March 03, 2016 - Eligible studies will be organized in three interest areas, comprising studies that
Measure the impact … This is probably most defensible for empirical studies pertinent to the first two interest areas (impact … we will attempt to distinguish resources available in the largest city of each state, and to rural areas … Each study will be classified into the three areas of interest. … HIV and aging: state of knowledge and areas of critical need for research.
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority
areas. … have resulted in identification and tracking of more than 900 topics
across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … unmet need of access to specialty care by aiding primary care
clinicians in rural or underserved areas … compared with other areas. … First, specialty care would be available in previously
underserved areas, which would “bring quality
December 01, 2011 - Those
investments are made in 14 priority areas for which AHRQ commissions comparative effectiveness … The tags include the
names of the 14 priority areas and 1 area designated “cross-cutting” … by ECRI Institute for interventions
that affect many or all priority areas (see Priority Area list … Priority Areas
1. Arthritis and nontraumatic joint disease
2. Cancer
3. … Potential outcomes/areas of impact
June 01, 2015 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14
priority areas. … topics has resulted in
identification and tracking of about 2,250 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas
December 01, 2014 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14
priority areas. … topics has resulted in
identification and tracking of about 2,000 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas
April 01, 2010 - Key areas for future
work include development of more outcome indicators, methods to better incorporate … Areas with more indicator development
included pain, dyspnea, communication/care planning/decision-making … In order to evaluate whether the psychosocial care
not only addressed all these areas but was of good … The symposium’s discussions also exposed several important areas of disagreement that
require further … The key policy
recommendation was that indicators in well-developed areas, such as pain, are ready for
January 09, 2013 - reports summarized the evidence on quality improvement strategies related to chronic conditions, practice areas
January 01, 2005 - Studies lying on the intersection of the grey areas (darker grey
polygon) have both LR+>10 and LR-<0.1 … Screening tests typically operate in the less shaded areas, whereas confirmatory tests
used to rule
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority
areas. … have resulted in identification and tracking of more than 900 topics
across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … Over time, damage spreads from the brain’s memory center to areas that control thinking and
judgment … amount of the agent is injected intravenously, and a scanner
is used to generate images that highlight areas … amount of the agent is injected intravenously, and a scanner is used to generate images that highlight
September 16, 2011 - can be easily lifted "off the shelf" by different researchers; (3) can be adapted to different topic areas
August 09, 2012 - We received comments regarding the challenge of obtaining funding to conduct future
research in the areas … The
transcripts were reviewed for common themes and key content areas by the lead investigator. … The team discussed and resolved any discrepancies in
identification of themes and key content areas … for immediate impact and to rate higher those areas that should be conducted first. … In particular, we
are looking for gaps in our knowledge related in the following areas:
November 21, 2016 - At this point we will
not re-organize the three areas of interest. … Mental health-related outcomes are covered in
all three areas of interest, but, as the reviewer
notes … At this point we will
not re-organize the three areas of interest. … Unless those areas are first refined and prioritized,
any search for data will be quixotic.
3. … Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2014.
October 28, 2010 - In addition, it will identify gaps in data and areas for improvement in treatment implementation and … Populations exposed to repeated traumas, including military and those in high crime areas, etc. … In addition, it will identify gaps in data and areas for improvement in treatment implementation and
October 01, 2007 - Further assume that patients live in either of
2 geographic areas and that the distribution of disease … sever-
ity across patients is the same in both geographic areas. … Providers in both areas are assumed to have consistent beliefs
on the relative effectiveness of BCSI … and mastectomy for
patients like those in the RCTs, but they differ across areas in
how they extrapolate … and those with
the highest disease severity would receive consistent surgery
recommendations across areas
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority
areas. … have resulted in identification and
tracking of more than 900 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas
June 27, 2011 - literature on quality improvement (QI) strategies for
a selection of disease and practice priority areas … The 2011 CQG series continues
this work with reviews in a new set of priority areas for improving quality … The targets show the areas where a QI
intervention might focus—such as an intervention specifically … Underlined areas show the targets for which we will set priorities
for the first Key Question (KQ), … Underlined areas show where we will prioritize the
searches and review, but all areas in the framework
June 01, 2013 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority
areas. … topics has resulted in
identification and tracking of about 1,800 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … Once synthesized, oxytocin acts as a
neurotransmitter on several central target areas, including the … wide range of symptoms and skills.1 ASD
symptoms vary, but generally fall into one or more of three areas … pituitary gland.3 Once synthesized, oxytocin acts as a neurotransmitter on several
central target areas
Areas studied include immunotherapy ; inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting muscarinic antagonists
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority
areas. … have resulted in identification and tracking of more than 900 topics
across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … have met criteria for tracking in the horizon scanning
system, relative to other broader priority areas
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority
areas. … topics has resulted in
identification and tracking of about 1,600 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas