December 01, 1999 - Goals and Objectives
The goals for the Agency in the area of child health address six areas:
Contribute … The first three areas follow the Agency's research cycle. … health care services for the Nation's children, new research is needed to fill critical gaps in the areas … Strategy 1.7.1 : Continue to analyze specific topics (including cross-cutting areas such as settings … Strategy 6.2.3 : Use creative mechanisms to publicize the need for research in critical areas.
June 01, 2022 - quality:
Patient Safety Indicators reflect quality of care inside hospitals, as well as geographic areas … Prevention Quality Indicators identify hospital admissions in geographic areas that evidence suggests … Inpatient Quality Indicators reflect quality of care inside hospitals, as well as across geographic areas … use among children and neonates to reflect quality of care inside hospitals, as well as geographic areas … The report makes recommendations for system improvements in the following areas—
Health care technologies
February 16, 2011 - This tool can be used to identify people from different interdisciplinary areas to take part on the implementation … (check all that apply)
Determine areas for more analysis or evaluation
Set priorities and allocate … The tool is one of a series of Facility Assessment Checklists used to identify areas that need improvement … not currently using the Norton or Braden risk assessment, does your screening address the following areas … Tools 13
Assessment of Pressure Ulcer Care Plan
Does the care plan for pressure ulcers address all the areas
February 01, 2024 - care physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants are more likely to practice in rural areas … than are non-primary care specialists, but are still more concentrated in urban areas.
December 01, 2023 - Medium - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
4. … Medium - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
4. … Medium - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
4. … Medium - Counties in metro areas of 250,000-999,999 population
4. … Other areas of future focus are outpatient surgery and chemotherapy.
July 01, 2019 - measures to study variation in performance across organizational types, health systems, and geographic areas … health system organization and performance at a point in time, changes over time, and across geographic areas … initiative, five research projects are underway to examine delivery system performance in several distinct areas … providers to the markets in which they participate (e.g., hospital referral regions, primary care service areas
January 01, 2024 - The practices that participated in the learning collaboratives 1) identified specific areas for improvement … It identifies key areas in which change may be needed, called high leverage changes (HLCs), and offers … The Compendium is organized into seven HLC areas.
December 19, 2014 - Marion Counties, the overall intervention
contributed to greater knowledge for each of the knowledge
areas … covered in the CERSGs when compared to the
knowledge in the same areas in Allen County (comparison
October 01, 2014 - (c) REQUIREMENTS WITH RESPECT TO RURAL AND INNER-CITY AREAS AND PRIORITY POPULATIONS- (1) RESEARCH, EVALUATIONS … and support demonstration projects, with respect to— (A) the delivery of health care in inner-city areas … , and in rural areas (including frontier areas); and (B) health care for priority populations, which
November 01, 2018 - practice teams with a systematic approach to reduce diagnostic errors among children in three important areas … measurement, screening, recognition, diagnosis, follow-up, and reduction of diagnostic errors in these areas
January 01, 2021 - The Agency also maintained its commitments to address other vital areas, including efforts to end opioid … The network is addressing critical areas that include best practices in the use of personal protective … developing an Insight Platform to provide Federal, State, and local policy makers with essential data in areas … It was our fifth successful challenge and followed others that yielded creative advances in areas such
November 20, 2014 - to accomplish the aim
Links to quality improvement expertise
Members who influence the areas … 2D
Assess Current Policies
The Implementation Team Leader identified the policies in place and areas … You’ll want to address these areas in the
Action Plan.
April 05, 2013 - A careful process of identifying areas for improvement, getting commitment from leadership, selecting … Look at any quality information your hospital currently collects to identify areas for improvement. … Relates to and can help achieve your hospital’s strategic goals or key areas outlined in the mission … Both leadership rounds and walkabouts are additional ways to gather data and identify potential areas … team to weigh in on and prioritize these areas.
December 01, 2020 - counties in metro areas of 1 million or more population. … o Small - Counties in metro areas of 50,000-249,999 population. … Geographic Estimates
National, state, and local areas. … Geographic Estimates
National, state, and local areas. … Census Bureau regions; selected states; metropolitan and nonmetropolitan
areas; and urban-rural areas
October 01, 2021 - helps States more accurately identify their strengths and weaknesses, thereby highlighting targeted areas … With Special Needs, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Low Income, Older Adults, Residents of Rural Areas
June 01, 2022 - Revising the staff positions and units/work areas; and
5. … In each hospital, providers and staff were randomly assigned by units/work areas,
and then by staff … positions within units/work areas, to receive either HSOPS 2.0 or HSOPS 1.0;
half received HSOPS 2.0 … /work areas, but this time
they were assigned to receive one of three survey versions:. … , and then by staff positions within units/work areas, to receive either HSOPS
1.0 or HSOPS 2.0.
August 31, 2017 - Our discussion of the results will help identify areas that need improvement. … Members who influence the areas involved in pressure injury prevention. … They will also show areas where staff training may be needed. … Does this hospital’s pressure injury care plan include all areas of risk listed in Tool 2F? … If not, which areas of risk are not represented?
July 22, 2021 - COVID-19 response efforts and impact; and (3) discuss
potential collaborative work in three topic areas … the group discussed interest
in and potential next steps for collaborative work in specific topic areas
January 01, 2022 - customized feedback report
► Displays site results with Database results
► Identifies strengths and areas … Identify patient safety culture
areas for improvement
June 27, 2014 - It also can guide your choice of other tools to address areas that you find need strengthening. … The discussion at this meeting should focus on areas where your infrastructure needs strengthening or … |
· We review and analyze everyday events related to the Quality Indicators to identify areas