AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 1,007 records

Showing results for "areas".

  1. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/data/visualizations/prevalence-fh-mfd.html
    October 01, 2023 - HEALTHY: Recruited middle schools from seven different geographic areas with student populations at increased
  2. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/pqmp/implementation-qi/toolkit/tcd/about.html
    July 01, 2021 - Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and the performance scores calculated through this measure identify areas … These three large medical centers are located in urban areas which are reflective of the residence of
  3. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/settings/hospital/resource/qitool/index.html
    March 01, 2017 - help you understand how your organization's practices align with best practices to identify potential areas … and Debriefing Includes a tool to assist in evaluating the implementation process and identifying areas
  4. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/hai/cauti-tools/archived-webinars/cauti-sustainability-slides.html
    December 01, 2017 - Critical Care at MRMC 24 beds of critical care on two floors One team of staff servicing all areas … CUSP identifies problem areas: What staff think are impeding patient care vs. what managers/directors … think are priority areas CUSP improvement tools are designed for bedside caregivers – easy for busy … quality Lean/Six Sigma/CQI – focus more on streamlining the process than identifying the problem areas
  5. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/fallprevention-training/module2/module2_tools.docx
    November 16, 2011 - (check all that apply) Determine areas for more analysis or evaluation. … this self-assessment tool is to identify what processes of care your hospital has in place and what areas … The results from this self-assessment can help you identify which areas need improvement and develop
  6. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/policymakers/chipra/demoeval/what-we-learned/implementation-guides/implementation-guide1/index.html
    March 01, 2019 - health care, the steps and resources provided may also be applicable to engagement efforts in other areas … facilitate networking and collaboration, especially when they include experts and leaders from different QI areas
  7. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/sops/surveys/hospital/supplemental-items/value-efficiency.html
    August 01, 2023 - Efficiency Item Set The Value and Efficiency Supplemental Item Set addresses the following topic areas
  8. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/cpi/centers/cepi/dpi.html
    September 01, 2023 - Other Topic Areas DPI staff work on a range of other topics.
  9. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/sops/surveys/medical-office/supplemental-items/value-efficiency.html
    August 01, 2023 - Efficiency Item Set The Value and Efficiency Supplemental Item Set addresses the following topic areas
  10. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/nhqdr18/index.html
    July 01, 2023 - Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report  assesses the performance of our healthcare system and identifies areas
  11. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/policymakers/chipra/demoeval/what-we-learned/implementation-guides/implementation-guide1/impguide1step2.html
    March 01, 2019 - The coalition in Massachusetts is focusing on three topic areas: care coordination, communication … The scan also may help you identify areas of expertise and skills that can help your initiative succeed
  12. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/opioids/implementing-what-works.html
    February 01, 2024 - opioids. 11 stakeholder groups and recommended actions for them to improve care through PCCDS. 4 areas
  13. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/cahps/index.html
    Areas of Interest Access Survey Results The CAHPS Database offers free access
  14. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/hai/quality/tools/cauti-ltc/sustainability.html
    July 01, 2018 - Excel , 161.2 KB; Text Version ) This tool guides facilities through an assessment of different areas
  15. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/hai/quality/tools/cauti-ltc/resources.html
    March 01, 2017 - Tools Tools are available in the following topic areas: Implement an Infection Prevention Quality
  16. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/cpi/about/otherwebsites/qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/qualityindicators.html
    July 01, 2018 - Relevance The QIs are used to highlight potential quality concerns, identify areas that need further
  17. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/cahps/quality-improvement/improvement-guide/4-approach-qi-process/index.html
    January 01, 2020 - challenges, reflecting the need to align changes in behavior and practices across multiple levels and areas … monitoring outcomes to test the validity of the plan for signs of progress and success, or problems and areas … the action plan is to review the following key questions as a team and document your answers: What areas … Lack of training in customer service, quality improvement methods, or clinical areas such as doctor-patient
  18. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/pqmp/measures/duration/chipra-153-section-6b.pdf
    January 01, 2013 - Section 6.B, Validity and Reliability SECTION VI. SCIENTIFIC SOUNDNESS OF THE MEASURE VALIDITY VI.B.1 “Informing” Coverage through the natural experiment of appendicitis Administrative data from the Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) is the primary data source for states or government agencies wishing to as…
  19. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/cahps/quality-improvement/improvement-guide/6-strategies-for-improving/communication/strategy6htools.html
    April 01, 2023 - consistently positive impact on doctor-patient communications, as well as modest benefits in other areas … The cards are often designed to prompt patients for questions by listing topic areas such as symptoms
  20. www.cahps.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/settings/hospital/candor/modules/notes1.html
    August 01, 2022 - The last two areas in the paradigm shift are financial resolution and quality improvement. … Each of these areas will be discussed in more detail in subsequent modules in this toolkit.

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