AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 1,806 records

Showing results for "areas".

  1. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/dementia-horizon-scan-high-impact-1312.pdf
    December 01, 2013 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority areas. … topics has resulted in identification and tracking of about 1,900 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas
  2. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/webform/products/breast-reconstruction-mastectomy/draft-comments
    March 22, 2021 - Before you get started PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit
  3. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/webform/products/interventional-treatments-pain/submit-comments
    April 15, 2021 - Before you get started PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit
  4. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/webform/products/major-joint-replacement/submit-comments
    May 03, 2021 - Before you get started PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit
  5. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/webform/products/pediatric-adolescent-cancer-survivorship/submit-comments
    May 20, 2021 - Before you get started PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit
  6. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/webform/products/integrated-pain-management/submit-comments
    May 21, 2021 - Before you get started PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit
  7. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/webform/products/high-utilizers-health-care/draft-comments
    February 26, 2021 - Before you get started PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit
  8. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/webform/products/malnutrition-hospitalized-adults/submit-comments
    June 03, 2021 - Before you get started PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit
  9. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/04_dementia_potential_high_impact_2012-12-10.pdf
    January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority areas. … topics has resulted in identification and tracking of about 1,600 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … Over time, damage spreads from the memory center to areas that control thinking and judgment, behavior … agents are intended to be used in similar capacities and serve to generate images that highlight areas … patient’s bloodstream and use a gamma camera or whole-body scanner to generate images that highlight areas
  10. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/get-involved/nominated-topics/are-there-data-supporting-the-discontinuance-of-warfarin-after-catheter-ablation-for-atrial-fibrillation-what-is-the-prevalence-of-symptomatic-and-asymptomatic-atrial-fibrillation-after-catheter-ablation
    February 27, 2012 - Home » Get Involved » Nominated Topics » Topic Suggestion Description Topic Suggestion Description Date submitted: February 27, 2012 Download Topic Suggestion Disposition [PDF · 54.6 KB] Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a healt…
  11. #14 SUBSTANCE ABUSE (pdf file)

    January 01, 2012 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority areas. … topics has resulted in identification and tracking of about 1,600 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … have met criteria for tracking in the horizon scanning system, relative to other, broader priority areas
  12. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/developmental-delays-horizon-scan-high-impact-1406.pdf
    June 01, 2014 - AHRQ makes those investments in 14 priority areas. … topics has resulted in identification and tracking of about 2,000 topics across the 14 AHRQ priority areas … an ASD.3 Although ASD symptoms vary across patients, they generally fall into one or more of three areas
  13. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/related_files/telehealth-covid-19-disposition-comments.pdf
    January 03, 2023 - With that in mind, we would like to offer additional recommendations on areas of further research and … Conversely, telehealth also facilitates additional visits with specific team members if specific areas … for mental and behavioral health services allows patients from underserved communities—such as rural areas … services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals with chronic mental illness who lived in rural areas
  14. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/related_files/hemophilia-dental-rapid-response.pdf
    July 01, 2024 - these adaptations may limit the certainty and generalizability of the review findings, particularly in areas
  15. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/products/stroke-transitions-of-care/research
    October 31, 2011 - This review was framed around five areas of investigation: (1) key components of transition of care services
  16. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/products/mental-illness-outcomes/technical-brief
    January 15, 2015 - Key areas of uncertainty remain.
  17. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/related_files/atypical-antipsychotics-off-label-update_disposition-comments.pdf
    September 01, 2011 - None needed David L Shern General MHA is committed to promoting patient involvement in all areas … TEP #1 Methods 25 p 25 - analytic framework - list "depression" but in other areas of the report you
  18. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/primary-research-design_research.pdf
    January 01, 2012 - (i.e., is “wasted”), has been raised by Chalmers and Glasziou.3 The authors suggest at least four areas … characteristics were inadequately reported.14 A review of 192 trials from seven different medical areas … For some clinical areas where there are numerous SR of interventions it will be possible (and necessary … In other clinical areas where there are fewer SRs it will be necessary to be more inclusive, and include … sufficiently relevant to the proposed research study, it is important to critically appraise key areas
  19. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/hawley-presentation.pdf
    November 11, 2015 - The  community and  the  role  of advocacy groups in  the  community may vary in   different cultural areas … and  geographic areas.
  20. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/asthma-education-protocol.pdf
    January 01, 2018 - Educational content • What key content areas are addressed? … Training process o Certification o Guidance in privacy rules, communication skills, other relevant areas … Discussions with Key Informants The Key Informants (KIs) will have expertise in one or more of the following areas … Are certain content areas less conducive to AS-ME? 3.

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