September 01, 2022 - and evaluate progress of the US health
care system.
AHRQ Patient Safety Priorities
• Focus on areas
April 01, 2017 - The high-priority areas included:
Measures that are not condition specific, such as imaging and medication … Measures were grouped together to assess cost, quality, and utilization for specific topic areas for
November 01, 2019 - The ASP areas addressed in this document are those that are discussed throughout the AHRQ Safety Program … Note: representatives from areas listed are suggestions for robust committee membership; not all committees … will have all areas represented … infection rates and recommend improvement approaches
☐ Perform proactive risk assessments to determine areas
August 03, 2017 - This tool can be used to identify areas for improvement and develop educational programs where they are … In which areas of knowledge does the assessment suggest staff need more education?
May 01, 2016 - What are AHRQ’s areas of focus? … spreading to other States, and expanding from its
initial focus on hepatitis C into new clinical areas
August 13, 2015 - Reviewed
literature &
existing surveys
experts and ASC
Identified key
areas … Communication About Patient Information
Important patient care information is clearly
communicated across areas
May 03, 2017 - behaviors to ensure continued
use of implemented tools and strategies, as well as to
identify new areas … There are three specific areas of coaching competency related to
• Communicating … There are four areas of coaching competencies
related to relationship building:
• Building Rapport … There are two areas of coaching competency related to
execution. … of strength and areas for improvement
among the coaching competencies.
February 22, 2014 - behaviors to ensure continued
use of implemented tools and strategies, as well as to
identify new areas … There are three specific areas of coaching competency related to
• Communicating … There are two areas of coaching competency related to
execution. … SAY:
I hope that you found the self-assessment form helpful in
identifying your areas of strength … and areas for improvement
among the coaching competencies.
November 30, 2015 - What areas of leadership has your team identified for improvement?
December 01, 2021 - Checks that sink areas are supplied with soap and paper towels 2. … Checks that sink areas are supplied with soap and paper towels 2. … Checks that sink areas are supplied with soap and paper towels 2. … Checks that sink areas are supplied with soap and paper towels 2. … Checks that sink areas are supplied with soap and paper towels 2.
September 01, 2018 - the variation
in disease rates, severity of conditions, and frequency of follow-up across specialty areas … In summary, for all 10 specialty areas, at least 90 percent of identified specialists had the
majority … Moreover, in seven of 10 specialty areas, less than
half of the providers identified in the alternate … This inconsistency across specialty
areas is a significant threat to the validity of this alternate … showed excellent validity for all 10 specialty areas. (2) Testing to
determine whether the identified
July 01, 2022 - The third TEP call focused on high-priority clinical areas to focus a more intensive evaluation of select … They also ranked APCD use cases from various condition-specific areas. … High-priority clinical areas for measurement. … quality measures could be misleading and thereby discourage people from seeking services altogether in areas … yielded two basic types of articles: overview papers presenting concepts related to measurement in the areas
October 30, 2017 - professionals
are reducing the health literacy demands they place on patients and
• Identify potential areas … The items address the following six topic areas:
• Information about medications
• Communication … hospital administrators, providers, and staff can use the survey
results to
• Identify specific topic areas … help you explore performance issues raised by the core
survey measures and items or probe specific areas
July 01, 2023 - Patient care areas that first assess culture before starting an intervention use feedback from frontline
February 01, 2020 - Your CAHPS Scores to Benchmarks
One way to get the information you need to identify specific problem areas … Comparing your current scores to previous scores can be valuable for:
Detecting areas where your performance … Creating a Priority Matrix
One very useful way to hone in on areas for improvement is to plot a "priority … these two pieces of information into a matrix, as shown in Figure 5-6 , can help you identify priority areas … important to patients (as revealed by high correlations with patients' rating of the provider) and areas
August 01, 2017 - A general guideline is that percent positive scores of 60 or less indicate areas in need of immediate
July 01, 2023 - Advancing health equity should be a guiding principle applicable to all framework areas rather than … These strategies are grouped in three broad areas:
Building national capacity to disseminate and implement
September 01, 2020 - Findings
Our research revealed several key areas for improvement to ensure that addressing issues of … Findings
Our research revealed several key areas that need improvement to ensure that patient safety … Findings
Our research revealed several key areas in need of improvement to ensure that staff are empowered … This process provides opportunities for identifying problem areas and strategies for quality and safety
March 01, 2019 - comprehensive set of such measures to track the performance of the health system for children and identify areas … To learn about the other grant categories, please use the left navigational bar, organized by 5 areas
March 01, 2019 - of demonstration activities to improvements in quality of care with respect to four special interest areas … To learn about each of the grant categories, please use the left navigational bar, organized by 5 areas