March 01, 2017 - Hospitals in one area of the country may have different needs than hospitals in other areas, because … Policies that promote care outside the hospital in areas with these challenges are needed to ensure that
October 01, 2014 - The Learning Network provides expertise to participating States in four key areas critical to ensuring … AHRQ staff provided technical assistance through several calls to discuss the following areas: selecting
October 01, 2014 - the Care Management department, reviews data from Banner's facilities in seven states and identifies areas … "We look at this data to identify specific areas that we can work on," Stander notes.
October 01, 2014 - The Commonwealth Fund's Commission on a High Performance System identified priority areas—health outcomes … Thirty-seven indicators reflecting key concepts in these priority areas were selected based on an extensive
August 01, 2014 - patient safety, diagnose and assess the status of its patient safety culture, and identify strengths and areas … Other areas that improved included frequency of events reported, teamwork within the units, openness
October 01, 2014 - The lowest areas were for "non-punitive response to error" and "hospital handoffs and transitions." … initiatives going on simultaneously with the survey, and some of the categories the survey revealed as areas
March 01, 2017 - Follow these steps to help you connect the improvement areas to the toolkit materials:
Identify the … areas of patient safety culture that require improvement in your facility.
December 01, 2017 - Identifying Key Areas for Delivery Systems Research | PowerPoint Version [ - 190 KB]
Lawrence … Identifying Key Areas for Delivery System Research ( PDF version - 538.28 KB ).
March 01, 2022 - Let me help with hard-to-reach areas. … this is temporary and will go away once dry
Air dry, do NOT rinse
Massage (rather than wipe) into all areas … Remember, patients only feel comfortable cleaning normal skin:
You will help them with hard-to-reach areas … as much as possible so that CHG will work on those areas. … but not without
Apply to skin out of water stream for 2 minutes
before rinsing
Lathering all body areas
March 01, 2022 - Let me help with hard-to-
reach areas. … is temporary and will go away once dry
o Air dry, do NOT rinse
o Massage (rather than wipe) into all areas … CHG for body wash, have them wash hair
and face first, taking care to avoid contacting other skin areas … as much as possible so that CHG will work on those areas. … not without
o Apply to skin out of water stream for 2 minutes
before rinsing
o Lathering all body areas
April 29, 2021 - In total, 87 different summary levels are available, with over 578,000 geographic areas. … the following geographic levels: Nation, all States (including DC and Puerto Rico), all metropolitan areas … of using multiyear estimates is the increased statistical reliability of the data for less populated areas … http://www.statsamerica.org/ii2/overview.aspx N Y N Economic development districts and metropolitan areas … All populated areas in a city that fall outside of a 10-minute walk service area are assigned a level
June 01, 2022 - Revising the staff positions and units/work areas; and
5. … In each hospital, providers and staff were randomly assigned by units/work areas,
and then by staff … positions within units/work areas, to receive either HSOPS 2.0 or HSOPS 1.0;
half received HSOPS 2.0 … /work areas, but this time
they were assigned to receive one of three survey versions:. … , and then by staff positions within units/work areas, to receive either HSOPS
1.0 or HSOPS 2.0.
July 01, 2018 - Restore heat or air conditioning as needed to all areas of the facility that will be occupied. … As determined by security expert, partition off areas of the facility that will not be used. … Shut off water to areas of the facility closed during normal use of the facility. … Determine if any additional specialty areas will be needed. … Determine if any additional specialty areas are needed.
tools that can power understanding of SDOH
November 01, 2020 - The agency’s staff has been defining paths to move forward in areas of need, and some of those would … Meyers described recent accomplishments of the agency in the areas of research, practice improvement, … AHRQ is charged with spending the money in three areas: disseminating and implementing evidence into … AHRQ intends to present its strategic planning in these areas at the November NAC meeting. … The agency is pursuing COVID-19 efforts within its major areas of research, practice improvement, and
October 01, 2017 - 2014-2015, but
disparities persist, especially for poor and uninsured populations in all priority areas … The report assesses the performance of our health care system and identifies areas of strengths
and … and small rural areas. … In 2015,
residents of medium metropolitan areas (24.2%) and noncore areas (26.8%) who needed treatment … The QDR data demonstrate significant progress in some areas
and identify other areas that merit more
June 01, 2010 - Measures and Gaps
Program Performance Measures and Gaps
Other Potentially Important Measurement Areas … Families are asked to rate their satisfaction using a 5-point Likert scale in ten areas related to the … Measures are organized according to six focus areas: (1) Personal Outcomes, (2) Satisfaction, (3) Quality … Psychometric Testing: NCI measures have been tested, unclear if others have been
Summary: Focus areas … Other methodologies included periodic, indepth reviews of randomly selected quality focus areas, review
December 01, 2022 - Topics Addressed by the Health Literacy Item Sets
The items address the following five topic areas: … example, based on their survey results, providers could do the following:
Identify specific topic areas
January 01, 2022 - customized feedback report
► Displays site results with Database results
► Identifies strengths and areas … Identify patient safety culture
areas for improvement
August 01, 2022 - These projects sought to improve care in clinical areas that frequently are the subject of a large number … And, generally, the thirteen planning projects funded covered three main areas, although there was some