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The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


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  1. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/plugins/viewsource/viewpagesrc.action?pageId=114992865
    Initial Working DRAFT   for Stakeholder Input and Refinement Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COV…
  2. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/plugins/viewsource/viewpagesrc.action?pageId=114991685
    Initial Working DRAFT   for Stakeholder Input and Refinement Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COV…
  3. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/exportword?pageId=114990924
    Exported From Confluence Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a …
  4. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?originalVersion=5&pageId=114990969&revisedVersion=8
    September 29, 2021 - Skip to main content assistive.skiplink.to.breadcrumbs assistive.skiplink.to.header.menu assistive.skiplink.to.action.menu assistive.skiplink.to.quick.search Required: page refresh 5 An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services      …
  5. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/temp/pdfexport-20230227-270223-1211-41/114990924_1f37ba6f647342499dbbed3252718bc3-270223-1211-42.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  6. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/temp/pdfexport-20230228-280223-1317-1437/114990924_cecfc464e623418fbfff4034eba9ef26-280223-1317-1438.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  7. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/temp/pdfexport-20230228-280223-1315-1435/114990924_dd5058b63dbf4d11b459d22cf7c0fd84-280223-1315-1436.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  8. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230321-210323-0326-903/114990924_e06944856df640c78bb5a194920cab43-210323-0326-904.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  9. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230321-210323-0327-905/114990924_e792719d9e434c0697723b478f007d92-210323-0327-906.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  10. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230320-200323-1322-241/114990924_1b86374771394673b8e8f43430e8c9c4-200323-1322-242.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  11. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230424-240423-1058-2643/114990924_ffa5e5ef880a4f3192a11cad12096dcb-240423-1058-2644.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  12. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230424-240423-1724-2809/114990924_80a6205fa0104cf586c06a6a96f88dff-240423-1724-2810.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  13. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230424-240423-1726-2811/114990924_e319203ff5644f28855caf094e94740b-240423-1726-2812.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  14. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230703-030723-1119-23/114990924_fd47c50bc9044f97a0db8a72602f84c5-030723-1119-24.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  15. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230703-030723-1909-317/114990924_9ded0829a8684529ba16e24b76a87a66-030723-1909-318.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  16. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230703-030723-1910-319/114990924_0522496c673941539c4487618db86e61-030723-1910-320.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  17. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230801-010823-1802-1509/114990924_0ecd184454ce4250ba1cbd7401ca9882-010823-1802-1510.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  18. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230801-010823-1801-1507/114990924_8096c86173a443098a80fc3879bc9b20-010823-1801-1508.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  19. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/download/export/pdfexport-20230731-310723-1421-71/114990924_8ff28b48435545aa9290d9a3aab625ea-310723-1421-72.pdf?contentType=application/pdf
    Work In Progress: CPG Authoring Support Efforts are underway to build a clickable demo of a CPG Authoring support. COVID-19 Digital Guideline Working Group (C19 DGWG) Working with a vendor (Apervita) and the University of Minnesota (MHealth Fairview) to create a SMART on FHIR app version of the COVID anticoagulatio…
  20. cmext.ahrq.gov/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?originalVersion=1&pageId=114990920&revisedVersion=5
    September 09, 2021 - *The ACTS Workgroups formed in 2019 to analyze and report on specific areas of the Knowledge Ecosystem

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