AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 1,236 records

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  1. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/topics/DxSafety-March2019-MeetingNotes.pdf
    March 08, 2019 - description of the diagnostic safety research activities occurring within their agency and priority areas
  2. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/policymakers/chipra/factsheets/chipra_1415-p011-1-ef_0.pdf
    March 01, 2015 - proper care and monitoring if medications are deemed necessary, NCINQ developed measures in two key areas
  3. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/cahps/news-and-events/events/2020-meeting-summary.html
    December 01, 2020 - For example, in letters sent to patients, they present overall unit-level scores, acknowledge areas of … the direct and indirect drivers of overall ratings and estimate the impact of changes in different areas
  4. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/cahps/news-and-events/events/webinars/implementing-new-protocol-transcript.pdf
    October 01, 2018 - Grob, Slide 16 The value of the protocol for improvement is clear in at least three substantive areas … And here as in most areas, when it comes to narrative data emotional rapport really rises above all … And the idea with this poster was not only will it be up in our patient areas but also in our staff … areas. … Those are for those areas where we don’t necessarily have a question about it in the CAHPS survey or
  5. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/funding/index.html
    Research Funding Priorities AHRQ welcomes inquiries regarding the Agency's current areas
  6. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/funding/process/review/index.html
    April 01, 2015 - conducted by panels of experts established according to scientific disciplines or medical specialty areas
  7. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/priority-populations/index.html
    Areas of Interest About Priority Populations An overview of AHRQ’s commitment
  8. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/chsp/index.html
    snapshots and statistics on health systems Areas
  9. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/ncepcr/tools/PCMH/pcpf-module-24-care-model.pdf
    September 01, 2015 - The Ten Building Blocks of Primary Care Ten areas in primary care were identified by Bodenheimer, et … These areas are shown in Figure 24.3; the blocks incorporate both the Care Model and PCMH principles
  10. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/education/curriculum-tools/teamstepps/officebasedcare/module1/1_ts_office_intro-ig.pptx
    January 20, 2006 - than 40 years of research and evidence have been accumulated on teams and team performance in diverse areas … on the graphic of the TeamSTEPPS framework depict a two-way dynamic interplay between the four skill areas
  11. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/policymakers/chipra/statesummaries/co-statesum.pdf
    July 01, 2015 - To improve performance in other priority areas as well, one SBHC provided nutrition counseling to parents … Each SBHC completed the Medical Home Index—Revised Short Form to identify areas for improvement.5
  12. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/pqmp/measures/duration/chipra-156-fullreport.pdf
    June 01, 2018 - Income Level In all of the States selected for analyses, children from areas where the income level … by income were least likely to retain coverage at 6 months when compared to children from areas where … There are two types of urban areas: urbanized areas have 50,000 or more people residing in that area … For Illinois, Louisiana, New York, and Utah, children in urbanized areas were most likely to retain … Only in Montana were children from rural areas the most likely to retain coverage at 18 months.
  13. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/pqmp/measures/duration/chipra-155-fullreport.pdf
    September 01, 2018 - is a larger uninsured-insured gap among children in urban settings compared with children in rural areas … , and children in urban settings are less likely than children in rural areas to have a usual source … Income Level In seven of the eight States selected for analysis, children from areas where the income … Of those children from zip codes with income level information, those from areas at =75th percentile … There are two types of urban areas: urbanized areas have 50,000 or more people residing in that area
  14. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/cahps/news-and-events/events/webinars/nyp-webinar-grob-narrative-elicitation-protocol.pdf
    October 29, 2018 - www.ahrq.gov/cahps Value of the Elicitation Protocol for Improvement THREE distinct substantive areas
  15. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/evidencenow/building-capacity/EvidenceNOW-BSC-AL-profile.pdf
    September 01, 2021 - efficiency, synergy and reduce duplicative efforts, with a particular focus on Alabama’s most underserved areas
  16. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/pressure_ulcer_prevention/module5/module5_pu_measurement.docx
    January 01, 2016 - For example, if your pressure injury rate is high, what specific areas should you focus your energies … Ensure that the care plan addresses all areas of risk. … Calculate the percentage of care plans that address all areas of risk. … If you are not doing well in one of these key areas, there is an opportunity for improvement.
  17. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/evidencenow/projects/heart-health/about/cooperatives/northwest.html
    March 01, 2021 - They are worse in small rural counties where primary care has fewer resources than in urban areas. … Strategy Each participating practice receives 15 months of support from practice facilitators in two key areas
  18. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/engagingfamilies/strategy4/Strat4_Implement_Hndbook_508_v2.pdf
    April 01, 2011 - --------------------------------------------- 14 Step 1: Form a multidisciplinary team to identify areas … Discuss with the patient and family five key areas to prevent problems at home. 1. … Step 1: Form a multidisciplinary team to identify areas of improvement As with any new activity or … quality improvement effort, planning and identifying areas of improvement are important parts of the … • Areas for improvement and possible challenges to implementing the IDEAL Discharge Planning process
  19. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/primary-care/workforce-financing/case_example_8.pdf
    October 01, 2016 - A new clinic building sits on extensive acreage that includes walking paths and outdoor recreation areas … receive a home visit from a CHW, Wesley nurse, or both—especially for patients who live in remote areas … Four CHWs work in San Antonio and two work in remote areas. … receive a home visit from a CHW, Wesley nurse, or both—especially for patients who live in remote areas … Training also addresses areas of discomfort, such as new screening using PHQ tools.
  20. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/funding/fund-opps/index.html
    April 01, 2024 - applications in a well-defined scientific area to stimulate activity in AHRQ programmatic research priority areas

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