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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
September 23, 2021 - Skip to main content
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
September 23, 2021 - Skip to main content
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
September 20, 2021 - Skip to main content
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Evidence-Informed, Health IT‑Enabled Care Delivery & Transformation Creating LHSs at organization, national, and international scales is increasingly viewed as a core strategy to optimize health and care delivery and achieve the Quintuple Aim (57) (58) . Computable knowledge is a key enabler for these LHSs (3) . The …
The ACTS Stakeholder Community envisions a future knowledge ecosystem that fosters LHSs and broad realization of the Quintuple Aim. The Future Vision workgroup defined details for what this looks like from four perspectives: those giving and receiving care, driving quality improvement in individual care delivery organ…
The ACTS Stakeholder Community developed a shared future vision for a knowledge ecosystem that fosters LHSs and broad realization of the Quintuple Aim. Then, the Future Vision workgroup took a focus approach to define the details for four future vision perspectives (care delivery, care transformation, resource develop…
Evidence-Informed, Health IT‑Enabled Care Delivery & Transformation Creating LHSs at organization, national, and international scales is increasingly viewed as a core strategy to optimize healthcare delivery and achieve the Quintuple Aim (57) (58) . Computable knowledge is a key enabler for these LHSs (3) . The CDS 5…
The ACTS Stakeholder Community developed a shared future vision for a knowledge ecosystem that fosters LHSs and broad realization of the Quintuple Aim. Then, the Future Vision workgroup took a focus approach to define the details for four future vision perspectives (care delivery, care transformation, resource develop…
The ACTS Stakeholder Community envisions a future knowledge ecosystem that fosters LHSs and broad realization of the Quintuple Aim. The Future Vision workgroup defined details for what this looks like from four perspectives: those giving and receiving care, driving quality improvement in individual care delivery organ…
Exported From Confluence
Future Vision
Evidence-Informed, Health IT‑Enabled Care Delivery & Transformation
Creating LHSs at organization, national, and international scales is increasingly viewed as a core strategy to optimize health and care delivery and achieve the Quintuple Aim (57) (5…
Evidence-Informed, Health IT‑Enabled Care Delivery & Transformation Creating LHSs at organization, national, and international scales is increasingly viewed as a core strategy to optimize health and care delivery and achieve the Quintuple Aim (57) (58) . Computable knowledge is a key enabler for these LHSs (3) . The …
August 31, 2021 - Working DRAFT for Stakeholder Input and Refinement University of Minnesota Efforts to Optimize Anticoagulant use in COVID-19 Patients Soon after the COVID-19 Pandemic began in early 2020, the University of Minnesota team (MHealth Fairview) recognized the importance of hypercoagulability in COVID-19 and wanted to prov…
The ACTS Stakeholder Community envisions a future knowledge ecosystem that fosters LHSs and broad realization of the Quintuple Aim. The Future Vision workgroup defined details for what this looks like from four perspectives: those giving and receiving care, driving quality improvement in individual care delivery organ…
Principles Underlying the Care Delivery Future Vision Quintuple Aim achievement is essential for both practical and ethical reasons. We should promote patient autonomy. We should promote shared decision-making, recognizing that this process involves a series of stages with varying content. (208) We should support both …
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Future Vision Gaps
Principles Underlying the Care Delivery Future Vision
Quintuple Aim achievement is essential for both practical and ethical reasons.
We should promote patient autonomy.
We should promote shared decision-making, recognizing that this process inv…
Provide a high level overview – we described a future vision, we've talked about the knowledge ecosystem needed to make the cycle work and we discussed some of the tools needed to deliver the future vision. Refer to the image – we are missing the necessary people, processes and technology. People – agreements and stand…
January 01, 2006 - Provide a high level overview – we described a future vision, we've talked about the knowledge ecosystem needed to make the cycle work and we discussed some of the tools needed to deliver the future vision. Refer to the image – we are missing the necessary people, processes and technology. People – agreements and stand…
Provide a high level overview – we described a future vision, we've talked about the knowledge ecosystem needed to make the cycle work and we discussed some of the tools needed to deliver the future vision. Refer to the image – we are missing the necessary people, processes and technology. People – agreements and stand…
Provide a high level overview – we described a future vision, we've talked about the knowledge ecosystem needed to make the cycle work and we discussed some of the tools needed to deliver the future vision. While progress is being made, there are still major gaps. Gaps specific to the tools are addressed on the tools p…