January 01, 2019 - retiring the select AHRQ Quality
Indicators will allow the agency to focus on new and high impact areas
August 01, 2011 - IQI Change Log
AHRQ Quality Indicators
Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQI)
Log of Revisions to IQI Documentation and
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850
January 01, 2021 - AHRQ Quality Indicators Software: v2021 ICD-10-CM/PCS Release Webinar, August 2021
AHRQ Quality Indicators Software:
v2021 ICD-10-CM/PCS
August 2021
• This webinar will be recorded and available on the AHRQ QI
website - http://ww…
January 01, 2006 - Workgroup will
consist of up to 15 individuals who
have expertise in one or more of the
following areas
September 01, 2021 - Release of AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM Software for SAS QI, v2021.0.1
AHRQ Quality Indicators
Release of AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM
Software for SAS QI, v2021.0.1
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane
March 14, 2016 - Membership of the standing workgroup is expected to include individuals with expertise in the following
September 30, 2021 - Changed name of MSALEVL parameter to MALEVL to reflect the change
in OMB definitions for areas, and … Added the option for the user to select rates calculated by MSA or by
county for urban areas (rates … for rural areas will always be by county).
August 01, 2011 - PSI Change Log
AHRQ Quality Indicators
Patient Safety Indicators (PSI)
Log of Revisions to PSI Documentation and
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850
January 13, 2004 - use readily available hospital administrative data
to highlight potential quality concerns, identify areas
May 01, 2021 - Microsoft Word - AHRQ_Rationale4notseekingNQFendorsement.docx
AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM
May 2021
Rationale for not seeking NQF Endorsement for Quality Indicators
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) will no longer seek NQF re-
endorsement for its portfolio of measures in the AHRQ Q…
July 01, 2020 - Comparison of Observed Rates of All Indicators between v2019 and v2020
AHRQ Quality Indicators TM
Comparison of Observed Rates of All
Indicators between v2019 and v2020
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Depar…
July 01, 2021 - AHRQ QI Rate Comparison v2019, v2020
AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM
Comparison of Observed Rates of All
Indicators between ICD-10-CM/PCS v2020
and v2021
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
September 30, 2020 - Changed name of MSALEVL parameter to MALEVL to reflect thechange
in OMB definitions for areas, and added … Added the option for the user to select rates calculated by MSA or by
county for urban areas (rates … for rural areas will always be by county). … Added the option for the user to select rates calculated by MSA or by county for urban areas (rates for … rural areas will always be by county).
July 01, 2020 - Release of AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM Software for SAS QI v2020, July 2020
July 01, 2020 - Release of AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM Software for SAS QI v2020, July 2020
January 01, 2005 - declined
Overall improvement rate: 2.8%
Health Care Quality Improvement Is Variable, With Notable Areas
January 01, 2006 - Document
28345 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 16, 2006 / Notices
Topics to be discussed during this
meeting will include strategies to
improve Native American Health
(including ‘‘indigenous’’ peoples of the
U.S. and the Pacific Islands),
Information Technology’s Role in
Health Care, and Edu…
June 30, 2009 - .............................................................................. 3
2.1 Evidentiary Areas … ...................................................... 3
2.2 Evidence Gap Criteria by Evidentiary Areas … continued to respond to recent NQF call for measures on topics that overlap with AHRQ QI
content areas … Documents may be
downloaded from http://www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov.
2.1 Evidentiary Areas
In … evidentiary gaps when selecting measures for a given use.
2.2 Evidence Gap Criteria by Evidentiary Areas
January 01, 2015 - Basically, these QIs can be used for a number of different areas; for performance
improvement, for … to produce more reliable rates, or are there
other methods recommended to address reliability in areas
January 01, 2000 - Some hospitals
may do very well across the board; others may do well in some areas and not in others … ; still others
may really show problems in a wide range of areas. … hospital does well (or poorly) in one area of health care,
that it will do well (or poorly) in all areas