December 01, 2021 - Hospital patients from large metro areas were more likely to die in the hospital from COVID-19 than patients … from rural areas, after adjusting for age, in the pandemic’s early months (April and May 2020). … But by June 2020, the trend reversed, and patients from rural areas were more likely to die in the hospital … from COVID-19 than patients from urban areas.
January 01, 2019 - Patient Safety Culture (SOPS) Database
community pharmacies
AREAS … positive response
Patient Communication
Counseling Openness
950/o 870/o
The survey assesses 11 areas
November 01, 2022 - Implementation Resource Guide , the Plan centers on four foundational and interdependent priority areas … The NSC considers these areas to be foundational because they create the fertile soil that allows broader … The resulting recommendations in these four areas build on the substantial body of experience, evidence
January 01, 2021 - Research projects will focus on areas such as the increased use of telehealth, best practices in rural … "AHRQ’s new funding will support research on the response in several areas of our nation’s healthcare … awarded for each of the 14 new projects to study the healthcare system’s COVID-19 response in four areas
September 01, 2018 - Opioid use varied significantly according to
patients’ health status and urban vs. rural areas. … Average Annual Opioid Prescription
Use Among Non-Elderly Adults, 2015-2016:
By Urban and Rural Areas
January 01, 2024 - strongest consideration will be given to individuals with demonstrated training and expertise in the areas … nominees must, at a minimum, demonstrate knowledge, expertise, and national leadership in the following areas … Additionally, the Task Force benefits from members with expertise in the following areas:
Behavioral … Candidates with experience and skills in any of these areas should highlight them in their nomination
July 20, 2020 - Raise staff awareness about patient safety
• Assess patient safety culture to identify strengths and areas … Revising the staff positions and units/work areas; and
5. … HSOPS 2.0 assesses many of the same areas of patient safety
culture as HSOPS 1.0, but substantial changes … What areas of patient safety culture are assessed on the SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0
(HSOPS 2.0)? … What areas of patient safety culture does HSOPS 2.0 assess?
January 01, 2024 - hemorrhage and severe hypertension in pregnancy
Areas … Connect with Patient Safety
Learn about Patient Safety
Patient Safety and Quality Areas … Patient Safety and Quality Areas
Learn about the breadth of AHRQ's Patient Safety and
October 01, 2022 - Antibiotic Decision Making, and has tools to support their implementation and improve prescribing in three areas … support implementation of the Four Moments and improve antibiotic prescribing, focusing on three critical areas
October 01, 2022 - Antibiotic Decision Making, and has tools to support their implementation and improve prescribing in three areas … support implementation of the Four Moments and improve antibiotic prescribing encompassing three critical areas
December 01, 2022 - o Medium - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
o Small - Counties in metro areas of … - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
o Small - Counties in metro areas of 50,000 … - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
o Small - Counties in metro areas of 50,000 … - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
o Small - Counties in metro areas of 50,000 … Census Bureau regions; selected States; metropolitan and nonmetropolitan
areas; and urban-rural areas
April 29, 2021 - In total, 87 different summary levels are available, with over 578,000 geographic areas. … the following geographic levels: Nation, all States (including DC and Puerto Rico), all metropolitan areas … of using multiyear estimates is the increased statistical reliability of the data for less populated areas … http://www.statsamerica.org/ii2/overview.aspx N Y N Economic development districts and metropolitan areas … All populated areas in a city that fall outside of a 10-minute walk service area are assigned a level
December 01, 2020 - Systems for American Indians and Alaska Natives Using Enhanced Data Infrastructure
Identifying Key Areas … Lawrence Casalino, Weill Cornell, Identifying Key Areas for Delivery Systems Research: Paper ( PDF … Topical Papers and Briefs
Presentations, topical papers and briefs on advanced methods, critical areas
January 01, 2023 - and evaluate progress of the US health care
AHRQ Patient Safety Priorities
• Focus on areas … staff awareness about patient
safety culture
Assess patient safety culture to
identify strengths and areas
June 01, 2020 - Each of the SOPS surveys also assess patient safety culture areas that are unique. … She went on to say, "It's helped us build on areas of strengths, identify areas of weakness, and
implement … Now, we also have optional supplemental items sets that users may add to assess content in areas not … Identify key thematic areas. Develop and cognitively test draft survey items. … There are subgroups for each of these major areas.
June 01, 2020 - Each of the SOPS surveys also assess patient safety culture areas that are unique. … She went on to say, "It's helped us build on areas of strengths, identify areas of weakness, and
implement … Now, we also have optional supplemental items sets that users may add to assess content in areas not … Identify key thematic areas. Develop and cognitively test draft survey items. … There are subgroups for each of these major areas.
June 01, 2020 - and evaluate progress of the US health care system.
AHRQ Patient Safety Priorities
• Focus on areas … surveys to
ensure their relevance
• Received feedback from users:
► Content: staff positions/work areas
January 01, 2020 - includes data from:
medical offices
The survey assesses 10 areas … FINDINGS
Overall Ratings on Quality
Respondents were asked to rate their medical office on five areas
November 01, 2023 - Changes can only be made to the units/work areas, staff positions, and background questions at the end … If units/work areas and/or staff positions are modified, they need to be cross-walked back to the original … The core does not include units/work areas, staff positions, and background questions at the end of
September 01, 2021 - improve care for chronic diseases, but these resources were rarely devoted to children and only to those areas … These are generally focused either on improvement in the areas for which financial incentives have been … Other priorities are in high cost areas that are almost exclusively in the adult population. … This means incentives are provided to the health plans to focus improvement efforts on those specific areas