March 01, 2014 - We repeated the
analysis using an alternative statistical approach, the profile
likelihood method. … In response to
the 2005 USPSTF recommendation for a selective screen-
ing approach targeting men aged … A different
high-risk approach using a validated multifactorial risk cal-
culator that considers family … As an example of a high-risk approach, screening pro-
grams targeting women who currently smoke could … or
smoking history is as strong of a predictor of AAA, which
makes developing a multiple risk factor approach
January 01, 2023 - Addressing the Health of the Entire Population
The APA is broadening its approach to promoting mental … APA encourages psychologists to adopt a population
health approach to their work, which focuses on improving … Using this approach when providing care to
patients, healthcare professionals would take into account … Implementing a population health approach will help to improve the health
of more people and reduce … It will
provide a systematic approach to classifying and prioritizing evidence gaps for funders and
January 01, 2023 - Addressing the Health of the Entire Population
The APA is broadening its approach to promoting mental … APA encourages psychologists to adopt a population
health approach to their work, which focuses on improving … Using this approach when providing care to
patients, healthcare professionals would take into account … Implementing a population health approach will help to improve the health
of more people and reduce … It will
provide a systematic approach to classifying and prioritizing evidence gaps for funders and
January 25, 2022 - negative predictive value was 100%.2,23
The USPSTF found 2 trials that used an intermittent screening
approach … and 2 trials that used a continuous screening approach.
May 14, 2021 - Methods Approach .................................................................................... … Methods Approach
This report integrates information obtained from searches of the published and grey … A better approach to opioid prescribing in primary care. J
Fam Pract. 2014;63(6):E1-8. … Development of a standardized approach for
managing opioids in adults with chronic noncancer pain. … Safer and more appropriate opioid prescribing: a
large healthcare system's comprehensive approach.
April 17, 2018 - A pragmatic approach to identifying older persons at high risk for falls would be to assess for a history … A pragmatic approach to identifying persons at high risk for falls, consistent with the enrollment criteria … The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends STEADI, a coordinated approach to implementing
April 17, 2018 - A pragmatic approach to identifying older persons at high risk for falls would be to assess for a history … A pragmatic approach to identifying persons at high risk for falls, consistent with the enrollment criteria … The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends STEADI, a coordinated approach to implementing
February 15, 2006 - screening instruments that include child and caretaker components could lead to a more standardized approach … 75
44 in 2 groups
Clinician-directed individual directive approach … vs. interactive approach for 600 minutes per week for 8 months
Improved scores on 6 of 7 measures … A multimethod approach to the evaluation of community preschool speech and language therapy provision … The effectiveness of therapy for child phonological disorder: the Metaphon approach.
February 15, 2006 - screening instruments that include child and caretaker components could lead to a more standardized approach … 75
44 in 2 groups
Clinician-directed individual directive approach … vs. interactive approach for 600 minutes per week for 8 months
Improved scores on 6 of 7 measures … A multimethod approach to the evaluation of community preschool speech and language therapy provision … The effectiveness of therapy for child phonological disorder: the Metaphon approach.
May 01, 2004 - Multimodal
approach to screening for ovarian cancer. Lancet.
16. … A combined approach for the early
detection of ovarian cancer in asymptomatic women.
March 07, 2017 - Multimodal approach to screening for ovarian cancer. Lancet . 1988;1(8580):268-271. … A combined approach for the early detection of ovarian cancer in asymptomatic women. … relevant outcomes or had incomplete outcomes; Intervention: Study used an excluded intervention/screening approach … Assess relative merits of different approaches to detecting genital HSV infection, including the approach
November 01, 2008 - the
intent of the USPSTF to endorse this particular ap-
proach to surveillance, but standardizing the approach … The decision modeling analysis prepared for the
USPSTF used a microsimulation approach to compare the
April 01, 2004 - It represents a risk-based approach to the
* Suspected disease: the primary care clinician either visually … Our approach
was to base the appraisal of the evidence on
existing systematic and traditional reviews … conditions by primary care
clinicians would strengthen the evidence base for
this incompletely evaluated approach
September 22, 2014 - Many successful interventions used a targeted approach to the age, sex, and ethnicity of the participants
January 01, 2001 - Clinical,
and home
* Key questions are an integral part of the approach
June 06, 2017 - polypectomy for tumors limited to the
colonic mucosa or surgical resection (via laparoscopy or open approach … guidelines”) would allow for better understanding
of the net benefit associated with this screening approach … In contrast to theevidence reviewperformed for the
USPSTF in 2008, this reviewexpanded its approach … However, a combined approach of flexible
sigmoidoscopy repeated every 10 years with annual FIT screening … With this
recommendation, the USPSTF acknowledges that there is no
“one size fits all” approach to
May 23, 2016 - USPSTF Issues Draft Recommendation on Primary Care Interventions to Support Breastfeeding
USPSTF Bulletin
An independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention
and evidence-based medicine
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Issues
Draft Recommendation on Primary Care Interventions
to Support Breas…
July 01, 2013 - 1-step
diagnostic test for GDM because it more rapidly diagnoses
affected women (12); however, this approach … Comparison of Diagnostic Thresholds for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus*
Approach Glucose
Load, g
Diagnostic … Treatment ben-
efits have been shown with a 2-step approach (65, 66). … A 2-step approach to GDM screening has
been shown to be more cost-effective then a 1-step ap-
proach … Gestational diabetes: using a portable
glucometer to simplify the approach to screening.
February 01, 2010 - representing 15 professional
medical organizations revised 1998
recommendations on how clinicians
should approach … for obesity.11 For over-
weight and obese patients, the expert
committee proposed using a stepwise
approach … Critics of this approach
believe that quality will suffer without the intimacy of an in-person visit
December 07, 2005 - screening
instruments that include child and caretaker components could lead to a more standardized
approach … A multimethod approach
to the evaluation of community preschool speech and language therapy provision … The effectiveness of therapy for child phonolgical disorder: the
Metaphon approach. … reported Poor
Cole, 198675 Syntax 44 in 2
38-69 Clinician-directed individual
directive approach … vs. interactive
approach for 600 minutes per
week for 8 months
Improved scores on 6 of 7 measures