September 27, 2024 - • Women aged 12–19 and 20–24
years (44 percent)
• Women living in middle community-
level income areas … (43 percent)
• Women living in large metro areas
(42 percent)
■ Delivery stays with respiratory … ■ The rate of respiratory-related SMM among delivery stays for women from nonmetropolitan areas … ■ In 2021, the rate of renal-related SMM delivery stays for women from large metropolitan areas … was 46 percent
higher than those from nonmetropolitan areas
March 01, 2012 - as they did among those living in rural areas (17.7 visits per 100,000 population versus 8.9 visits … than in other areas (127.3 visits per
population versus 117.1 visits per population). … 17.7 117.1 9,239.8
Rural areas 8.9 127.3 12,228.8
Community-level income
Low income … than in rural areas
(7.0 stays per population versus 4.3 stays per 100,000 population) despite the … similar rate of ED visits for
these accidents in both areas (table 1).
July 01, 2012 - people) than people living in the most urban areas (351 per 100,000) people. … However the people in urban areas (25 percent) were more likely to be hospitalized after their ED visit … than people in rural areas (14 percent). … living in urban areas. … people compared to 580 per 100,000 people in rural areas.
January 01, 2019 - inequities in care associated with lack of access to primary SUD-
related healthcare and pinpoint areas … and higher
among those living in metropolitan and micropolitan areas. … (5.1 per 1,000 population) compared with other areas … rates were lowest among those living in micropolitan areas
(13.6) compared with other areas … other areas
April 01, 2016 - Micropolitan areas and medium and small metropolitan areas had higher diabetes-related ED visit rates … among children and young adults than rural areas and large metropolitan areas. … areas: 78.1%, 21.9%; micropolitan areas: 80.7%, 19.3%; rural areas: 82.3%, 17.7%. … Hospital admission rates were highest in large metropolitan areas and in the Northeast. … percent) and medium and small metropolitan areas (78.1 percent).
November 01, 2010 - than
for those from the highest, and 39
percent higher for those from rural
areas than for those … from urban
areas … ,
and rural areas (figures 1 and 2). … than those from the highest income areas (543.9 per 1,000 adults
1 Niska R, Bhuiya F, Xu J. … than for
those from urban areas (514.8 per 1,000 adults versus 371.5 per 1,000 adults, respectively
February 01, 2012 - the lowest income areas (47.8 percent). … Circumcision rates were lowest in large central metropolitan areas (41.2 percent). … The highest rate was in rural areas (66.9 percent). … in the lowest income areas (47.8 percent). … areas) with 43.0 percent and 41.2 percent circumcised in 2005 and 2009.
May 19, 2022 -
Changes in Hospitalizations and In-Hospital Deaths for Patients
From Rural Areas … #294
Changes in Hospitalizations and In-Hospital Deaths for Patients
From Urban Areas
December 01, 2014 - children living in micropolitan areas (169.0 vs. 96.2 per 100,000 population). … and diabetes were more than twice as high as the rates in the highest income areas. … percent in large metropolitan, micropolitan, and noncore areas. … metropolitan areas … residents
• Micropolitan: Micropolitan areas adjacent and nonadjacent to metropolitan areas
• Noncore
June 01, 2012 - as they did among those living in rural areas (17.7 visits per 100,000 population versus 8.9 visits … than in other areas (127.3 visits per population versus 117.1 visits per population). … as they did among those living in rural areas (2.6 stays per 100,000 population versus 0.9 stays per … rate of ED visits for these accidents in both areas (table 1). … 2.6
Rural areas
Community-level income
May 01, 2015 - Description Value Value Description HOSP_URCAT4 Hospital urban-rural designation 1 Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 2 Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents 3 Micropolitan … areas 4 Not metropolitan or micropolitan (non-urban residual) 6 Collapsed category for any urban-rural
August 01, 2015 - Description Value Value Description HOSP_URCAT4 Hospital urban-rural designation 1 Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 2 Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents 3 Micropolitan … areas 4 Not metropolitan or micropolitan (non-urban residual) 6 Collapsed category for any urban-rural
December 01, 2020 - Conclusions
The findings suggest that characteristics of counties may be useful in identifying areas … We classified the top 10% of counties with the highest rates in each region as high-rate
areas (n = … 283) and the bottom 20% of counties with the lowest rates in each region as low-rate
areas (n = 568) … The middle 70% of counties in each region were designated as moderate-rate
areas (n = 2,000). … areas.
January 01, 2019 - Hospital File
Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency Percent
1: Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 330 33.37
2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … 270 27.30
3: Micropolitan areas 146 14.76
4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan 223 22.55
7: Small … Metro or Micro areas (2 or 3) <= 10 *.**
8: Metropolitan areas (1 or 2) <= 10 *.**
9: Non metropolitan … areas (3 or 4) 12 1.21
please refer to the section on Description of Data Elements.
January 01, 2020 - Hospital File
Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency Percent
1: Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 332 33.37
2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … 274 27.54
3: Micropolitan areas 145 14.57
4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan 222 22.31
7: Small … Metro or Micro areas (2 or 3) <= 10 *.**
8: Metropolitan areas (1 or 2) <= 10 *.**
9: Non metropolitan … areas (3 or 4) 12 1.21
please refer to the section on Description of Data Elements.
May 01, 2015 - Level IV and V centers are State-defined and often located in remote areas. … Level IV and V centers are State-defined and often located in remote areas. … their institutional characteristics have many similarities to community (non-trauma) hospitals in other areas … be utilized in diverse ways within the context of individual state trauma systems or the geographic areas
December 01, 2020 - With the
COVID-19 pandemic beginning in early 2020, hospital utilization
changed considerably, as areas … 10 in-hospital deaths
(29 percent) for patients aged 18–
64 years from large metropolitan
(metro) areas … (1,126,900 to 969,300 hospitalizations), medium/small metro areas
(628,000 to 546,700 hospitalizations … ), and rural areas (434,600 to 368,700 hospitalizations),
respectively. … (11,600 to
16,200), medium/small metro areas (7,300 to 8,900), and rural areas (5,300 to 6,600), respectively
January 01, 2009 - Female rates of hospitalization were also higher than male rates across all areas of patient residence … :
The largest difference between females and males was in large fringe metro areas (suburbs), where … the rate of male stays in large central metro,
medium and small metro, and micropolitan and noncore areas … Non-maternal females also experienced higher rates of stays than maternal females across all areas … In medium and small metro areas, non-maternal females had a 67-percent higher rate of stays than
January 01, 2016 - ■ Micropolitan areas and medium and small metropolitan areas had higher diabetes-related ED
visit … rates among children and young adults than rural areas and large metropolitan areas. … the visit rate among those living in large metropolitan areas was 166 per 100,000 U.S. population … Hospital admission rates were highest in large metropolitan areas and in the Northeast. … percent) and medium and small metropolitan areas (78.1 percent).
January 01, 2010 - 2) non-metropolitan
x x x x x x
Hospital urban-rural location: (1) large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million
residents, (2) small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … , (3)
micropolitan areas, (4) not metropolitan or micropolitan, (8) metropolitan, collapsed
category … of >=1
million population, (2) "Fringe" counties of metro areas of >=1 million population,(3)
Counties … in metro areas of 250,000–999,999 population,(4) Counties in metro areas
of 50,000–249,999 population