AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 1,027 records

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  1. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?originalVersion=2&pageId=114990920&revisedVersion=5
    September 15, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  2. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=114990920
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  3. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence//display/PUB/Marketplace
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  4. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/display/PUB/Marketplace
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  5. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/plugins/viewsource/viewpagesrc.action?pageId=114991758
    Evidence-Informed, Health IT‑Enabled Care Delivery & Transformation Creating LHSs at organization, national, and international scales is increasingly viewed as a core strategy to optimize healthcare delivery and achieve the Quintuple Aim  (57) (58) . Computable knowledge is a key enabler for these LHSs   (3). By illus…
  6. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/plugins/viewsource/viewpagesrc.action?pageId=114991757
    Consensus Future Vision for Evidence-Informed, Health IT‑Enabled Care Delivery & Transformation Creating LHSs at organization, national, and international scales is increasingly viewed as a core strategy to optimize healthcare delivery and achieve the Quintuple Aim  (57) (58) . Computable knowledge is a key enabler for…
  7. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?pageId=114990920&selectedPageVersions=4&selectedPageVersions=5
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  8. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?navigatingVersions=true&pageId=114992851
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  9. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?pageId=114992868&selectedPageVersions=1&selectedPageVersions=2
    September 09, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  10. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?navigatingVersions=true&pageId=114992868
    September 15, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  11. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?navigatingVersions=true&pageId=114991696
    September 09, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  12. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?originalVersion=4&pageId=114990920&revisedVersion=5
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  13. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?navigatingVersions=true&pageId=114992877
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  14. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=114992868
    September 15, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  15. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=114991696
    September 09, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  16. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=114992877
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  17. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=114992851
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  18. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpages.action?originalId=114992851&pageId=114990920
    August 04, 2022 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  19. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpages.action?originalId=114991696&pageId=114992868
    September 09, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem
  20. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpages.action?originalId=114991581&pageId=114990969
    October 05, 2021 - Skip to main content assistive.skiplink.to.breadcrumbs assistive.skiplink.to.header.menu assistive.skiplink.to.action.menu assistive.skiplink.to.quick.search Required: page refresh 5 An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services      …

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