August 29, 2023 - Disposition of Comments_Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 265_Radiation Therapy for Metastatic Bone Disease: Effectiveness and Harms
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Title: Radiation Therapy for Metastatic Bone Disease: Effectiveness and Harms
Draft report ava…
January 01, 2023 - Our results from subgroup analysis may inform
future areas of investigation but cannot definitively … treatment planning and
image guidance, and characterizing the outcomes of that approach, represent key areas
January 01, 2012 - We attempted to include representatives from all the
areas you mention. … As noted above, we attempted to include
representatives from the areas mentioned. … However, we identified
some areas that would benefit from further clarification,
investigation and/ … The
introduction lacked some areas of context in my opinion. … Ward, Scott
(American Physical
Background Many of the key areas involved in
May 26, 2017 - TEP
Reviewer #4
Clarity and
The report is well organized; I was able to quickly find areas … the reader will be able to find specific areas of
interest quickly, as well as broader summaries and … Reviewer #2
Lengthy and somewhat confusing as the major topic areas … Reviewer #1
In both reports the future research section addressed gaps and areas
February 11, 2013 - repetitive studies (especially by independent
investigators) does not exist in this field and in many other areas
August 10, 2015 - What is
known about the limitations of sampling relatively small
areas relative to the potential high … We also added text describing
sampling areas for Rodac plates, and
included a reference to a study … Category IB2008
Do not perform disinfectant fogging in patientcare areas. … The
six key areas identified (p 31-32) are critical in order to
make sense of and apply the evidence … KI Reviewer 6 Clarity and
While the existing paper is clear and well written the areas
November 12, 2015 - help
a nd
public health
a nd broug ht in
stak eholder lea ders f rom m any dif ferent areas
June 01, 2014 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14
priority areas. … topics has resulted in
identification and tracking of about 2,000 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas
October 31, 2013 - High priority research areas include:
Obesity and lifestyle interventions
Preventive strategies aimed … Progress in these areas has the potential to advance clinical care for BPH patients beyond symptom management
May 14, 2019 - only address 1 question – single vs. double embryo
transfer because the SOE was limited in all other areas … all studies included using
the same procedure- ie same energy source, same
technique and number of areas … seem to be higher when
controlling for nulliparity, duration of infertility etc, and
then in other areas … In areas
where the evidence is insufficient – then clearly state
that there is insufficient evidence … the conclusions are more
helpful in defining areas where we do not have enough
knowledge than they
May 14, 2019 - only address 1 question – single vs. double embryo
transfer because the SOE was limited in all other areas … all studies included using
the same procedure- ie same energy source, same
technique and number of areas … seem to be higher when
controlling for nulliparity, duration of infertility etc, and
then in other areas … In areas
where the evidence is insufficient – then clearly state
that there is insufficient evidence … the conclusions are more
helpful in defining areas where we do not have enough
knowledge than they
February 01, 2015 - The EPC sought the Key Informant input on the priority areas for
research and synthesis. … We convened a new Workgroup in 2013 to develop recommendations on several of these
areas that the EPCs … For areas in which there was less certainty that following the guidance would be worth the effort
required … We identified several areas for such future research:
• Specific to this document, there is a need for … identify any pragmatic considerations or challenges in implementing the guidance, and to
identify areas
August 01, 2012 - 26.2% in African-
American fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes in the
intervention areas … treatment reduced disparities in one aspect of treatment,
which exacerbated disparities in other areas … Applicability
Although we reviewed fairly large studies conducted in
diverse areas of the United States … Massachusetts,
diabetes disease management program members living in
socioeconomically disparate areas … for Black patients with diabetes,
patient telephone reminders in health disparity zones
(defined as areas
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority
areas. … topics has resulted in
identification and tracking of about 1,600 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … ulcerative colitis No high-impact potential at this time
Compared with other priority areas
December 03, 2020 - Impact of Insurance Prior Authorizations on Patient Outcomes
Topic Brief: Impact of Insurance Prior Authorizations on
Patient Outcomes
Date: 1/4/2021
Nomination Number: 0936
Purpose: This document summarizes the information addressing a nomination submitted on
July 17, 2020 through the Effective He…
July 01, 2015 - abuse and mental health disorders have also been
reported.12 Individuals who lived in rural geographic areas … had higher suicide death rates than
those who resided in large fringe metropolitan areas (suburbs) … What are possible areas of future research?
e. … • Academic Search Complete: This source provides information from a wide
range of academic areas
January 13, 2014 - public reporting of costs that compare healthcare providers or facilities across defined geographic areas … aimed at helping consumers find reliable information on healthcare providers in defined geographic areas
February 01, 2013 - Most of the scientific gaps reflect focused theme areas rather than specific research
questions. … However, much of the current rotator cuff research
(Appendix B Table 1) focuses not on areas of top … It includes two theme areas:
Methodological Issues that include items related to measurement and study … Scientific questions
The major questions/areas of stakeholder interest that motivated the majority of … Areas needing multispecialty consensus:
• Indications for imaging of the rotator cuff (initial).
October 25, 2010 - Table B was added to the Executive
Summary to highlight priority research areas and potential study … Top 10 priority research areas ...................................................................... … The table below summarizes the top 10 priority research areas by highest rank, grouped
according to … Top 10 priority research areas to reduce the risk of primary breast cancer
Questionnaire I:
Consumer … Two of these priority topic
areas, additional interventions such as diet (Question B) and influencing
April 01, 2014 - , and clinical groups have identified
vision, hearing, and developmental screening and followup as areas … Given the gaps
identified by CMS and Medicaid state agencies in these areas, it is critical to understand … What quality measures have been developed in the following areas for children?