AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 6,004 records

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  1. www.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/resources/liability/baker.html
    August 01, 2017 - Advances in Patient Safety and Medical Liability Patient, Family Member, and Clinician Perceptions of Disclosure of Adverse Events in Labor and Delivery Previous Page Next Page Table of Contents Advances in Patient Safety and Medical Liability Preface Acknowledgments Prologue…
  2. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/research/findings/final-reports/24669-Zabar-draft-1.pdf
    October 01, 2019 - Final Progress Report: Safe delivery of primary care to vulnerable populations: Using simulation to assess team performance in responding to behavioral and social determinants of health AHRQ Grant Final Progress Report Title of Project Safe delivery of primary care to vulnerable populations: Using simulation (Unanno…
  3. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/2024-04/ratliff-report.pdf
    January 01, 2024 - Final Progress Report: Developing a patient-centered model of the risk of perioperative complications in spine surgery Developing a patient-centered model of the risk of perioperative complications in spine surgery John Ratliff, MD, PI Team members: Summer Han, PhD Richard Olshen, PhD Lu Tian, PhD Paola Suarez …
  4. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/2024-01/zabar-report.pdf
    January 01, 2024 - Final Progress Report: Safe delivery of primary care to vulnerable populations: Using simulation to assess team performance in responding to behavioral and social determinants of health AHRQ Grant Final Progress Report Title of Project Safe delivery of primary care to vulnerable populations: Using simulation (Unanno…
  5. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/2025-03/joo-report.pdf
    January 01, 2025 - Final Progress Report: Reducing Diagnostic Error to Improve Patient Safety in COPD and Asthma (REDEFINE Study) 1. Reducing Diagnostic Error to Improve Patient Safety in COPD and Asthma (REDEFINE Study) Principal Investigator and Team Members/Organization: Min J. Joo, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine, College of Medi…
  6. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/cahps/cahps-database/about/2014cahpshealthplanchartbook.pdf
    October 01, 2014 - 2014 CAHPS Health Plan Survey Database Chartbook THE CAHPS DATABASE 2014 CAHPS Health Plan Survey Database 2014 Chartbook: What Consumers Say About Their Experiences with Their Health Plans and Medical Care AHRQ Contract No.: HHSA290201300003C Managed and prepared by: Westat, Rockville, MD Dale Shalle…
  7. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/cahps/cahps-database/2014_hp-chartbook.pdf
    January 01, 2014 - 2014 CAHPS Health Plan Survey Database Chartbook THE CAHPS DATABASE 2014 CAHPS Health Plan Survey Database 2014 Chartbook: What Consumers Say About Their Experiences with Their Health Plans and Medical Care AHRQ Contract No.: HHSA290201300003C Managed and prepared by: Westat, Rockville, MD Dale Shalle…
  8. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/npsd/data/spotlights/spotlight-patterns-fall-interventions.pdf
    September 01, 2023 - NPSD Data Spotlight: Patterns of Fall Interventions Patterns of Fall Interventions NPSD Data Spotlight: This document is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without permission. Citation of the source is appreciated. Suggested citation: NPSD Data Spotlight: Patterns of Fall Interventions, 2023.…
  9. www.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/reports/liability/baker.html
    August 01, 2017 - Advances in Patient Safety and Medical Liability Patient, Family Member, and Clinician Perceptions of Disclosure of Adverse Events in Labor and Delivery Previous Page Next Page Table of Contents Advances in Patient Safety and Medical Liability Preface Acknowledgments Prologue Silence A Comme…
  10. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-patient-safety/vol1/Encinosa.pdf
    January 01, 2003 - What Happens After a Patient Safety Event? Medical Expenditures and Outcomes in Medicare 423 What Happens After a Patient Safety Event? Medical Expenditures and Outcomes in Medicare William E. Encinosa, Fred J. Hellinger Abstract Objective: To estimate the impact of potentially preventable adverse event…
  11. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-patient-safety/vol2/Wilson.pdf
    December 01, 2004 - Patient Safety Research in Medical Group Practices: Measurement and Data Challenges 51 Patient Safety Research in Medical Group Practices: Measurement and Data Challenges Amy R. Wilson, Bryan E. Dowd, John E. Kralewski Abstract This paper attempts to identify and discuss some of the major challenges to co…
  12. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-patient-safety-2/vol3/Advances-Davis_60.pdf
    April 07, 2008 - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Based on In Situ Simulations: A Methodology to Improve Understanding of Risks and Failures Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Based on In Situ Simulations: A Methodology to Improve Understanding of Risks and Failures Stanley Davis, MD; William Riley, PhD; Ayse P. Gurses, PhD; Kr…
  13. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-patient-safety/vol4/Galt.pdf
    January 01, 2004 - These findings suggest specific content and skill areas to include when teaching physicians how to
  14. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/research/findings/nhqrdr/2021qdr-mepsmethods.pdf
    December 01, 2021 - Micropolitan (counties in micropolitan statistical areas) 2021 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities
  15. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/2024-05/gore-report.pdf
    January 01, 2024 - optimized by using materials like talking maps designed to address patients’ emotional needs and identify areas
  16. www.ahrq.gov/hai/cauti-tools/archived-webinars/infectious-complications-transcript.html
    November 01, 2015 - Let's think about CAUTI and then developing mentoring and that patient has feeding of bacterania to areas
  17. Rafael Borja (doc file)

    September 09, 2014 - Let’s think about CAUTI and then developing mentoring and that patient has feeding of bacterania to areas
  18. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/research/findings/nhqrdr/2014chartbooks/hispanichealth/2014nhqdr-hispanichealth-pt3.pptx
    September 19, 2015 - groups Low-income groups Women Children (under age 18) Older adults (age 65 and over) Residents of rural areas … Care Innovations in Access to Health Care Salud Mobile Outreach Program Location: Primarily in rural areas
  19. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/pqmp/measures/acute/chipra-195-fullreport.pdf
    December 17, 2019 - will lead to calculation errors. 31 Missing or ambiguous information in the following areas
  20. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/ncepcr/tools/PCMH/early-evidence-on-pcmh-white-paper.pdf
    February 01, 2012 - physicians from practices in 3 larger delivery systems in Baltimore/ Washington, DC, metropolitan areas … markets or delivery settings where there is overuse of care could produce different results than in areas … In addition, program designers may be able to identify areas to increase efficiency to achieve cost

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