November 01, 2019 - Our validation confirmed that findings varied across geographic areas in the expected
directions. … The population is heavily weighted to metropolitan areas as
demonstrated in Table 8 (see Supporting … Those
interested in care specific to large cities may wish to aggregate rural areas and analyze UIC … As
intended, our validation tests showed that more geographically isolated areas had less availability … than areas with more dense medical services.
May 17, 2021 - Include representatives from all areas of the practice who are likely to have
something to contribute
August 01, 2022 - [List the priority areas]
[Synthesize the comments]
What major themes emerged?
November 01, 2016 - other
stakeholders to identify academic and clinician expert panel participants from a variety of areas … The population is heavily weighted to metropolitan areas (see Table 5 in the supporting
documents). … (Hart, 2012)
supports the aggregation of UIC 9-12 as a specific approach to approximating frontier areas … Inclusion of UIC 8 would
make the analysis more sensitive to including frontier areas but at a meaningful … Defining urban and rural areas in U.S. epidemiologic studies.
J Urban Health 2006; 83(2):162-75.
November 18, 2015 - TeamSTEPPS Fundamentals Course: Module 2. Team Structure
• What Defines a Team?
• Partnering With Patients and
• Multi-Team System for
Patient Care
TIME: 50 minutes
TeamSTEPPS 2.0 | Team Structure B-2-3
December 14, 2010 - MEASURE SUMMARY (CHIPRA Core Set Candidate Measures) - Control #: PHP-10
Completed by:
Page 1 12/14/2010
CHIPRA Core Set Candidate Measures
A. Control #: PHP-10
B. Measure Name: WCV in the 3,4,5 and 6th years of life
C. Measure Definition
a. Numerator: At least one well child-care vis…
December 16, 2010 - MEASURE SUMMARY (CHIPRA Core Set Candidate Measures) - Control #: AC-4
Completed by:
Page 1 12/16/2010
CHIPRA Core Set Candidate Measures
A. Control #: AC-4
B. Measure Name: Pediatric catheter associated blood stream infection rates (ICU and high risk nursery
C. Measure Defin…
December 16, 2010 - MEASURE SUMMARY (CHIPRA Core Set Candidate Measures) - Control #: AC-17
Completed by:
Page 1 12/16/2010
CHIPRA Core Set Candidate Measures
A. Control #: AC-17
B. Measure Name: Otitis Media with Effusion (OME): Systemic antimicrobials – Avoidance of inappropriate
C. Measure Defini…
March 01, 2016 - IQI, PSI, and PDI RATES GENERATED BY THE AHRQ SAS PROGRAMS Guidance for Using the SAS Programs and an Example of Output for One Hospital
Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators
How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety
i Tool B.2a
Guidance for…
July 01, 2018 - The areas in need of greatest improvement were related to radiographs of both hands and feet and laboratory … The last component explores areas for the most cost-effective prevention strategies and adopts common
June 01, 2019 - Specific areas that these measures
may assess include (1) specific transition of care policies and protocols … an association between higher
socioeconomic status and lower readmissions, the difference between areas … There are two
types of urban areas: urbanized areas that have 50,000 or more people residing in the … health care
providers, and others to determine rates of NICU readmissions and potentially identify areas
January 15, 2024 - The issues they raise can help you identify
areas that need attention first. … Direct observation is another way to assess areas that need improvement. … Are terminals located in areas where
distractions and privacy are issues? … You can help them build capacity in these areas
by bringing these issues to their attention, sharing … information to adjust EHR and non-EHR workflows to improve patient
experience, as well as identify areas
April 01, 2015 - Primary Care Extension in Oklahoma: An Evidence-Based Approach to Dissemination and Implementation of Innovations
Primary Care Extension in Oklahoma: An Evidence-Based Approach to
Dissemination and Implementation of Innovations
Principal Investigator: James W. Mold, MD, MPH
Institution: University of …
August 01, 2013 - Perceived shortages of mental health professionals in some areas have made some primary care providers … To overcome this, States are attempting to make primary care providers in rural areas more aware of local … that once they identified a problem, a perceived lack of mental health providers (especially in rural areas
March 07, 2019 - Generalists trained in office-based care improvement
Competencies in many areas:
Quality improvement … They have competencies in many areas, including quality improvement methods, project management, and
May 01, 2017 - Team members who shadow gain perspective of other roles, environments, and areas that are different from … These areas include practice, responsibilities, and work environment. … Focusing on these areas help improve team equality and support because team members share the responsibility
December 01, 2021 - Facility Results
The data in this report are meant to supplement your ASC’s own efforts to identify areas … of
strength and areas on which to focus efforts to improve patient safety culture. … What areas do you want to focus on for improvement?
2. What are your goals?
3. … of Medicare Certified
Providers, by Type of Provider, by State, Territories, Possessions, and Other Areas … of Medicare Certified Providers, by Type of Provider, by State, Territories,
Possessions, and Other Areas
November 01, 2017 - levels, and 20.5 percent are current smokers.1 At
the same time, 34 percent of these patients live in areas
January 01, 2019 - Our validation confirmed that findings varied across geographic areas in the expected
directions. … The population is heavily weighted to metropolitan areas as
demonstrated in Table 11 (see Supporting … Those interested in care
specific to large cities may wish to aggregate rural areas and analyze UIC … As intended, our validation tests found that more geographically isolated areas show less
availability … than areas with more dense medical services.
September 08, 2015 - health care, the steps and resources provided
may also be applicable to engagement efforts in other areas … Stakeholders have
chosen to focus on three specific areas of QI for the group’s efforts, with a task … The scan
also may help you identify areas of expertise and skills that can help your
initiative succeed … Implementation Guide No. 1
• At the outset of the stakeholder engagement, take an inventory of the
areas … of expertise and skills of stakeholders so that you can match them
to specific tasks or focus areas.