
Total Results: 903 records

Showing results for "approaches".

    December 01, 2007 - Medication Safety (73) Communication and Teamwork (29) Patient Safety Tools (19) Human Factors Approaches … These topics include human factors approaches to improve patient safety, patient safety measure development … 220712 ) Principal Investigators: Zimring Grant Number: R13 HS 015962 Topic(s): Human Factors Approaches … Grant Number: UC1 HS 014253 Topic(s): Human Factors Approaches To Improve Patient Safety, Medication
    November 01, 2023 - Whole-person and whole-community approaches can reduce fragmentation and address inequities’ root causes … examined the use of healthcare algorithms and their impact on racial/ethnic disparities in care and approaches … the critical need for health services research, regardless of focus area or domain, to be grounded in approaches
    July 01, 2021 - with managing opioid use and misuse in older adults; to create a compendium of tools, strategies, and approaches … primary care settings; to support primary care practices in developing and testing innovative strategies, approaches … This 3-year grant program aims to disseminate and implement into primary care practices evidence-based approaches
    January 01, 2024 - The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of five approaches to identifying live births … 1 and 3 resulted in overcounts of births and Approaches 2 and 5 resulted in undercounts. … The authors discuss current and historical policy approaches across housing, employment, health insurance … This study investigated variability in surgical approaches to hernias in patients with ascites. … Variability in surgical approaches to hernias in patients with ascites.
    February 01, 2021 - continued heavy focus on field-based, real-world informed development, testing, and implementation of new approaches … practical tools, guidance, and training to support effective implementation and sustainment of new approaches … Advance data-driven approaches for population health management and delivery of patient-centered care
    November 01, 2021 - Dissemination Grants (R18) These proposals should demonstrate, disseminate, and evaluate the strategies and approaches … should focus on the adoption and implementation, including sustainment and spread, of evidence-based approaches
    March 01, 2021 - Hypertension This research summary of a systematic review compares the effectiveness of various methods and approaches … Guide to Lowering Your Blood Pressure with DASH This patient education article explains the Dietary Approaches … Pressure Following the DASH Eating Plan This patient handout offers tips for implementing the Dietary Approaches … PCOR) compares the impact of two or more preventive, diagnostic, treatment, or health care delivery approaches
    November 01, 2018 - Several QI approaches have become popular in health care. … ), Lean (focused on efficiency), Six Sigma (focused on standardization), and several patient safety approaches … Each of these QI approaches employs a set of QI tools, such as run charts, process and workflow maps,
    December 01, 2016 - Takeaway Points ■ Providers use different approaches than the plan: Physician organizations used … varying approaches to both targeting patients and delivering CM services, and these approaches generally
    November 01, 2019 - . ☐ Yes: Provides back up to ASP if prescribers do not follow AS approaches ☐ Yes: Other: Program … ☐ Review antibiotic use data and recommend improvement approaches ☐ Review the antibiogram and recommend … improvement approaches ☐ Review Clostridioides difficile infection rates and recommend improvement approaches … education regarding optimal antibiotic prescribing ☐ Review ASP responses to antibiotic shortages ☐ Review approaches
    July 01, 2013 - Medication Safety (73) Communication and Teamwork (29) Patient Safety Tools (19) Human Factors Approaches … These topics include human factors approaches to improve patient safety, patient safety measure development … Grant Number: R13 HS 020565 Topic(s): Human Factors Approaches To Improve Patient Safety Publication
    February 01, 2016 - Review approaches for developing valid and reliable scores that are fair to providers and easy for people … Review the advantages and disadvantages of several approaches that aim to make it as easy as possible
    January 01, 2015 - Training Slide ‹#› 9 Objectives Describe the importance of knowing your training audience Discuss approaches … for tailoring TeamSTEPPS training to your audience Present approaches for engaging your audience utilizing
    October 01, 2017 - Other approaches, such as in-person distribution and in-person interviews, have been explored to a lesser … Newer approaches, however, such as Web/e-mail and interactive voice response (IVR) are gaining increasing … There is limited and conflicting CAHPS research comparing these two approaches, but current AHRQ CAHPS … However, more research using experimental approaches is needed to determine whether shorter versions … While other survey modes and approaches potentially hold promise, more research is needed to better
    February 01, 2024 - Examples, teaching approaches, and other resources in the curriculum are designed to reinforce this focus … people learn or teach TeamSTEPPS 3.0, using discussions, exercises, video-based simulations, and other approaches
    October 01, 2023 - , format, and length; the use of incentives to encourage responses; alternative sampling frames and approaches … to sampling; and the use of additional modes or modification to existing data collection approaches.
    March 21, 2014 - (Nurse #1 approaches Nurse #3.) Nurse #1: “Maureen, I can see you're busy.
    July 01, 2023 - The research cataloged here describes some of the approaches used to implement TeamSTEPPS 3.0 in specific
    May 01, 2017 - This module will not cover the evidence regarding the various approaches to fetal monitoring (for example … intermittent auscultation vs. continuous electronic monitoring) but rather will focus on strategies and approaches … appropriate patients the option of selecting between continuous EFM and intermittent auscultation or other approaches … buy-in from champions or other influential individuals can help in getting individuals who resist new approaches
    March 01, 2021 - We turn to evidence to understand what works and how best to integrate effective approaches and treatments … It compares different medical treatments, approaches, and interventions to understand which are most

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