apply to inpatient hospital data to assess and improve health care quality, identify areas
apply to inpatient hospital data to assess and improve health care quality, identify areas
apply to inpatient hospital data to assess and improve health care quality, identify areas
March 24, 2023 - • They can be used to identify potential health care
quality problem areas that might need further … community health planners use
AHRQ Qls to ask questions that provide initial feedback
about clinical areas
January 01, 2012 - decisionmakers with tools to assess their data, highlight potential quality concerns,
identify areas
September 13, 2010 - Copy Rows in the “Calculations” Worksheet
After you have entered the data for the providers or areas
January 01, 2005 - payment with quality measures (launched October, 2003)
Top performers identified in five clinical areas … Hospitals will submit data in five clinical areas covering 34 specific measures. … These clinical areas represent high volume conditions and procedures that entail considerable cost for
January 01, 2005 - dataset
AHRQ QIs - Objectives
Provide a tool to:
highlight potential quality concerns
identify areas … Mapping to micropolitan areas. Revised exclusions for selected PQI. … the reference population data by describing in more detail the rate distribution among providers and areas
July 01, 2021 - The file has data for 3,145 counties or “equivalent areas,” defined to constitute primary divisions of … Equivalent areas include the independent cities of Baltimore, Maryland; St. … Because they are independent of any
contiguous county, equivalent areas are treated as separate counties
July 01, 2020 - The file has data for 3,145 counties or “equivalent areas,” defined to constitute primary divisions of … Equivalent areas include the independent cities of Baltimore, Maryland; St. … Because they are independent
of any contiguous county, equivalent areas are treated as separate counties
September 01, 2015 - hospital
Inpatient Quality Indicators—
■ Can be used to help hospitals identify potential
problem areas … utilization indicators for procedures
for which utilization varies across hospitals or
geographic areas
February 01, 2016 - Only area-level rates are impacted, specifically for the PQIs, which are all reported for geographic areas
February 01, 2016 - Only area-level rates are impacted, specifically for the PQIs, which are all reported for geographic areas
April 01, 2022 - Quality Indicators—
■ Are used by hospitals to help identify health care
quality and safety problem areas
August 01, 2011 - statistical precision
of the individual PQI, allowing for greater discrimination in performance among areas … As anticipated, areas with higher rates of diabetes and hypertension show higher hospitalizations,
particularly … Areas with low levels of poverty also show lower hospitalization rates for each of the PQI
April 01, 2022 - Prevention Quality Indicators—
■ Can be used to identify potential health care
quality problem areas
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September 13, 2021 - We are sorry, the page is not able to load completely because the javascript setting in your browser is disabled.
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This page includes announcements related to software updates, Federal R…
April 20, 2015 - The software output or QI results can be used to highlight potential quality concerns, identify areas … community health planners use AHRQ QIs to ask questions that provide initial feedback about clinical areas … or the National Quality Forum's measure search tool, where you will find measures from other topic areas