March 01, 2021 - Of the 111 unique studies, 93 (84.5%) were in the
areas of obesity and hypertension— leaving only 18 … Further, especially for BP monitors that are
utilized in other areas of study, the results are cross … The
potential value of device-generated PDFs is also
mentioned in several areas of the report but I … We feel the report
does provide meaningful
information, as we found
areas where statements
could, … as well as other
areas where more
research is needed.
April 15, 2013 - Are there examples of this kind of work in other areas of health care or
mental health care? … The report now provides a clear
set of specific priorities areas for
policy and research, resonating … with a
synthesis of the best evidence in
the field of child maltreatment and
to identify critical areas … The recommendations for future research areas were helpful. … with a
synthesis of the best evidence in
the field of child maltreatment and
to identify critical areas
January 01, 2011 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0369
Document Completion Date: 09-14-11
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Models of survivorship care is not feasible for a full systematic review due to the limited data available
at this time; however, it will be considered for a potentia…
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0126
Document Completion Date: 6-25-09
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Management of Crohn’s disease will go forward for refinement as a comparative effectiveness or
effectiveness review. The scope of this topic, including populations…
October 07, 2012 - May consider additional/specific recommendations for
future areas of research based on this review. … best suited for researchers in the field and will
undoubtedly serve to inform and guide essential areas … May consider additional/specific recommendations for
future areas of research based on this review.
April 01, 2019 - and (2) neurosurgery
is a specialty that is not widely available in all
locations (such as rural areas … key priority is the need for rigorous, multi-
site studies of telehealth consultations in clinical
areas … common metrics
across uses of telehealth for consultation would
facilitate comparisons across clinical areas … While the results may be uneven
across specific clinical areas, telehealth
consultations do generally
April 27, 2020 - Introduction The introduction summaries the rationale for conducting this detailed evaluation
and proposes 5 areas … Reviewer #5 Discussion and
Very helpful information came out of this section along with areas
April 01, 2023 - Identifying gaps in telehealth research can
inform future studies and outline areas that need to be … Study Design
• More rigorous, multisite studies of telehealth
consultations across clinical areas
September 27, 2011 - of body surface area (BSA) involved, activity of the lesions, the location of lesions in sensitive areas … While disease localized to nonsensitive areas of skin may be managed effectively with topical agents
March 30, 2009 - was 57 years (Interquartile range (IQR):48-65), 74% of patients were white, and 53% lived in urban areas … Approximately 79% were female, 71% were white and 51% lived in urban areas.
August 05, 2010 - What are potential areas for future research that are most meaningful given the current state of the … What are possible areas of future research?
1. Data Collection:
September 10, 2012 - would
benefit from clearer organization (e.g., tables, formatting) and
further development in key areas … Reviewer 4 Results There are other areas of studies that might be considered in
such a manuscript (such … structure
(although lengthy) was organized and the conclusions, the points
of discussion and the areas
July 14, 2016 - Recommended
areas of study include the following:
• Does engaging patients in their own treatment
September 01, 2011 - the studies discussed occurred during different years
with little overlap and came from different areas … While the target
audience is well defined, the key questions overreach the data in
several areas. … The report, in general,
does a good job of distinguishing areas where Matria (Alere) data
differ from
May 31, 2016 - the gaps in #5
would cause one to automatically assume that we need to do
more research in those areas … org. development
literature have any good evidence that integration is useful
and works in other areas … However, we are not aware
of any prior review that supports the
effectiveness of integration on other
December 20, 2017 - A
review that analyzes the strength of the evidence in
many of these areas has been needed. the questions
July 01, 2012 - The conclusions clearly identify areas where NIV should become usual
area and other areas in need of … Multiple systemic reviews have already been performed
on the topic areas reviewed by the Duke group … limited measures of functional status and health
related quality of life since these were not routine areas
January 01, 2000 - Study Eligibility Criteria
Study Eligibility Criteria
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Training Modules for Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews
Study Eligibility Criteria
Systematic Review Process Overview
Systematic Review Process Overview
This slide illu…
April 01, 2007 - The
“Overview” presents basic information on the main
areas to consider in setting up a registry, from … Testing allows
assessment of respondent burden, accuracy, and
completeness of questions, and potential areas … budgetary and feasibility constraints,
and should not be used as a reason to avoid conducting research in areas
June 21, 2021 - percent of non-urban counties lack
psychiatrists while more than 60 percent of Americans in rural areas … Identification of Gaps
To identify areas for further development of an effective framework to evaluate … Development of Criteria for New Thematic Areas
For the identified gaps that were also prioritized in … In summary, key takeaways were: 1) apps can fill a mental health service gap in areas where
there are … Designated health professional shortage areas
statistics. Bureau of Health Workforce. U.S.