rural Areas … National-Level Trends
See Trend Information on Residents of Rural Areas measures.
October 01, 2014 - Twelve general areas of patient safety culture were assessed in the survey. … Nine of the 12 survey areas received a 50 percent or better positive response, with only three areas … Survey areas with the highest positive scores were categorized as Patient Safety Strengths and included … Teamwork within Work Areas, Supervisor/Manager Expectations and Actions Promoting Patient Safety, … Lowest positive scores were designated Areas for Improvement and included Staffing, Nonpunitive Response
October 01, 2024 - To continue success and work toward sustainable changes, spreading the best practices to other areas … arise if the organization does not have the capacity for systemwide implementation, or if practice areas … Spreading MRSA Prevention
· Analyze data to pinpoint areas in the hospital that have opportunities for … new practice.
· Provide a detailed overview of the new practice or process with the other units and areas … Conversation Starters
To assist in spreading the innovation to other areas, consider using the SBAR (
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).
May 01, 2019 - The rate of opioid-related hospitalizations for all other locations (large fringe metropolitan areas, … medium metropolitan areas, small metropolitan areas and rural areas) were tightly clustered between … Hospitalizations between 2005 and 2014 increased the most in small metropolitan areas (122% increase) … , followed by rural areas (99% increase), large fringe metropolitan areas (92% increase), medium metropolitan … areas (67% increase), and large central metropolitan areas (28% increase).