January 01, 2011 - 2013 8
Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency Percent
1: Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 302 31.76
2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … 227 23.87
3: Micropolitan areas 165 17.35
4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan 236 24.82
7: Small … Metro or Micro areas (2 or 3) 12 1.26
8: Metropolitan areas (1 or 2) <= 10 *.**
9: Non metropolitan … areas (3 or 4) <= 10 *.**
please refer to the section on Description of Data Elements.
January 01, 2013 - 2015 8
Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency Percent
1: Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 295 31.15
2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … 234 24.71
3: Micropolitan areas 158 16.68
4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan 233 24.60
7: Small … Metro or Micro areas (2 or 3) 11 1.16
8: Metropolitan areas (1 or 2) 11 1.16
9: Non metropolitan areas
January 01, 2017 - Medicare programs beyond payments to providers,
and researchers have focused on a number of different areas … Aggregate costs were highest among patients living in large metropolitan areas, but aggregate
costs … increased the most (101.0 percent) among patients living in rural areas … and rural areas (15.1 and 12.3 percent,
respectively). … with at least 1 million residents), small metropolitan counties (include one or more
urbanized areas
December 01, 2014 - Higher ICU utilization was common in large hospitals, hospitals located in large metropolitan areas, … Lower ICU utilization was common in small hospitals, hospitals located in rural areas (not metropolitan … Many of these characteristics overlap; for example, many critical access hospitals are in rural areas … Large metropolitan areas are metropolitan areas with at least 1 million residents; small metropolitan … areas are metropolitan areas of less than 1 million residents.
November 15, 2011 - Improving Data & Enhancing Access (IDEA-NW) Project
Northwest Portland Area
Indian Health Board
Indian Leadership for Indian Health
Improving Data & Enhancing
Access (IDEA-NW) Project
AHRQ grant # R01 HS19972-01
Megan Hoopes, Project Director
Victoria Warren-Mears, P.I.
Thomas Weiser, MD, MPH, Co-P.I.
January 01, 2020 - Across all three types of maternal stays, the rate of stays was higher for women living
in large urban areas … and rural areas (micropolitan and noncore) and lower for women living in medium
and small metropolitan … areas (figure 3).
Source: AHRQ, Center for Delivery, Organization and Markets, Healthcare … National Center for Health Statistics:
Large Central Metropolitan: Central counties of metropolitan areas … of
1 million or greater
Large Fringe Metropolitan: Fringe counties of counties of metropolitan areas
January 01, 2013 - adults aged
18–64 years, those paid by
Medicaid, and those for patients
residing in metropolitan areas … rate was highest for malnutrition-related index stays among patients who
resided in metropolitan areas … For both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, patients with malnutrition during an index stay had … adults aged 18–64 years, those paid by Medicaid, and those for patients residing in metropolitan
areas … with 1 million or more
• Medium and Small Metropolitan: includes areas with 50,000 to
January 01, 2019 - All rural areas in
each state are combined for a single wage index. … Geographic Adjustment Factor—GAF
The Capital cost adjustment index for Core Based Statistical Areas … All-payer inpatient CCR, hosp-specific
GAF Capital cost adjustment index for Core Based Statistical Areas
August 01, 2013 - file, 2010,
and AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs)
Adults residing in large metropolitan areas … Children residing in large metropolitan areas had
a higher rate of hospital stays for asthma (140.6 … per 100,000 population) than children residing in
micropolitan areas only (97.6 per 100,000 population … with a population of 1 million or more residents, small metropolitan areas with a
population less than … 1 million residents, micropolitan areas, and nonurban residual areas that are neither
January 01, 2014 - and AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs)
Adults residing in large metropolitan areas … Children residing in large metropolitan areas had a higher rate of hospital stays for asthma (140.6 per … 100,000 population) than children residing in micropolitan areas only (97.6 per 100,000 population). … with a population of 1 million or more residents, small metropolitan areas with a population less than … 1 million residents, micropolitan areas, and nonurban residual areas that are neither metropolitan or
September 29, 2013 - clinically-enhanced
administrative databases to provide important information about comparative
effectiveness in areas
February 15, 2024 - • Aggregating geographic areas to avoid identifying establishments (each geographic area
must have
January 01, 2006 - Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency
1: Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 295 30.79
2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … 225 23.49
3: Micropolitan areas 154 16.08
4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan 221 23.07
8: Metropolitan … areas (1 or 2) 55 5.74
9: Non metropolitan areas (3 or 4) <= 10 *.**
please refer to the section
April 08, 2010 - Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency
1: Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 292 30.58
2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … 224 23.46
3: Micropolitan areas 153 16.02
4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan 221 23.14
8: Metropolitan … areas (1 or 2) 57 5.97
9: Non metropolitan areas (3 or 4) <= 10 *.**
please refer to the section
November 01, 2010 - National Center for Health Statistics:
– Large Central Metropolitan: Central counties of metropolitan areas … of 1
million or greater
– Large Fringe Metropolitan: Fringe counties of counties of metropolitan areas … Metropolitan: Counties in metro area of 250,000–999,999 population
– Small Metropolitan: Counties in metro areas … large
central metropolitan, large fringe metropolitan, medium metropolitan, and small metropolitan areas … and
rural includes micropolitan and non-core areas.
January 01, 2018 - Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency
of Total
1: Large metropolitan areas … 867 35.68%
2: Small metropolitan areas 685 28.19%
3: Micropolitan areas 369 15.19%
4: Not metropolitan
January 01, 2017 - among individuals residing in
the lowest income communities,
and among individuals residing
in rural areas … Individuals residing in rural-adjacent and rural-remote areas had higher population rates of ED visits … related to injuries for all injury causes compared with those residing in metropolitan areas. … Those
residing in rural-adjacent and rural-remote areas also had higher rates of ED visits related to … codes into the following three categories:
Metropolitan (metro) area:
• Counties in metro areas
January 01, 2020 - 2020
■ Delivery stays for women residing in small metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas … health disorder diagnosis was higher for women residing
in small metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas … compared with those residing in large metropolitan
areas (11.9 and 11.3, respectively, vs. 9.5 per … compared with
those residing in large metropolitan areas. … with at least 1 million residents), small metropolitan counties (include one or more
urbanized areas
January 01, 2019 - Census
ERS blank cell
Shortage Areas … Nielsen
uses intra-census methods to estimate household and demographic statistics for geographic
areas … classifies U.S. counties by size of the largest city
and nearness to metropolitan and micropolitan areas … characteristics
Geographic Entity:
Diseases and Health:
Health Professional Shortage Areas … The
ten topical areas include: access to care, cost and affordability, coverage, health
January 01, 2018 - All rural areas in
each state are combined for a single wage index.