December 01, 2023 - addresses the use of algorithms in healthcare, their impact on racial/ethnic disparities in care and approaches
March 01, 2024 - Approaches include
addition of a lab note that contextualizes the result for the clinician
and patient … This manuscript describes how the
use of systematic approaches that account for poor health literacy
February 01, 2014 - Assessing the utility of other innovative approaches to enhance quality. … caregivers, but others cautioned that good candidates are sometimes overlooked because of narrow recruitment approaches … Conclusions
Maryland, Georgia, Utah, and Idaho are using different approaches to test and refine caregiver … needed not only on the options for financing peer support, but also on the effectiveness of different approaches
April 01, 2015 - Currently, the CMS Comprehensive Primary Care initiative20 includes risk-stratified
approaches to CM … modifiable risks
• Use multiple metrics to
identify patients with
modifiable risks
• Develop risk-based
approaches … skills,
appropriate training, and
licensure requirements
• Implement
interprofessional team-
based approaches … Two approaches should be considered: (1) assigning
or hiring a dedicated care manager or (2) distributing
August 01, 2017 - Safety: From Research to Implementation
Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches
October 01, 2021 - authors of the three evidence reviews then provided a
preview of their findings of what is known about approaches … providing collaborative, team-based care necessary for creating the individualized, whole
person approaches … As such, they represent an
important movement away from traditional research approaches that prespecify … Agile implementation is one
of a number of new approaches to conduct research needed to provide the … In terms of inequity, what
are the design, educational or other approaches that will allow all people
January 01, 2023 - based on statistical or mathematical models including machine learning or other artificial intelligence approaches … The online event will explore algorithms’ impacts and approaches to identify and mitigate existing biases
Child Health Care Quality Toolbox
Delivery System Research Initiative
Implementing Team Approaches
January 01, 2019 - The speakers addressed the benefits, challenges, and trade-offs of various approaches to data collection … He discussed approaches to adjusting survey results for patient
mix to ensure that results are comparable … Results from this study showed that mail and mixed mode (web and mail) survey
approaches achieved higher … Also, surveys can be complemented by other
approaches to getting real-time input from patients, such
July 15, 2013 - substantial stakeholder input, and were adapted to local environments, resulting in a wide diversity in approaches … FSPs provide a natural experiment to study various approaches to housing and services
Housing First model
July 01, 2022 - Strategies for Practice Facilitators—distills wisdom and best practices from experts who have honed their approaches … The video Quality Improvement in Healthcare combines history of quality improvement (QI), approaches … Health Quality Ontario’s Quality Improvement Guide (PDF, 3 MB) covers many of the QI approaches and
October 01, 2018 - The PBRN RC is also working to identify innovative, sustainable strategies and approaches to support … Effective approaches for facilitating patient self-management during a pandemic influenza event. 4
December 01, 2021 - Chin has researched practical approaches to improving care of diverse individual patients and addressing
February 01, 2014 - Identifying Key Areas for Delivery Systems Research
Implementing Team Approaches … Innovative approaches to hospital discharge
To what extent can discharge programs operated by hospitals
May 18, 2021 - Job Aid: Introduction to Quality Improvement
Primary Care Practice Facilitator
Training Series
Job Aid: Introduction to Quality Improvement
Quality Improvement (QI) Basics
The QI Process
You will be helping practices to:
Identify areas for improvement.
Set goals.
Develop a plan that…
July 01, 2018 - Still, there are several other quality improvement approaches to use, such as Lean or Six Sigma, and … many of these popular quality improvement approaches employ similar techniques. … Appendix D contains information on where to find more information on these approaches.
September 01, 2020 - Skip to main content
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December 01, 2017 - Overview of the Falls Management Program
The FMP includes two primary approaches to the management … In both approaches, a comprehensive falls assessment should be used to develop individualized care plan … While both approaches are fundamental to a comprehensive program, the burden on staff in terms of increased
March 19, 2014 - Denny Tomlin approaches
Downs and asks for his assistance with recounting some outdated turn-in meds … Technician #1 approaches Smith and says, “Excuse me; I can see you’re busy. … Denny Tomlin approaches
Downs and asks for his assistance with recounting some outdated turn-in meds
December 15, 2022 - guide-to-improving-care-processes-and-outcomes-in-health-
This quality improvement approach can be used to augment current QI approaches … 20Guide%20CDS%20QI%20Worksheet_Essential.docx
This tool can help users document and analyze current approaches