February 01, 2011 - rates were also highest in the poorest communities (533 versus 312 stays per 100,000) and in rural areas … (563 stays versus 305 stays per 100,000 in large metropolitan areas), where smoking rates tend to be … Hospitalization rates for acute exacerbation were highest in the poorest communities and in rural areas … relative to 19.6 percent among those at or above poverty level) 6 and among adults living in rural areas … Tobacco use and exposure in rural areas: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
November 01, 2014 - patients with AMI in metropolitan (41 percent), micropolitan (40 percent), and
rural (42 percent) areas … as well as patients with pneumonia in micropolitan areas (42 percent). … with 1 million or more residents; fringe
counties of metropolitan areas with 1 million or more residents … ; counties in metropolitan areas of
250,000–999,999 residents; and counties in metropolitan areas of … 50,000–249,999 residents
• Micropolitan: Nonmetropolitan counties areas of 10,000 or more residents
January 01, 2013 - In 2008 and 2009, residents of rural areas were more likely than residents of urban areas to visit the … 140.5
Rural areas
Community-level income
Low income (lowest … 35.2
65 and over
Patient residence
Urban areas … 24.3
Rural areas
Community-level income
Low income (lowest … with 1 million or more residents
Large Fringe Metropolitan: includes counties of metropolitan areas
December 01, 2010 - Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) definitions of Core-Based Statistical Areas. … OMB classifies counties into metropolitan and
micropolitan areas. … For this Statistical Brief, the metropolitan areas were further divided into large and
HCUP … – Large urban fringe includes metropolitan areas with fewer than 1 million residents. … – Non-urban includes areas that are neither metropolitan nor micropolitan areas, i.e. counties with
February 14, 2011 - rates were also highest
in the poorest communities (533
versus 312 stays per 100,000) and in
rural areas … (563 stays versus 305
stays per 100,000 in large
metropolitan areas), where smoking
rates tend to … Hospitalization rates for acute exacerbation were
highest in the poorest communities and in rural areas … (22.2 percent versus 17.3 percent in suburban and 18.1 percent in urban areas). 7
Figure … Tobacco use and
exposure in rural areas: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
May 01, 2012 - The large majority of ATV injury victims lived in relatively rural areas: 38.5 percent lived in micropolitan … and non-core areas and an additional 34.4 percent lived in medium and small metropolitan areas. … and 227.2 among residents of rural areas, over a 30-fold difference (figure 2). … according to the following:
Large Central Metropolitan: includes metropolitan areas … with 1 million or more residents
Large Fringe Metropolitan: includes counties of metropolitan areas
April 01, 2012 - any type of cardiac stent were spread fairly evenly across income categories and urban/rural metro areas … , although patients living in the highest income areas had fewer stays than the second lowest income … category and patients from rural areas had fewer stays than medium and small metro areas. … million or more residents
Large Fringe Metropolitan: Fringe counties of counties of metropolitan areas … with 1 million or more residents
Medium Metropolitan: Counties in metropolitan areas of 250,000-999,999
November 01, 2009 - cannot be assessed by this
Post-linkage AI/AN rates may not be
comparable to other states/areas … Public Health Division, STD/TB/HIV Program
Unmatched AI/AN cases were more likely to reside in urban areas … that were of unknown or missing
• Unmatched AI/AN cases were more likely to reside in urban areas
January 01, 2016 - ■ Rates of influenza-related stays
and ED visits were highest for
patients from low-income areas … than for those from metropolitan areas. … adjacent to a metro area and from rural, remote areas than for patients from metro
areas (490.9 and … those from higher income areas. … (4.3 percent), compared with those
from metro areas (3.5 percent) and rural, remote areas (3.6 percent
September 01, 2016 - compared with those in small metropolitan and micropolitan areas. … The mean low-risk C-section rate was also higher for hospitals in large metropolitan areas (16.9 per … with 1 million or more residents
Small Metropolitan: metropolitan areas with fewer than 1 million … residents
Micropolitan: nonmetropolitan areas delinated as micropolitan areas
Rural (noncore): nonmetropolitan … and nonmicropolitan areas
Payer is the expected payer for the hospital stay.
January 01, 2013 - compared with those in
small metropolitan and micropolitan areas. … The mean low-risk C-section rate was also higher for
hospitals in large metropolitan areas (16.9 per … with 1 million or more residents
• Small Metropolitan: metropolitan areas with fewer than 1 million … residents
• Micropolitan: nonmetropolitan areas delineated as micropolitan areas
• Rural (noncore … ): nonmetropolitan and nonmicropolitan areas
Payer is the expected payer for the hospital
June 01, 2014 - Rural areas had a higher rate of ED visits resulting in discharge compared with urban areas. … Rural areas had the highest rate of ED visits resulting in discharge. … Rural areas (micropolitan and noncore areas) had the highest rate of ED visits that resulted in discharge … in 2011 (448 per 1,000 population) compared with urban areas: medium and small metropolitan areas ( … with 1 million or more residents
Large Fringe Metropolitan: includes counties of metropolitan areas
January 01, 2007 - also illustrates that burn hospitalizations occurred most often among patients living in low-income areas … was about 77 percent higher than the rate of burn admissions among patients living in higher income areas … Similarly, burn hospital stays were most likely to occur among patients living in rural areas, at a rate … rate was nearly 73 percent higher than the rate of burn stays among patients living in large urban areas … and about 64 percent higher than among those living in small urban areas (9.9 and 10.4 hospital stays
January 01, 2007 - (15.6 stays
0,000 population) and pa-
living in rural areas (17.1
per 100,000 population). … also illustrates that burn hospitalizations occurred most often among patients living in low-
income areas … Similarly, burn hospital stays were most likely to occur among patients living in rural areas, at a rate … rate was nearly 73 percent higher than the rate of burn
stays among patients living in large urban areas … and about 64 percent higher than among those living in
small urban areas (9.9 and 10.4 hospital stays
May 01, 2013 - Rates of transfer were higher for ED encounters from rural areas. … Encounters by patients from rural areas had the highest transfer rate (3.0 percent)—three times higher … than the transfer rate for patients from large central metropolitan areas. … with 1 million or more residents
Large Fringe Metropolitan: Fringe counties of metropolitan areas … with 1 million or more residents
Medium Metropolitan: Counties in metropolitan areas of 250,000-999,999
March 01, 2013 - ■ Rates of transfer were higher
for ED encounters from rural
areas. … Encounters by patients from rural areas had the highest transfer rate (3.0 percent)—three times higher … than the transfer rate for patients from large central metropolitan areas.
Table 1. … Center for Health Statistics (NCHS):
– Large Central Metropolitan: Central counties of metropolitan areas … with 1 million or more residents
– Large Fringe Metropolitan: Fringe counties of metropolitan areas
January 01, 2011 - of ICUs
tended to occur in hospitals that
were large, private/for profit,
located in metropolitan areas … Higher ICU utilization was common in large hospitals, hospitals located in large metropolitan areas, … Many of these characteristics overlap; for example, many critical access
hospitals are in rural areas … Large metropolitan areas are metropolitan areas with at least 1 million residents; small
metropolitan … areas are metropolitan areas of less than 1 million residents.
March 01, 2012 - ■ The rate of ED visits for infectious
enteritis was more than 75 percent
higher in rural areas … than in urban
areas (160 and 90 ED visits per
100,000, respectively) … had higher rates of both ED visits and inpatient stays than did urban
areas. … The relative rate of ED visits per
inpatient stay was only 1.3 to 1 in urban areas (90 ED visits for … with 1 million or more
Medium and Small Metropolitan: includes areas with 50,000 to
August 30, 2006 - 3
Markets defined by geopolitical boundaries are based on counties, Metropolitan
Statistical Areas … (MSA), Health Service Areas (HSA), and Core-Based Statistical
Areas (CBSA).
January 01, 2015 - Hospital File
Frequency Distribution for HOSP_URCAT4
HOSP_URCAT4 Frequency Percent
1: Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1 million residents 315 33.05
2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents … 243 25.50
3: Micropolitan areas 151 15.84
4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan 224 23.50
7: Small … Metro or Micro areas (2 or 3) 11 1.15
8: Metropolitan areas (1 or 2) <= 10 *.**
9: Non metropolitan … areas (3 or 4) <= 10 *.**
please refer to the section on Description of Data Elements.