November 01, 2010 - There were 4 times as many dog bite-related ED visits and 3 times as many hospital stays in rural areas … than in urban areas. … , about 4 times higher than in urban areas (large central, large fringe, and medium and small metropolitan … As shown in table 2, the rate of hospitalization for patients in rural areas was 2.9 stays per 100,000 … 0.8
Percentage of female patients
Patient Residence†
Urban areas
December 01, 2016 - showed little change for patients living in higher-income areas. … ■ Comparing 2006 and 2014, the ED visit rate increased in large central metropolitan areas and … in medium and small metropolitan areas, whereas the rate decreased in suburban areas. … 13.1 percent for patients living in medium and small metropolitan areas between 2006 and 2014. … (i.e., rural areas) (472.7 and 512.5 visits per 1,000
population, respectively).
September 01, 2017 - The rate of ED visits for patients living in low-income areas increased from 2006 to 2014 but showed … little change for patients living in higher-income areas. … and small metropolitan areas, whereas the rate decreased in suburban areas. … 13.1 percent for patients living in medium and small metropolitan areas between 2006 and 2014. … (i.e., rural areas) (472.7 and 512.5 visits per 1,000 population, respectively).
August 01, 2015 - Small and large metropolitan areas were combined or micropolitan and rural areas were combined.
January 01, 2021 - ■ Patients from the most vulnerable
communities and from rural areas had
higher rates of inpatient … , regardless of
present on admission status, compared with patients from large metropolitan areas … vs. 84.1 in the large metropolitan areas in 2019, and 97.0 in rural areas vs.74.5 in the large
metropolitan … 7.9 per 10,000 stays in rural
areas vs. 5.1 in the large metropolitan areas in 2019 and 10.7 in rural … areas vs. 7.6 in the large metropolitan
areas in 2021
October 01, 2013 - These characteristics can also indicate areas in which to target interventions to improve birth outcomes … 239
Large metropolitan areas … with at least 1M residents
Small metropolitan areas with less than … 1M residents
Micropolitan areas
Not … million or more residents
Large Fringe Metropolitan: Fringe counties of counties of metropolitan areas
February 25, 2008 - information model
• Focused initially on needs of HIS, later versions
expanded horizontally into other areas … implemented by users
25 Feb 2008 Hammond 8
v2.x Functional areas … version 2.x messaging standard
v2.x messaging standard (2)
v2.x messaging standard (3)
v2.x Functional areas
October 01, 2016 - or large number of inpatient beds, and to be located in large central metropolitan and micropolitan areas … Just over a quarter (27.4 percent) of SNHs were located in large central metropolitan areas. … In comparison, only 17.9 percent of non-SNHs were located in these areas. … A greater proportion of SNHs compared with non-SNHs were also located in micropolitan areas (22.4 vs. … and rural areas (noncore).
January 01, 2014 - Just over a quarter (27.4 percent) of SNHs were located in large central metropolitan areas. … In
comparison, only 17.9 percent of non-SNHs were located in these areas. … A greater proportion of
SNHs compared with non-SNHs were also located in micropolitan areas (22.4 vs … and rural areas (noncore). … with 1 million or
more residents
• Medium Metropolitan: Counties in metropolitan areas of 250,000
July 01, 2016 - As expected, the NTR9 better represented AI/ANs in CHSDA areas than non-CHSDA counties, rural areas compared … with urban areas, and tribal and IHS service populations where there is an RPMS-reporting clinic.
May 01, 2012 - The rate of animal-related treat-and-release ED visits in rural areas was 1.7 times higher than in urban … areas and the rate of inpatient discharges was 1.6 times higher for rural than for urban areas. … ) was 1.7 times higher than in urban areas (370.5 visits). … The rate of inpatient discharges was 1.6 times higher for rural areas (28.2 stays per 100,000 population … ) than for urban areas (17.6 stays).
March 01, 2012 - ■ The rate of animal-related treat-
and-release ED visits in rural
areas was 1.7 times higher … than
in urban areas and the rate of
inpatient discharges was 1.6
times higher for rural than for … urban areas … )
was 1.7 times higher than in urban areas (370.5 visits). … ) than for urban areas (17.6 stays).
January 01, 2018 - emergency department cost-to-charge ratio
GAF Capital cost adjustment index for core-based statistical areas … Adjustment Factor (Data Element GAF)
The capital cost adjustment index for core-based statistical areas … All
rural areas in each State are combined to compute a single wage index.
April 01, 2014 - ■ Rural areas had a higher rate of
ED visits resulting in discharge
compared with urban areas. … ■ Rural areas had the highest rate of ED visits resulting in discharge. … Rural areas (micropolitan and noncore areas) had the highest rate of ED visits that resulted in
discharge … in 2011 (448 per 1,000 population) compared with urban areas: medium and small
metropolitan areas … with 1 million or more
• Medium and Small Metropolitan: includes areas with 50,000 to
January 01, 2016 - had two or more chronic conditions than for those who had only
one chronic condition.3 Identifying areas … However, some of these same
States had other areas with
relatively low rates of
potentially preventable … The lowest rates were
generally observed in the
Midwest and West, although
areas of a few of … In addition,
isolated hot spots occurred in southeast Michigan, southern New Jersey, and select areas … For some States with notable hot spots, there
were other areas with low rates (e.g., northeast Oklahoma
February 01, 2011 - , while those from large metropolitan areas had the lowest rates. … The rates of ED visits and hospitalizations were highest for patients from rural areas and lowest for … patients from large metropolitan areas, similar to the pattern for patients without back problems. … and 1,922 per 100,000 in urban areas. … per 100,000 in urban areas.
February 01, 2011 - ■ Individuals from rural areas had the
highest rates of ED visits and inpatient
stays related … to back problems, while
those from large metropolitan areas
had the lowest rates … patients from large metropolitan areas, similar to the pattern for patients without
back problems. … and 1,922 per 100,000 in urban areas. … 697 per 100,000 in urban areas.
May 01, 2011 - There were more than 5 times as many ED visits related to eye injuries for patients from rural areas … (646 per 100,000 population) than urban areas (120 per 100,000). … 59.1%
Patient residence, rate per 100,000 population 1
Urban areas … For patients who lived in rural areas, the rate of ED visits related to eye injuries was 646 per 100,000 … population, 5.4 times higher than in urban areas (large central, large fringe, and medium and small
December 01, 2010 - Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions of Core-Based Statistical Areas. … OMB classifies counties into metropolitan and micropolitan areas. … areas using the Urban Influence Codes (UIC). … Large urban fringe includes metropolitan areas with fewer than 1 million residents. … Non-urban includes areas that are neither metropolitan nor micropolitan areas, i.e. counties with no
June 01, 2012 - and 16.0 visits per 100,000 population among people residing in all other areas. … , 22.4 in medium and small metro areas, and 23.6 in micropolitan and noncore areas). … related to assault involving a firearm were more likely to occur in an urban area than in any other areas … the National Center for Health Statistics:
Large Central Metropolitan: includes metropolitan areas … with a population of 1 million or greater
Medium and Small Metropolitan: includes areas of 50,000